This is just something I ran in to, thought I would share the solution for those who might be looking.
If you saved your peq from a
windows server and sourced it in to a
linux server using your own private loginserver
but when you tried to login with your client and possibly got a message, "username and/or password invalid",
this is the problem I found:
The ./loginserver terminal was dumping a bunch of messages with MySQL query failed when the
./world connected to the login server. The server would still run but could not login with client.
This solution ONLY applies to why I was getting that message on mine.
There is 4 tables in the peq, NOTICE, these table names have both upper and lower case letters:
For anyone that knows linux, everything it does in naming, commands, etc., is case sensitive.
When I sourced in the peq I had on my windows box, those table names were all in lower case letters.
So when I tried to login with client, the query could not find the account, could not find the table names.
It was a pain in the butt, but a simple fix. I downloaded the most recent peq zip and inside there was the
loadlogin.sql which updated the peq with the new tables.
before I sourced it in, I deleted the 4 tables that were in lower case letters. Then of course I had to redo the initial
settings in those tables for accounts, etc.
I used this script for sourcing in a new account, since it has the proper letter casing for the table:
INSERT INTO tblLoginServerAccounts (AccountName, AccountPassword, AccountEmail, LastLoginDate, LastIPAddress) VALUES('username', sha('password'), '', now(), '');