Originally Posted by Huppy
Hey Almusious, I just got around to testing this out, this morning. I couldn't get any response out of the NPC with it.
The initial hail>follow script will serve it's purpose, but thinking ahead, would open up an exploit with conflicting players.
Could end up with 2 players (or more) spamming the npc with "Hail's" to steal it away. Would be funny to watch, lol
The code is all fubared, wasn't paying much attention, for that I'm sorry. $entity should be just that, so $npc or $client, I would probably put the entity variable on the $npc, since it's getting depoped. Speaking of which that is off too, quest::depop($npc->GetNPCTypeID()) is how that line should be, according to the wiki.
Heck those conditionals look off as well, mustve been the ambien, sorry.