6-16-04 Opcodes. updated can Group more then 2 ppl now.
#define OP_GroupFollow2 0x00d7
#define OP_RaidInvite 0x01e3
The OP_RaidInvite doesn't have code i guess i only posted opcode incase there were some Creatives out there.
here make sure you update these.
#define OP_Consider 0x015c
#define OP_SenseHeading 0x00c3
#define OP_InspectAnswer 0x0249
#define OP_PetitionDelete 0x0091
#define OP_TrackUnknown 0x009c
#define OP_DisarmTraps 0x018e
#define OP_GroupInvite2 0x00d5
#define OP_Save 0x00fb
#define OP_ConsiderCorpse 0x01d6
#define OP_DeleteSpell 0x01db
Notice it says 6-16-04 that means ONLY do this if your running dr6.
Server Owner Midnight Rayne.