noticed someone fixing a problem the other day simply by looking at the different OPCODES between 6.2 and Titanium. Seemed to fix the problem (well some of it). Thought it might be useful to extract all OPCODES and list all of the different ones, might help, but probably won't
This list is not complete (90% ish) , only shows those different opcodes. The number on the left is the Titanium code, number on the right is the 6.2 code. I do not endorse chaging OPCODES at all, and i know that changing them will probably make things worse rather than better. If in doubt, seek Development assistance... No dount this list will be out of date within a matter of weeks. If anyone does find this useful, please let me know and i am happy to try and keep it upto date.,
Titanium 6.2
OP_AAAction= 0x0681 0x3af4
OP_AAExpUpdate= 0x5f58 0x6dd8
OP_AcceptNewTask= 0x0000 0x207f
OP_Action= 0x497c 0x4513
OP_Animation= 0x2acf 0x0b71
OP_AnnoyingZoneUnknown= 0x729c 0x0000
OP_ApproveName= 0x3ea6 0x46b1
OP_ApproveWorld= 0x3c25 0x41b1
OP_Assist= 0x7709 0x5D02
OP_AutoAttack= 0x5e55 0x6c47
OP_AutoAttack2= 0x0701 0x0fa6
OP_BazaarSearch= 0x1ee9 0x524e
OP_BecomeCorpse= 0x4DBC 0x128c
OP_BecomePVPPrompt= 0x36B2
OP_Begging= 0x13e7 0x2c81
OP_Bind_Wound= 0x601d 0x4796
OP_BoardBoat= 0x4298 0x67c9
OP_Buff= 0x6a53 0x33dc
OP_BuffFadeMsg= 0x0b2d 0x4bc6
OP_Bug= 0x7ac2 0x3eba
OP_Camp= 0x78c1 0x2844
OP_CancelTask= 0x0000 0x4c8c
OP_CastSpell= 0x304b 0x4839
OP_CharacterCreate= 0x10b2 0x6160
OP_CharacterStillInZone= 0x60fa
OP_CharInacessable= 0x436A 0x28aa
OP_CharInventory= 0x5394 0x15ff
OP_Charm= 0x0000 0x0dff
OP_ClearObject= 0x711e 0x8258
OP_ClickDoor= 0x043b 0x700d
OP_ClickObject= 0x3bc2 0x0f47
OP_CombatAbility= 0x5ee8 0x5e55
OP_CompletedTasks= 0x76a2 0x53c4
OP_ConfirmDelete= 0x3838 0x28f2
OP_Consider= 0x65ca 0x2717
OP_ConsiderCorpse= 0x773f 0x673c
OP_Consume= 0x77d6 0x7a83
OP_CrashDump= 0x7825 0x6d5d
OP_Damage= 0x5c78 0x1848
OP_Death= 0x6160 0x5188
OP_DeclineAllTasks= 0x0000 0x207f
OP_DeleteCharacter= 0x26c9 0x0920
OP_DeleteItem= 0x4d81 0x1c4a
OP_DeleteSpawn= 0x55bc 0x1a64
OP_DeleteSpell= 0x4f37 0x3fe6
OP_DisarmTraps= 0x1214 x0000
OP_DuelResponse= 0x1b09 0x2e78
OP_DuelResponse2= 0x0000 0x3bad
OP_Dye= 0x00dd 0x773f
OP_Emote= 0x547a 0x55bc
OP_EndLootRequest= 0x2316 0x7fe4
OP_EnterWorld= 0x7cba 0x7262
OP_EnvDamage= 0x31b3 0x0990
OP_ExpansionInfo= 0x04ec 0x5c78
OP_ExploreUnknown= 0x0000 0x0292
OP_FaceChange= 0x0f8e 0x763b
OP_Feedback= 0x5306 0x224d
OP_FeignDeath= 0x7489 0x2ad8
OP_FloatListThing= 0x6a1b 0x7510
OP_Forage= 0x4796 0x7c32
OP_FormattedMessage= 0x5a48 0x42cd
OP_FriendsWho= 0x0000 0x41db
OP_GetGuildMOTD= 0x7fec 0x3246
OP_GetGuildsList= 0x0000 0x7fec
OP_GiveMoney= 0x0000 0x56d4
OP_GMApproval= 0x0c0f 0x0000
OP_GMDelCorpse= 0x0b2f 0x727a
OP_GMEmoteWorld= 0x3383 0x3905
OP_GMEmoteZone= 0x39f2 0x181c
OP_GMEndTraining= 0x613d 0x0a94
OP_GMFind= 0x5930 0x5e6a
OP_GMGoto= 0x1cee 0x69c8
OP_GMHideMe= 0x15b2 0x0581
OP_GMKick= 0x692c 0x1cee
OP_GMKill= 0x6980 0x692c
OP_GMLastName= 0x23a1 0x0c81
OP_GMSearchCorpse= 0x3c32 0x7f3e
OP_GMSummon= 0x1edc 0x3383
OP_GMToggle= 0x7fea 0x5ce2
OP_GMTraining= 0x238f 0x613d
OP_GMTrainSkill= 0x11d2 0x3838
OP_GMZoneRequest= 0x1306 0x61ff
OP_GroundSpawn= 0x0f47 0x736b
OP_GroupAcknowledge= 0x0000 0x0797
OP_GroupCancelInvite= 0x1f27 0x42c9
OP_GroupDisband= 0x0e76 0x4033
OP_GroupFollow= 0x7bc7 0x1b48
OP_GroupFollow2= 0x0000 0x1f27
OP_GroupInvite= 0x1b48 0x3853
OP_GroupUpdate= 0x2dd6 0x66ba
OP_GuildDelete= 0x6cce 0x5a4d
OP_GuildDemote= 0x4eb9 0x1f46
OP_GuildInvite= 0x18b7 0x61d0
OP_GuildInviteAccept= 0x61d0 0x0179
OP_GuildLeader= 0x12b1 0x1ef1
OP_GuildMemberUpdate= 0x0f4d 0x4cc7
OP_GuildMOTD= 0x475a 0x21ed
OP_GuildPeace= 0x215a 0x0e37
OP_GuildRemove= 0x0179 0x6cce
OP_GuildWar= 0x0c81 0x186d
OP_Hide= 0x4312 0x6f64
OP_HPUpdate= 0x3bcf 0x217b
OP_Illusion= 0x448d 0x7441
OP_InitialHPUpdate= 0x0000 0x7ac2
OP_InitialMobHealth= 0x3d2d 0x2ecc
OP_InspectAnswer= 0x2403 0x2dd6
OP_InspectRequest= 0x775d 0x2403
OP_InterruptCast= 0x0b97 0x0db3
OP_ItemLinkResponse= 0x667c 0x1d43
OP_Jump= 0x0797 0x4dbc
OP_KnowledgeBase= 0x0000 0x4a52
OP_LeadershipExpToggle= 0x5b37 0x17bf
OP_LeadershipExpUpdate= 0x0000 0x7416
OP_LeaveBoat= 0x67c9 0x7187
OP_LevelAppearance= 0x0000 0x358e
OP_LFGAppearance= 0x0000 0x024d
OP_LFGCommand= 0x68ac 0x022f
OP_LFGGetMatchesRequest= 0x022f 0x6f82
OP_LFGGetMatchesResponse= 0x45d0 0x06c5
OP_LFGResponse= 0x0000 0x1fe1
OP_LFPCommand= 0x6f82 0x35a6
OP_LFPGetMatchesRequest= 0x35a6 0x45d0
OP_LFPGetMatchesResponse= 0x45d0 0x63fe
OP_LockoutTimerInfo= 0x7f63 0x7c12
OP_Logout= 0x61ff 0x0701
OP_LogoutReply= 0x3cdc 0x48c2
OP_LogServer= 0x0fa6 0x4668
OP_LootComplete= 0x0a94 0x20b2
OP_LootItem= 0x7081 0x2acf
OP_LootRequest= 0x6f90 0x2316
OP_ManaChange= 0x4839 0x0b2d
OP_MemorizeSpell= 0x308e 0x05ac
OP_MendHPUpdate= 0x0000 0x1ffa
OP_MobHealth= 0x0695 0x3d2d
OP_MobHealth= 0x0695 0x3d2d
OP_MobRename= 0x0498 0x3230
OP_MoneyOnCorpse= 0x7fe4 0x2fca
OP_MoneyUpdate= 0x267c 0x425c
OP_MOTD= 0x024d 0x7fea
OP_MoveCoin= 0x7657 0x1dd9
OP_MoveDoor= 0x700d 0x0ef7
OP_MoveItem= 0x420f 0x7657
OP_MoveLogRequest= 0x7510 0x78e8
OP_NewSpawn= 0x1860 0x4f11
OP_NewZone= 0x0920 0x7ac5
OP_OnLevelMessage= 0x0000 0x1dde
OP_OpenGuildTributeMaster= 0x0000 0x60b6
OP_OpenNewTasksWindow= 0x0000 0x5e7c
OP_OpenTributeReply= 0x27B3 0x0000
OP_PetCommands= 0x10a1 0x58b2
OP_PetitionDelete= 0x5692 0x0000
OP_PetitionResolve= 0x0000 0x6ea9
OP_PetitionSearch= 0x0000 0x2aec
OP_PetitionSearchResults= 0x0000 0x2aec
OP_PetitionUpdate= 0x0000 0x3813
OP_PickLockSuccess= 0x40E7 0x4a2a
OP_PickPocket= 0x2ad8 0x75df
OP_PlayerProfile= 0x75df 0x46d9
OP_PostEnterWorld= 0x52A4 0x0df0
OP_PurchaseLeadershipAA= 0x0000 0x07f1
OP_QueryResponseThing= 0x1974 0x6379
OP_RaidInvite= 0x5891 0x1f21
OP_RaidJoin= 0x1f21 0x0000
OP_RaidUpdate= 0x1f21 0x1974
OP_RandomReq= 0x5534 0x21e0
OP_RecipeAutoCombine= 0x0353 0x7822
OP_RecipeDetails= 0x4ea2 0x0353
OP_RecipeReply= 0x31f8 0x4ea2
OP_RecipesSearch= 0x164d 0x31f8
OP_ReclaimCrystals= 0x7cfe 0x12fd
OP_Report= 0x7f9d 0x0375
OP_ReqClientSpawn= 0x0322 0x0e76
OP_ReqNewZone= 0x7ac5 0x47c9
OP_RequestClientZoneChange= 0x7834 0x1235
OP_RequestKnowledgeBase= 0x0000 0x7584
OP_RequestTitles= 0x0000 0x5eba
OP_RespondAA= 0x3af4 0x35e8
OP_RezzAnswer= 0x0000 0x6219
OP_RezzComplete= 0x0000 0x60fa
OP_RezzRequest= 0x0000 0x417a
OP_SafeFallSuccess= 0x0000 0x5309
OP_Save= 0x736b 0x6d9b
OP_SaveOnZoneReq= 0x1540 0x2baf
OP_SendCharInfo= 0x4513 0x732c
OP_SendLoginInfo= 0x4dd0 0x2792
OP_SendTitleList= 0x0000 0x3e89
OP_SendZonepoints= 0x3eba 0x775d
OP_SenseHeading= 0x05ac 0x5666
OP_SenseTraps= 0x5666 0x24ab
OP_SetChatServer= 0x00d7 0x6238
OP_SetGuildMOTD= 0x591c 0x475a
OP_SetRunMode= 0x4aba 0x0342
OP_SetServerFilter= 0x6563 0x7709
OP_SetTitle= 0x0000 0x1f22
OP_SetTitleReply= 0x0000 0x5eab
OP_ShopRequest= 0x45f9 0x3c4b
OP_SimpleMessage= 0x673c 0x5a48
OP_Sneak= 0x74e1 0x4312
OP_SomeItemPacketMaybe= 0x4033 0x497c
OP_Sound= 0x0000 0x4a1d
OP_SpawnAppearance= 0x7c32 0x18b7
OP_SpecialMesg= 0x2372 0x5ef7
OP_Split= 0x4848 0x6a53
OP_Stamina= 0x7a83 0x74ab
OP_Surname= 0x4668 0x48fe
OP_SwapSpell= 0x2126 0x36b2
OP_TargetCommand= 0x1477 0x6563
OP_TargetMouse= 0x6c47 0x2274
OP_TaskActivity= 0x682d 0x3ba8
OP_TaskDescription= 0x5ef7 0x682d
OP_TaskMemberList= 0x0000 0x09b6
OP_Taunt= 0x5e48 0x5306
OP_TestBuff= 0x6ab0 0x0000
OP_TGB= 0x0c11 0x5e51
OP_Track= 0x5d11 0x5205
OP_TrackTarget= 0x0000 0x71ae
OP_TrackUnknown= 0x6177 0x74e1
OP_TradeMoneyUpdate= 0x0000 0x3e63
OP_Trader= 0x0000 0x66f9
OP_TraderBuy= 0x6dd8 0x0f8e
OP_TraderShop= 0x0000 0x0681
OP_TributeNPC= 0x7f25 0x0000
OP_TributeTimer= esting 0x4665
OP_UpdateLeadershipAA= 0x0000 0x3eec
OP_WearChange= 0x7441 0x601d
OP_Weather= 0x254d 0x65ca
OP_WhoAllResponse= 0x757b 0x6686
OP_World_Client_CRC1= 0x5072 0x254d
OP_World_Client_CRC2= 0x5b18 0x16c9
OP_WorldLogout= 0x7718 0x7186
OP_WorldUnknown001= 0x0000 0x7510
OP_YellForHelp= 0x61ef 0x2e20
OP_ZoneChange= 0x5dd8 0x60ef
OP_ZoneEntry= 0x7213 0x2ec9
OP_ZoneGuildList= 0x68AC
OP_ZoneServerInfo= 0x61b6 0x407c
OP_ZoneSpawns= 0x2e78 0x5ee8
OP_ZoneUnavail= 0x407C 0x6d95