zlib1.dll is missing ERROR
I followed the server guide posted here on EQEmu located on the homepage left side links.
Everything works just as it's explained in the setup guide until I get to the start your server all the way at the bottom of the guide.
When I run my start.bat file, the terminals:
open up with a "System Error" pop up for each terminal that reads:
"The program can't start because zlib.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
I've done several searches on the forums for this issue for:
zlib error
zlib,dll error
zlib.dll is missing
I followed the instructions that I could find on the issue such as:
reinstalling everything
copying zlib.dll into windows32
creating c\zlib and copying the zlib files to that file
Do I need to re-compile everything after I've done the previous stated instructions? or Is there something else I'm missing?
On a side note. I tried the Akka's PEQ Server Repack and I started a server just fine, created a char, and logged in. I had errors from there, but the server started with no zlib errors.
Any help is appreciated.
Programs installed:
ActivePerl MSWin 32 x86
cmake 3.4.0 rc1 win 32 x86
Git 2.6.1 64 bit
MySQL 5.1.73 win 32
npp 6.8.3
TortoiseSVN x64 svn 1.902
wdexpress_full (Visual studio express 2013 for windows desktop)