Personal Tribute drops effects/items on zoning
I've noticed this recently (past 3 months or so), across multiple servers, with both RoF and UF clients, and have run a forum search and do not see another report like this one.
Standard to Low Urgency
Not ALWAYS reproducible, but is still common enough to verify with minimal played time and a regular player account.
Personal Tribute selections are dropping one or more at a time once players have zoned out of the hometown zone, usually using #peqzone. I believe this also effects those who zone out normally to an adjacent zone, but I do not have screenshots of it happening under those circumstances.
A player adopts five Tribute Selections that are available to them (the max number allowed; no custom file or files) at an ordinary unmodified Personal Tribute Master in their hometown or any other, but upon zoning as described, it will drop anywhere from one to four of them, tho not all.
This happens whether OR NOT one has the Tribute Window OPEN and whether OR NOT one actually has Tribute "running" (counting down in 10:00 minute intervals).
The selections are all valid, the window being open makes no difference, and it makes no difference if the counters are running or not.
The very process of zoning seems to cause this, and it is as if the server side is not counting all of the hidden tribute slot "items"- or, not verifying them, or applying them. I cannot tell if the missing tributes are effects or items; both are gone when this happens, and simply re-zoning and re-taking the missing item or items from the TM does not usually fix all or any of the chosen missing Tribute selections. Merely re-zoning or character relogging never restores them either, so, this does not seem to be client side on the surface.