As you can force load models in a zone, by creating or editing a "zonename_chr.txt"
You can also load particles and effects since OoW.
Check your EQ directory, you will find some files named "Zonename_environmentemitters.txt"
Inside, you will always find text like that :
First line must ALWAYS be the same for EVERY zones, it set the variables lines
2nd line say :
Redlitesm = name of the effect
27 = ID of the effect
-6.xxxxxxx = 1st coord (X)
-689.xxxxxx = 2nd coord (Y)
37.xxxxxx = 3rd coord (Z)
9999999 = unkown yet, no need to change
Now create a file Kurn_enironmentEmitters.txt
Inside, copy this :
statue fire89^38^0^0^10^9999999
(you need to be out of the zone when you create the file)
It say it will put the particle effect statue fire89, with ID 38, at the loc 0 , 0, 10
Now zone in, and check
there will be a fire bowl in the middle of the main room