Things I (and you) remember from original release everquest
I think it would be important to keep a running list of our memories of release everquest and how sure we are. I think this post could be a good reference and I will keep adding to it as I play more on eqemu and spot anything that I don't rememer being there in 99.
So a pretty big thing was I remember if a guard killed your mob no matter how close it was to dead it didn't allow you to loot it or get xp.
I think there was only 2 griffons in EC but not positive.
Sand scarabs were called giant scarabs back then and were only found in nro (dunno about south) and maybe oasis.
no lions in commons, only in qeynos. No grizzlies in commons. No giant or large firebeetles. No plains cats or any other type of cats this side of the karanas besides pumas. No young pumas or plains cats and pumas, I believe, were exclusively found on sand. no armadillos (not that i see any on eqemu), no gila monsters, Everything else seems about right. Lots of crocs pathing in the water I remember my warrior friend would practically exclusively pull from under water.
I don't believe kithicor was dangerous. I remember the hardest time going from qeynos to freeport was the kodiacks and willowisps in west commons. And maybe lions. I don't remember hill giants but I may have missed them. I remember many more things aggro'd me in 99 but mabye thats because I was a cleric then and a druid now. Willowisps did aggro me back then.
There were no blue xp bar. I'm sure this point is common knowlege. Night time as a human you could see nothing except your feet even with a lantern lol. You would be very very lucky if you could follow a trail with a lantern and were staring straight down at the ground especially in faydark as that was a stark memory. Also the crushbone and unrest entry/exit was pitch black and you couldn't see where you were.
I'll keep adding to this as I remember and please add your own memories as well! This may not be a perfect resource but is certainly a resource people can use when editing databse to make a classic db.