On the subject of helping.
I have spent the last 2 or 3 years watching this site, I love the world of eq and wanted to create my own expansions. However I'm not a programmer or a 3d artist. (just got a Wacom graphics tablet....LOVE IT). The areas I could possible help are in updating the web-site?! I have noticed that there are no links to get from the forum side to the wiki side, furthermore the main page has to be linked back to from a favorites list. There is a half done wiki on the db and no real guides on setting db options. For me I like having these types of tools available. Can I help the main programmer or dbase groups move forward..not by much. But I will help out on the site. My current interest is in... ...zones... ...my own expansion. The previous was omitted due to rules I have read in various places.
I'll start looking at the wiki's, I dont know if I can update them, but If I can I'll try to help where I can.