Ok, my issues probably wont affect you if you have a stock linux install. The namespace issue deals with a difference between gcc 2.96 and 3 in dealing with namespaces, I have to go into any files that use hex:: or dec:: and add 'using nampespace std;' below the include lines. I also have to add 'include <stdarg.h>' into a few files that use some va_ functions. Im not 100% positive why Im the only one having that problem, but its a quick fix nonetheless so Im not going to spend alot of cycles on it.
What ya do is, download the source, unpack it.. cd to the zone directory and type 'make', then go over to the world directory and do the same thing.
If you get any errors, post them here and we'll work em out.
You should compile just fine out of the box if you dont have a mutant machine like me.