Hackerquest is a simple zipfile which comes with a integrated Database so no SQL is needed. simply unzip, copy one file into everquest and it works. and finally it works with the current version of everquest. Thats a lot more than this emu does...
You have no idea what you are saying. so let me clear this up.
Dev version on cvs i can log in on. walk arround. woohoo look it does all that hackersquest does!
EQEMU does alot that the HQ eqemu cant do. Pets/quests/refined combat/mobs that cast spells/roaming mobs/mobs that summon, enrage, flurry ect
I could go on but why bother. if you think about it eqemu will always take longer to update because we have more feature sets that need to be fixed.[/quote]
(Former)Senior EQEMu Developer
GuildWars Co-Founder / World Builder.
World Builder and Co-Founder Zek [PVP/Guild Wars/City Takeovers]
Member of the "I hate devn00b" Club
Most Senior EQEMu Member.
Current Work:
EverQuest 2 Emulator. Zeklabs Server