Ok here is a bit fo a problem.
i have looked all over the forum but i stil can't get this complitly.
as far as i understand it:
$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4 - these respocible for each of the 4 slots, and very strict. As far as i understand this can be used to track items put in specific slots only.
$itemcount - this one supose to count all items.
taken from Quest guide:
if($itemcount{1001} == 2)
this will respond if i given NPC excatly TWO items.
if($itemcount{1001} == 1) -this one works for 1 item only.
But my quetsion is, how do i make NPC to respond individualy to each item given, where quest requres only 1 item?
in otherwords, if $itemcount set to be equal to 1, NPC will only respond if only 1 item is given and if you give him more he will "eat" all the items.
If you set it to 4 - you MUSt give him 4 items at a time.
So, how do i make it so I can give more than 1 item at a time but NPC gives quest reward for each???
Is there is a way I can mayby set up counting loop inside $intemcount?
So far NPC eaither accepts the excat number of items or just eats all of them when itemcount does not match.