The Fight on Nalgora! Custom-Legit
Hey guys,
The Fight on Nalgora is ready. This is a very well made custom legit server. Everything is completly customised zones/quests/items everything. I made tons of quests and trail quests. There are corrently 4 customised zones ready. I'am working now on the next one. Untill then the other 4 zones supports up to the max level so it will take time for people to get max level.
Anyway, I am seeking donations so I can put it on a dedicated. I am running the server through my home pc with only upload of 256kb. So its up for anyone who wants to test it. I am also looking for someone who could make a website for the server. Gms aswell.
So come and try it! =) And if you can donate please PM me.
I run the server on 6.0 for now. Would appreciate comments/suggestions.
Have fun!