Ive never seen anyone or even heard of where to buy a horse on PEQ.
But I will include a bridle in place of the discord book on my server so everyone starts with one! I dont know why the other servers dont have luclin
seeing as Cavedude was so generous to give up his DB. I have it going now and will include luclin and tha ability to zone to all zones(even the empty ones) except maybe the closest ones.(Like I want to have some sort of use for the POK stones LOL.)
Also I plan to use the "unused zones" like Dulaks Harbor to create a custom spawned zone. Also to create custom zones using Open Zone.
Sorry if this was a plug for my server but I just want to say I intend to include things that arent normally found on an emu server because of the limitations of no luclin and beyond. Like you will be able to find this somewhere.
Also guide items..Lots of guide items!
Now to learn to make custom merchant lists and droplists..Im such a noob