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Old 02-22-2008, 10:21 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 122
Default Jaggedpine druid armor quests

Since one of my friends always plays as a druid, I recently found myself implementing all of the quests of the "of the pine" druid armor, which begins with the npcs Cheyloh and Nolan Greenwood in the Jaggedpine Forest. It also heavily involves two npcs in Surefall Glade, Jhaya and Lerian Wyndrunner.

#Cheyloh_Greenwood.pl - jaggedpine directory
# Cheyloh Greenwood
# Jaggedpine druid armor quest
# by RealityIncarnate

if($text=~/Hail/i) {
quest::emote("gives a warm smile");
quest::say("Greetings traveler and welcome to Fort Jaggedpine, our humble, though suitable home. If you have need of my [wares or talents], then please do not hesitate to inquire. I am always more than willing to share our ancient knowledge with our kin of the outside world.");

if($text=~/wares or talents/i) {
quest::say("Here in the Jaggedpine, I serve as a seamstress and one of many protectors of our precious home. Our people will often come to me in search of my talents in the ways of weaving. Often times my father and his students will seek to borrow my knowledge of the natural world and The Rainkeeper to weave specific pieces of an [ancient suit of leather] worn by our most adept and dedicated of druids.");

if($text=~/ancient suit of leather/i) {
quest::say("When our ancestors were young to the Jaggedpine and the Throne of Karana's Thunder was in the fledgling years of its establishment, a young seamstress and druid by the name of Hymara Cloudweaver discovered the laws of accepting nature's gifts in return for our services in protecting her. Hymara used these gifts of the wilderness to sew a complex suit of armor, which she then wove energies of the wilderness into. These gifts were used solely for the purpose of the protection of the pine, and we uphold her legacy to t his day. The armor is acquired upon a [path of devotion] successfully walked by our most devoted of druids.");

if($text=~/path of devotion/i) {
quest::say("One must protect nature to the fullest of their abilities in both faith and conviction to walk this path. The world they ward will in-turn present her sacred gifts unto those who walk this path with the true desire, intent, and fulfillment of their duties. To weave specific components of the armor, the druid uses these gifts of the nature and once that druid has [proven themselves worthy] of these gifts, one such as I would aid in the final steps to create the armor.");

if($text=~/prove myself worthy/i) {
quest::emote("raises a brow and gives another gentle smile toward $name");
quest::say("Very well, my friend. If you wish to take upon yourself the task to prove your devotion to nature, I will be more than willing to lend my talents justly to your cause. There are several individual [pieces] to this mystic suit of armor, and each piece requires a test of your faith and dedication to that which you have declared your life to protect.");

if($text=~/pieces/i) {
quest::say("My skills and knowledge of history extends my talents to the creation of the [leggings], [sleeves], [bracer], [boots], [gloves], and [circlet] of the Armor of the Pine. My father, Nolan Greenwood, is the only who holds the necessary faith and mastery in the knowledge of history that is needed to make the most sacred and powerful piece of this set -- the Tunic of the Pine. There are several components needed to complete each piece of armor that I specifically am able to create. Those components vary between each individual piece. You will need to endeavor through several tasks to complete the set, but as with nature, there is no true order to the tasks that you must complete. Tell me which piece you wish to [acquire], and I shall guide you as necessary.");

if($text=~/leggings/i) {
quest::say("Very well, $name. There are two components that you will need to return to me; [Polished Jade Acorns] and [Moss Threaded Rawhide Leggings]. But procuring those items will not be an easy task, and I can assure that you will plunge yourself into danger to complete it. However, you should not know fear of this for we must often selflessly endanger ourselves to fulfill our ultimate goal in protecting and preserving the purity of nature. Through these endeavors, your success will be rewarded by nature's recognition and she shall grant to you the gifts you will need to complete this task.");

if($text=~/polished jade acorns/i) {
quest::say("Every piece of the Armor of the Pine requires a special stone. These stones have been carved into different shapes by our artisans and each one blessed by our elder warders of the pine. Unfortunately, the introduction of the poachers through the recently carved passageway between the forest and the den of Blackburrow has brought us a loss in these sacred items. The Blackguard family and their henchmen have raided our fort several times, stealing our materials to be sold illegally upon the underground market of Norrath. However, the poachers are very limited in their knowledge of this area and our ranger scouts have informed us that [Myraephe the Pure] killed the one who stole the specific stones we need.");

if($text=~/myraephe the pure/i) {
quest::say("The Hatchling River -- a beautiful waterway jealously protected by the nymph spirits known as Potameides, fuels the lifeblood of this forest. These naiads are beautiful creatures, who were benevolent to us until the development of great cultures and the construction of great cities destroyed much of nymph kind. The Potameides felt the loss of their sisters and became hostile to all mortals alike, viewing our presence as a threat to their very existence. Myraephe is one of the ancient Potameides and our scouts have said that in recent days she wears a necklace made of Polished Stone Acorns. Seek Myraede and retrieve the acorns as you will, my friend. Know neither regret nor sorrow for your actions as the Potameides intentions have been influenced by the threat of the Unkempt Wood to the east. The Potameid spirit will return to protect the river it is bound to, so long as the river itself does not become corrupt.");
code continued below...

Last edited by realityincarnate; 02-22-2008 at 06:24 PM.. Reason: Code didn't post properly
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Old 02-22-2008, 10:25 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 122

#Cheyloh_Greenwood.pl (continued) - jaggedpine directory
if($text=~/rawhide leggings/i) {
quest::say("To procure this item, you will need to venture to Surefall Glade and speak with my beloved fiancee, Lerian Wyndrunner. His talents in the ways of leather and hide are unsurpassed by any of our people in the Jaggedpine and his devotion and faith to The Rainkeeper make him all the more important to your cause. Approach him and inquire about the Moss Threaded Rawhide Leggings. He will know of your task and will guide you well.");

if($text=~/sleeves/i) {
quest::say("If that is your wish, my friend. You will need to seek out two items and return them to me. In the depths of the Potameid caves located off of the Hatchling River, you will find the Potameid Protectors. Our ranger scouts have found many of our sacred jade ornaments scattered throughout the possession of the Potameides. The reports indicate that it is the protectors who hold the Polished Jade Leaves, which you must acquire for the final product. The second item that you must return to me are the Shark Tooth Sleeves. Seek out Lerian Wyndrunner in Surefall Glade and he will guide you in obtaining the Shark Tooth Sleeves.");

if($text=~/boots/i) {
quest::say("Then you shall endeavor to earn such a gift. I will guide and aid you where I can, as will Lerian Wyndrunner, whom you may find in Surefall Glade -- but it is you who will ultimately prove yourself worthy of this item and the sacred oath that is tied to it -- the oath of the guardian of nature. You must venture out into the world and procure several items that you will eventually return to me. The items I require are two Polished Jade Plates from the Potameid Guardians of the Hatchling River. Our rangers have reported much of our recently stolen jade ornaments to be in the possession of the Potameides -- the jade items likely came into their possession after they killed the poachers who raid our fort here on occasion. Lerian will guide you to acquire the second item if you approach and inquire to him about the Mithril Fern Boots.");

if($text=~/bracer/i) {
quest::say("Then you shall work to obtain that which you desire, my friend. Nature's gifts are not given without justification and you must prove yourself worthy of this most sacred of our items. You must venture out into the wilds and procure the Polished Jade Blossoms and the Bracer of Braided Pine, both to be returned to me. The Jade Blossoms are not traditional flora -- they are of the jade stones carved by our artisans and blessed by our elders. You will likely find them in the Potameid Caves, where many of our recently lost charms have been discovered in the recent past. The Potameid Temptresses use the blossoms as charms around their necks, or so the scouts have reported. To acquire the bracer, you must seek out Lerian Wyndrunner, who currently resides in the Surefall Glade. Speak with him about the Bracer of Braided Pine and he shall guide you to fulfilling this task.");

if($text=~/gloves/i) {
quest::say("You must continue to uphold the sacred duties that you have pledged your existence to and thus gain nature's recognition to fulfill this task. The items I require so that I might properly weave the gloves are Polished Jade Studs and Forest Woven Gloves. The Polished Jade Studs you will find in the Potameid Caves, where much of our sacred jade ornaments have found their way by the fates of the thieves and poachers who infest this land and frequently raid our homes. Our scouts believe the Potameid Matriarchs to hold the jade studs, and I would heed their advice to discourage any unnecessary danger to you. The Forest Woven Gloves will require further aid from a member of the Jaggedpine to obtain. Seek out my beloved, Lerian, in the Surefall Glade and inquire about the gloves. He will know who has sent you and what he must do to aid you.");

if($text=~/circlet/i) {
quest::say("Nature will provide to you what it is you provide to her -- if you protect her, she shall in-turn offer shelter and provide to you. I shall aid you, as is my duty here, but you must set out on your own before my aid can be granted. There are two items you must seek; a Polished Jade Tear that resides in the clutches of Lameriae the Alluring, a powerful Potameid Temptress who seduced and killed one of the Blackguard's most cunning of thieves and hunters. It is said that she holds the tear, which was given to her by the entranced Blackguard before he drowned to death. The second item you must retrieve for me is a Shadowjade Circlet that Jhaya Wyndrunner in Surefall Glade will aid you to acquire -- all you need to do approach and ask her.");



#moss threaded leggings and jade acorns -> Leggings of the Pine
#text made up
if($itemcount{8790} && $itemcount{8769}) {
quest::emote("smiles warmly at $name");
quest::say("Excellent work, friend.  I have sewn the Polished Jade Acorns into your leggings.  May they serve you as well as you have served the natural world.");

#shark tooth sleeves and jade leaves -> Sleeves of the Pine
if($itemcount{8796} && $itemcount{8795}) {
quest::say("Marvelously done, my friend. I am pleased to know that the natural world has embraced and recognized you so. I have bound the moss thread to the Polished Jade Leaves and your sleeves are complete. Take them and wear them with the selfless knowledge that you are equal to all of nature’s most devoted warders.");

#mithril fern boots & 2x jade plates -> boots of the pine
elsif($itemcount{8877} && $itemcount{8876} == 2) {
quest::say("Aaaah. . . these will do nicely. Lerian's gifts upon the hide that you have expertly sewn into the boots have proved an extra enchantment that allowed me to appropriately fit the plates onto the toes and sides of the boots. You have earned this reward justly and without a selfish nature or compromise of your dedication to nature. May they serve you as you have served the world that has granted them to you.");

#bracer of braided pine & jade blossoms -> bracer of the pine
#text made up/altered from sleeves reward
elsif($itemcount{8865} && $itemcount{8864}) {
quest::say("Marvelously done, my friend. I am pleased to know that the natural world has embraced and recognized you so. I have bound the braided pine to the Polished Jade Blossoms and your bracer is complete. Take it and wear it with the selfless knowledge that you are equal to all of nature's most devoted warders.");

#forest woven gloves & jade studs -> gloves of the pine
elsif($itemcount{8871} && $itemcount{8870}) {
quest::say("Well done, $name. The Jade Studs have been easily bound to the enchantment of the Forest Woven Gloves. Although you will not see bindings to hold the studs in-place, know that they are quite secure. Lerian's gifts are not to be underestimated, nor taken for granted. You have earned this item selflessly in displaying your protection of the natural order of this world, and in-turn, your ward has blessed you in many ways with the creation of this item. May it protect you as you have protected the land and order that forged it.");

#shadowjade circlet & jade tear -> circlet of the pine
#text made up/altered from sleeves reward
elsif($itemcount{8883} && $itemcount{8882}) {
quest::say("Marvelously done, my friend. I am pleased to know that the natural world has embraced and recognized you so. I have bound the shadowjade circlet to the Polished Jade Tear. Take it and wear it with the selfless knowledge that you are equal to all of nature's most devoted warders.");

#return items

  else {
    quest::say("The forest supplies all I need."); #text made up
    return 1;

#end of file
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Old 02-22-2008, 10:27 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 122

#Nolan_Greenwood.pl - jaggedpine directory
# Nolan Greenwood
# Jaggedpine druid armor quest
# by RealityIncarnate

sub EVENT_SAY { 

if($text=~/Hail/i) {
quest::emote("gives a gentle nod to $name");
quest::say("Greetings. I am Nolan Greenwood, warder of the Jaggedpine and retainer of our [ancient ways]. The recent introduction of outsiders whose faith and loyalties mimic our own toward The Rainkeeper has led to the rebirth of a long lost excitement and use for my talents, thus my presence here today. Usually, I would not be so easily found for when presented with the choice, for I prefer the sanctuary of the open forest to the confining walls of my room here at Fort Jaggedpine.");

if($text=~/ancient ways/i) {
quest::say("As with any culture, my friend, there are countless established ways of life, worship, law, and order. It would be impossible for me to explain all of our ancient ways in a single conversation -- and even more impossible would it be for you to understand them. You must experience and [accept them as your own] to fully understand.");

if($text=~/accept them/i) {
quest::emote("raises a brow and gives a gentle, warm smile to $name's declaration");
quest::say("I see, and am very pleased to know that your interest has grown and your heart is opened to know the path of The Rainkeeper. As I retain the laws and order of nature that we of the Jaggedpine have sworn ourselves to, I will be more than willing to give you what words I can to guide you toward true discovery of what it means to be of The Rainkeeper's service and pledge. The rest shall be taught through your own experience in these [trials].");

if($text=~/trials/i) {
quest::say("To show your devotion to the natural world and strengthen your abilities to protect it, you must engage in a symbiotic relationship with nature. As you give your devotion and one day your life to the natural world, it will equally provide the [tools] that will aid you to execute the duties and protection you have pledged to uphold.");

if($text=~/tools/i) {
quest::say("Sustenance, shelter, and the necessities that we must have to survive are all provided by the world that we must protect. The wilderness will also lend its spiritual force to you, and it is the fullest potential of that spiritual force that I can see you and many other druids have yet to truly harness. Do not think that we reave these things from nature -- for as I said, our relationship must be mutual. If you invest the time and prayer to [ask of her], she shall provide the rest of these needs most willingly -- as a mother would her beloved child.");

if($text=~/ask of her/i) {
quest::say("These questions are not of the vocal expression, my friend. To request nature's aid, you must go in-search of that aid. In that search, you will provide unto her nothing less than a service equal to what it is you seek. My beloved daughter, Cheyloh, and I shall [guide you] through this quest.");

if($text=~/guide me/i) {
quest::say("I will give you the guidance of words and my knowledge of the details pertaining to your tasks. My experience and talents in the ways of making proper and the most efficient use of that which nature will grant you in gratitude of your service to her shall be at your disposal as necessary and appropriate. The first of your tasks will be to acquire and return to me two items -- [Silver Griffon Feathers] and a [Jade Studded Rawhide Tunic].");

if($text=~/silver griffon/i) {
quest::say("There is a beast known as the Silver Griffon whom lurks in the darkest of shadows cast by Luclin's light. Although this creature was born of those that are natural, the Silver Griffon himself is not. Once a great and powerful creature of the Karana Plains, the beast known as the Silver Griffon was killed and its spirit corrupted by the priests of The Plaguebringer when their scourge was brought upon those plains not too long past. Put this creature to rest and from its ethereal wings, bring me its silver feathers.");

if($text=~/jade studded/i) {
quest::say("As the Qeynos faithful of The Rainkeeper have come to us, we have sent some of our most adept brothers and sisters to them as an act of good faith in hope that our ways would be exchanged. One such adept is Jhaya Wyndrunner. She, like myself, is a keeper of our ways -- a former apprentice of mine, in fact, and a master in the arts of weaving. Speak to her about the Jade Studded Rawhide Tunic and she will give you further guidance on how you may acquire it.");

  #jade studded rawhide tunic and silver griffon feathers -> tunic of the pine
if($itemcount{8761} && $itemcount{8760}) {
quest::say("You have done well, $name. I am impressed and most pleased to know that you are adapting and accepting our ways so easily. Take this and may it protect you in these troubling times.");

#return items

  else {
    quest::say("The forest supplies all I need."); #text made up
    return 1;

#end of file
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Old 02-22-2008, 10:29 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 122

Jhaya_Wyndrunner.pl - qrg directory
# Jhaya Wyndrunner
# Jaggedpine druid armor quest
# by RealityIncarnate

sub EVENT_SAY { 
#Hail text made up
if($text=~/hail/i) {
quest::say("Greetings, friend.  I have journeyed to Surefall Glade from the Jaggedpine Forest, now that the way is no longer sealed.  I am most pleased to find others who share my people's reverence for nature.");

if($text=~/jade studded/i) {
quest::emote("gives a gentle, almost musical chuckle of delight");
quest::say("Nolan Greenwood must be quite excited to have his great talents be of interest and use once again. I will be more than willing to aid you in fulfilling my former mentor and dearest friend's task of you. Unfortunately, I am at a loss for the supplies that are necessary to aid you properly and my duties keep me safe in the Glade. I will need you to bring me two specific [items] and I will be happy to sew them into the tunic.");

if($text=~/items/i) {
quest::say("The items I require for this tunic will not be easy to acquire, my friend and I do apologize for the turmoil that you will likely plunge yourself into to fulfill this task -- but as is the way of those whom defend the natural world. The two items I need of you are the [Pouch of Polished Jade Stones] and a [Black Rawhide Tunic].");

if($text=~/how to make/i) {
quest::say("To make the tunic, you will need to acquire the appropriate materials. These materials are a [Cured Panther Hide] and [Wisps of Potameid Hair]. These two items, if properly sewn together, will make the Black Rawhide Tunic that you will need to further your task to Nolan. But be wary, my friend. The tailoring of this item is not for the inept of this skill. You must master the thread and needle to be successful in sewing the tunic.");

if($text=~/black rawhide tunic/i) {
quest::say("That is an item that you must forge with your own skills, my friend. We of the Jaggedpine use the resources that nature allows us to the fullest extent and it is our law that when we embrace nature's gifts, that the one whom has gained those gifts must use their own hands and work to earn that gift -- for she has granted it to you, and you alone. I can tell you [how to make] the Black Rawhide Tunic and perhaps make this task a bit easier for one as new to our ways as yourself, my friend.");

if($text=~/Polished Jade Stones/i) {
quest::say("Our artisans of the Jaggedpine pride themselves on the beauty and quality of their products. The jade stone has become a sort of a symbol to those of us in the Jaggedpine and it is used almost exclusively to decorate all of our powerful tools. Unfortunately, many others have found the potential of these stones and have begun to reave them from us and our craftsman have been too occupied with the recent events to make any great supply of these items. You must [find] one of the [stolen pouches].");

if($text=~/stolen pouches/i) {
quest::say("With the creation of the passageway in Blackburrow to the Jaggedpine Forest, many of the poachers that are native to Qeynos soil have secretly made their way into our woodlands. They maliciously destroy our beautiful and sacred beasts solely for the purpose of monetary profit. We were not prepared to encounter such individuals and these thieves raided many of our establishments at Fort Jaggedpine. The artisans were not spared these barbarous acts and many of our precious stones were stolen. I know the name of the one who may have these stones -- [Greshvoule].");

if($text=~/Greshvoule/i) {
quest::emote("glares at the mention of the name");
quest::say("Greshvoule was one of many poachers to invade our forest after the construction of the subterranean passageway. He is a very cunning thief and a warrior not to be trifled with. He. . . killed one of our artisans and a dear friend of mine, Callisa, who specialized in the art of carving and polishing these jade stones. One of the rangers native to the glade graced me with his favor and found that the barbarian known as Greshvoule is hiding in Permafrost, trying to escape proper justice for his crimes against the glade. If you could find him and avenge the wrongs committed against my dear friend and the glade, I would be eternally grateful.");

if($text=~/cured panther hide/i) {
quest::say("The poachers that have invaded our forest are far from having any mutual arrangement with the world they carelessly reave from. One such poacher, Elishia Blackguard of the Blackguard family is known to 'specialized' in furs. She has been seen skinning the corpses of our forest panthers and despite how despicable her actions are she truly is worthy of her reputation. Likely if you find her, you will find a Flawless Panther Hide. Once you have retrieved the hide and the [gifts of the forest], take the items to my brother, Lerian, who you will find here in the glade.");

if($text=~/gifts of the forest/i) {
quest::say("The great pines in our forest are a constant and generous source of sap. You can harvest this sap without harming the woodlands by foraging. The second gift is the Dew of the Hatchling, which you shall also find without turmoil as the forest will freely give it if you take the time to seek it out.");

if($text=~/wisps of potameid hair/i) {
quest::say("When the folk of the Jaggedpine came to the forest many centuries ago, the Potameides and other nymphs were plentiful across the whole of Norrath's then untainted wilderness. The Potameides assisted our ancestors, teaching them how to harvest safely from the forest and had given us the gifts of their spiritual essence with their blessings. This essence was essential in developing the powerful tools that Nolan has you questing for now. But, as the time passed and civilizations grew, these spirits of nature perished when the nature they are bound to were interrupted with the construction of these cities. The Potameides of the Hatchling are the only naiads of Norrath that any know to still exist. It is this extinction that they face which has made acquiring this essence so [trying].");

if($text=~/trying/i) {
quest::say("The Potameides have become. . . hostile toward any mortal that dares to tread in their territory. This hostility is understandable, but it is not for natural reasons. Our neighbors to the north made a pact with Queen Nhyalia of the Hatchling, and the Potameides abide by this pact -- to destroy any that dares to cross the river. Some of us believe that they have become corrupt by abiding mortal requests and becoming pawns to our feral, wildling neighbors. Unfortunately, one must use force to retrieve the essence. But, do not be discouraged, my friend. The destruction of the Potameides is temporary, for as long as the river itself remains untainted, each spirit will return to guard her sacred home. You must seek out the Potameid Maidens, whose hair will hold the essence you need.");

if($text=~/shadowjade circlet/i) {
quest::say("I see that Cheyloh has been keeping herself quite busy with the recent opening of our lands to Qeynos, and I am pleased to know that our brethren of the world beyond the Jaggedpine have an interest in our ways. I will aid you to create the circlet, but I must ask that you brave the wilds and turmoil of this world to retrieve two items that I will then weave into the circlet for you. The items I need are a Shadowjade Weave, which you will make with your own hands by weaving two Shadowjade Vines and two strands of Shadowjade Moss together -- both components you may find by foraging through the Jaggedpine forest. Be sure that your mastery of tailoring is up to par when attempting this feat, for the components are delicate and will be destroyed in the hands of the inexperienced. The second item I am in need of is a [Blackened Mithril Chain].");

if($text=~/blackened mithril chain/i) {
quest::say("The artisans of Qeynos have provided a wonderful counterpart to our natural, although nearly depleted resource that was once used when making this line of our sacred armor. Unfortunately, the one who last attempted to retrieve the chain was killed in Lavastorm by one of the poachers, who seek the Blackened Mithril for their own reasons -- likely to steal our recipe and sell the corrupted versions of these treasured items on the underground market of Norrath. In any case, we have heard that the chain was sold to one appropriately named Nyuae the Cruel -- a Teir'Dal enchantress. What her motives are, I am unsure of, but we do know that she has taken refuge in the Ocean of Tears. Retrieve the Blackened Mithril Chain and return it to me with the Shadowjade Weave.");

#black rawhide tunic and pouch of polished jade stones -> jade-studden rawhide tunic
if($itemcount{8763} && $itemcount{8762}) {
quest::say("Excellent, my friend! Well done indeed. These are exactly what I needed to make the tunic Nolan has requested of you. And. . . thank you for avenging my dear, departed friend. She shall be missed, and it is in her memory that I give you the Jade Studded Tunic. Go now, my friend. Nolan awaits and I am sure that he will be most impressed with your success thus far");

#blackened mithril chain & shadowjade weave -> shadowjade circlet
#text made up/adapted from the tunic reward
if($itemcount{8884} && $itemcount{8885}) {
quest::say("Excellent, my friend! Well done indeed. These are exactly what I needed to make the circlet. Go now, my friend. Cheyloh awaits and I am sure that he will be most impressed with your success thus far.");

#return items

  else {
    quest::say("The forest supplies all I need."); #text made up
    return 1;

#end of file
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Old 02-22-2008, 10:30 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 122

Lerian_Wyndrunner.pl - qrg directory
# Lerian Wyndrunner
# Jaggedpine druid armor quest
# by RealityIncarnate

#Hail text made up
if($text=~/hail/i) {
quest::say("Hello, $name.  I am new to Surefall Glade, but I already find it to my liking.  There is much here that reminds me of my home in the Jaggedpine, and I find that myself and the people of Surefall are of a kind.");

if($text=~/leggings/i) {
quest::say("Aaaahh. . . I see that you have chosen to embark on the sacred path of the Jaggedpine. No doubt my dearest Cheyloh has sent you, and if she has placed her trust in you and given you the sacred knowledge to embark on this ancient quest, then my services are at your disposal in this cause, my friend. To create the Moss Threaded Rawhide Leggings, you will need to obtain the [needed components] that I will work with to make the leggings.");

if($text=~/needed components/i) {
quest::say("The recipe for the Moss Threaded Rawhide Leggings is very specific, and the materials that I am about to describe to you must be exact for the creation of the Leggings of the Pine to be properly completed. From you, I will need a pair of Ruined Rawhide Leggings and a [Spool of Moss Thread]. The ruined leggings you will likely find in the Shrine of Brell Serilis, located beneath our forest. When the gnolls first arrived in the Jaggedpine, they raided our fort several times and although no lives have yet to be lost specifically to their talons, something of which I give praise and thanks to The Rainkeeper for daily, the gnolls have stolen our supplies from time to time.");

if($text=~/spool of moss thread/i) {
#text altered from Live. There is no item "spool of moss thread"; a bug allowed the leggings to be created from only the moss and threads.  I modified the recipe and text to require all three things to be combined.
quest::say("This item you will need to use your own hands, patience, and devotion to the natural world to create. A mastery of the skill of weaving -- tailoring -- is very important when attempting to handle such a feat. The items that you must weave to make this enchanted thread are the Shadowjade Moss and Threads of the Hatchling. The Shadowjade Moss you will find as a gift from the Jaggedpine for your services to her. If you search carefully and with selfless patience, she will grant you a perfect specimen suitable for the creation of this item. The Threads of the Hatchling you must acquire from the Potameid Bewilders in the caves located off the Hatchling River. Combine these two items with the ruined leggings to prepare the Moss Threaded Leggings.  May The Rainkeeper guide you in your quest, my friend, and I look forward to your return.");

if($text=~/sharktooth sleeves/i) {
quest::say("You seek to prove yourself upon the ancient and sacred path of the Jaggedpine, I see. You will need to procure two specific items for me so that I might make one of the components that you will need to produce the sleeves. Yes, my, friend, you will be making the final product with your own hands and patience, as is the ultimate test of this path -- to prove that you are willing and able to earn these items on your own accord. The items I need to make the Reinforced Rawhide Sleeves are a Shark Rib from one of the great behemoths of Kedge, and a Flayed Panther Hide. The hide you will find upon one of the poachers that have taken it upon themselves to establish an outpost in our forest. The one you will find to have such hide within their possession is Yranik Blackguard.");

if($text=~/more must i do/i) {
quest::say("Return to Kedge and find two Discarded Shark Teeth. These teeth you will likely find at the bottom of the oceanic ruins and need not interfere with the corrupted, coerced slaves of Phinagel to acquire the teeth. Yes, we know of Phinagel and the gruesome legend that surrounds him -- remember, he is indeed very old and his 'accomplishments' with the Kedge race happened long before the Jaggedpine borders were sealed off. We are not entirely ignorant to the outside world -- it is just the modern times that have become a bit of a mystery. Once you have acquired the teeth, you will need to sew them onto the reinforced sleeves that I have just given you. Be sure you hold a master's eye in the art of tailoring when attempting this feat, for the thread is very thin and will break at the touch of an armature's attempt.");

if($text=~/mithril fern boots/i) {
quest::say("Cheyloh has caught the attentions of yet another druid seeking to prove themselves worthy of nature's gifts. If she has placed her trust and faith in you with this, one of our most sacred of tests and equipment, then I shall guide and aid you in parallel to her faith, my friend. I will need you to seek out and return to me some Shadowjade Fern Seeds, two Shadowjade Fern Leaves, all of which you can forage from the Jaggedpine forest, and a Jaggedpine Panther Hide. To obtain this hide, you will seek out one known as Fitorrin Bladespur. The citizens of Qeynos have reported that he has taken a ship to Odus. As he is a criminal, Erudin may have already disposed of him, but that is unlikely for Fitorrin is well informed and education on the ways of the world for one of such a debased profession as he. It would be wise to search the forest of Toxxulia for his whereabouts.");

if($text=~/bracer/i) {
quest::say("This is an item that you will need to work hard to obtain, my friend, but I shall guide you through this task -- if you can appeal to the world that you have dedicated your life to and receive her acceptance and gifts. I will need two specific items from you to create that which Cheyloh has requested of you. Those items are the Black Rawhide Bracer and the [Braids of Pine]. The rangers of the Jaggedpine Treefolk have informed me that Ryleen Bladespur, one of the poachers to have recently infested our forest, has made her way to South Karana to sell much of her stolen wears within the underground market of Norrath. Seek her out and you will find the bracer.");

if($text=~/braids of pine/i) {
quest::say("This item you will need to make on your own by carefully weaving strands of Shadowjade Moss, Jaggedpine Needles, and Potameid Braids into one delicate strand. The forest will offer the Shadowjade Moss and Jaggedpine Needles to you if she deems you worthy of her gifts. The braids, however, you must take from the Potameid Wildlings of the Hatchling River. Be sure that your mastery in the ways of tailoring are in the forefront of your mind when you attempt this feat, for anything less will result in the destruction of these delicate materials.");

if($text=~/forest woven gloves/i) {
quest::say("The gloves you seek to acquire will take much patience and perseverance on your behalf to be successful in obtaining. I can guide you as to who and what you must seek and give you the proper instructions to fulfill your part before I can give the final touch to creating the Forest Woven Gloves. The task you must fulfill before returning to me to complete the final process in the item's creation is to use your own mastery in the ways of tailoring to create the Blackened Mithril Netted Gloves. There are two components for this item -- one is the Tattered Panther Hide Gloves, which you will likely find upon a renegade poacher known as Theoris Bladespur, who the scouts of the Glade have informed me currently resides in South Karana. The second item is the [Blackened Mithril Netting].");

if($text=~/blackened mithril netting/i) {
quest::say("This material is new to the creation of the gloves, as the resource we had once used grows dangerously scarce. I have spoken with the craftsman of Qeynos and they have given me the knowledge of the Blackened Mithril, which can be found in the clutches of the kobold king's guard who resides in Solusek's Eye. The artisans of Qeynos say that the Blackened Mithril is light and its ability to hold an enchantment is unsurpassed by anything they have yet to find on Antonica, making it suitable for our intentions of creating this item. Once you have successfully made the Blackened Mithril Netted Gloves, you will need to return them to me with the Shadowjade Moss and Shadowjade Fern Leaves, both of which you can safely procure in the Jaggedpine, if the forest will allow you take of it.");
Code continued below...
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Old 02-22-2008, 10:30 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 122

Lerian_Wyndrunner.pl (continued) - qrg directory

#flawless panther hide, sap, & dew of the hatchling -> cured panther hide
#text made up
if($itemcount{8766} && $itemcount{8767} && $itemcount{8765}) {
quest::say("My sister Jhaya must have sent you.  Let me see what you have brought.");
quest::emote("carefully examines the hide, then turns his attention to the gifts of the forest.  He slowly begins to rub the liquids into the hide, all the while chanting softly.  His words are unrecognizable, but nonetheless seem familiar, and it seems as if only an instant passes before Lerian completes the ritual.  With a wordless smile, he hands the freshly cured pelt to $name");

#shark rib & flayed panther hide -> reinforced rawhide sleeves
elsif($itemcount{8799} && $itemcount{8797}) {
quest::emote("inspects the rib and the hide, checking for imperfections that might disable him from completing his work. Satisfied with the quality of the components, Lerian places the rib in the center of the hide, which is draped over his arm. He then begins to speak softly in an ancient, druidic tongue that is foreign to your ears and knowledge. As he speaks, the black fur of the hide seems to pierce the cartilage shark rib, binding it in-place. The rest of the hide folds back, wrapping itself around the druid's arm. Lerian then completes his chant and removes the Reinforced Rawhide Sleeves from his arm and offers it to $name");
quest::say("There is [more that you must do], my friend, before this task is complete.");

#jaggedpine panther hide,shadowjade fern seeds,2x shadowjade fern leaves->shadowjade hide 
elsif($itemcount{8879} && $itemcount{8873} && $itemcount{8878} == 2) {
quest::emote("studies the hide carefully -- using his eyes, fingertips, and sense of smell to be sure that it is indeed of the panthers native to the Jaggedpine forest. Accepting the true identity of the hide, Lerian removes a small vial of clear oil and smears it across the flawless midnight fur. He then retrieves the seeds from the small pouch given to him by Silverfur, and begins to chant lowly and softly in his ancient druidic tongue. The seeds begin to sprout, growing at an unnatural pace from the nourishing oil. The fern imbeds itself in a beautiful design upon the hide as they grow -- their roots and the thin, delicate vines rendering the flora secure in its place. Lerian then offers the hide to $name");
quest::say("You will need to seek out one other item -- the Blackened Mithril Boots from the kobold priest in Solusek's eye. Once you have the boots, you will need a master's knowledge of tailoring to carefully fit this hide over the boots before returning them to Cheyloh.");

#braids of pine & black rawhide bracer -> bracer of braided pine 
#text made up
elsif($itemcount{8866} && $itemcount{8867}) {
quest::emote("gently places the braids of pine across the rawhide bracer.  He murmurs a few soft syllables, and the braids begin to move and grow, as if of their own volition.  Wrapping around and through the blackened rawhide, the bracer is soon completely covered by the braids.  With twinkle in his eye, Lerian hands the bracer to $name.");

#blackened mithril gloves & shadowjade moss & fern leaves -> forest woven gloves
elsif($itemcount{8872} && $itemcount{8792} && $itemcount{8878}) {
quest::emote("examines the gloves, checking the item's stability and quality of make. Satisfied, Lerian then pulls the gloves onto his hands and proceeds to carefully cover the gloves with the dark emerald moss. He then closes his eyes and begins to whisper a soft chant in an ancient druidic language as he opens the small pouch and sprinkles the fern seeds across the palms and back of his hands. As he chants, his hands hold a soft emerald radiance and the seeds begin to sprout before your eyes. The tiny ferns weave in an out of the Mithril netting, binding the moss to the gloves and creating a beautiful design upon the back of each gloves. Lerian removes the gloves as his chant ends and extends them to $name, a delicate, warm smile upon his face in silent approval.");

#return items

  else {
    quest::say("The forest supplies all I need."); #text made up
    return 1;

#end of file
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Old 02-22-2008, 10:37 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 122

Unfortunately, several of the items and recipes required for these quests are not completely implemented in the current peq database, so several modifications to the database are needed to make them work properly.

First, many of the foraged items needed are not currently foragable, so the following additions must be made to the "forage" table.

Jaggedpine sap (item #8766)
dew of the hatchling (8767)
shadowjade fern seeds (8873)
shadowjade fern leaves (8878 )

All items are added to Jaggedpine Forest, zone #181.

There are also several recipes that need to be added. All use the tailoring skill and any of the appropriate containers. These need to be added:

black rawhide tunic (8763) - combine 8768 and 8764
sharktooth sleeves (8796) - combine 8863 and 2x 8798
shadowjade weave (8884) - combine 2x 8792 and 2x 8878

Another recipe must be modified to correct a bug in the quest on Live (as I understand it): the recipe for moss-threaded leggings (recipe #5829) needs ruined rawhide leggings (8791) added as a component.

Finally, the potameid maidens (181080) do not currently drop the "wisps of potameid hair" required for the quest, so item 8768 must be added to their loot table (I replaced item 8994, another form of potameid hair not used in this quest).

That should be all the necessary modifications. Hopefully this entertains those of you who like doing lengthy quests for mediocre armor.
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Old 02-22-2008, 10:52 AM
cavedude's Avatar
The PEQ Dude
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Outstanding, I'll get all of this merged into PEQ when my wife goes out tonight!
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Old 02-22-2008, 01:54 PM
cavedude's Avatar
The PEQ Dude
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Submitted, with the required db changes thanks!
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