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Development::Tools 3rd Party Tools for EQEMu (DB management tools, front ends, etc...)

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Old 05-07-2008, 09:15 PM
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i told him if he didnt like it not to use it right off the bat however he ALSO Said

Just to be absolutely clear, I could care less about the source. I don't want it, and I don't even want to see it. I never implied I did. I just wanted to give out the warning that anyone with the ability to code could easily slip something nasty in there. I am not saying you did, but what better way would there be to get unlimited access to people's databases than by making a simple tool and then handing it out as closed source?

If Cavedude saw the source and gives it the all clear, then that is all I was getting at. If he was to post and say that this is safe to use, then there wouldn't be much of a need to be concerned anymore.
now why should anyone have to give the all clear? i dont see him mouthing off about georges's tools or minilogin or any number of other tools that are available that havent been given an "all clear"

even angelox noted it was out of hand

the principal of the matter is the issue getting a third party tool cleared by the devs like that to my knowledge hasnt been asked of anyone else when they release closed source tools and therein lies the attack
Old 05-07-2008, 09:16 PM
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why is the concern only about MY Tool and not the countless others that are available that dont have source included THAT is the attack or whailing as angelox put it
Old 05-08-2008, 12:36 AM
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you know it truly amazes me how much people troll just to start trouble with others, Let me make this perfectly clear just so there is not any misunderstanding.

IF YOU DONT like it OR DONT want to use something that you dont have the source to.... DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR USE IT

Now that said, i have recently recieved a pm in which someone mentioned my lack of contribution for 2 years well look at this post and you will see WHY I have not contributed nor will i do so again after the reaming i got and the implications my software was a password sniffer.

Its also been said i am an asshole to this i adamantly agree, when attacked flamed or insulted i am the worlds biggest prick and PROUDLY admit it i wont stand for peoples BS EVER.

Now hopefully people will stop derailing my threads with their useless village idiot prattling and accusations
Old 05-08-2008, 01:08 AM
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From your PM to me today:
you owe me an appology for implying that my software was malware and a password sniffer funny how you stfu when cavedude and angelox posted be a man and admit you were fucking wrong
You were plenty willing to fuel the fire of a false rumor that was harming the reputation of members of this community that have put far too much work into this community and project to deserve that kind of disrespect. Here is the post:


And, I imagine the grudge you seem to have against some of the devs and moderators in that post are probably because you are the same person as Corvanus in the post below. This would also explain why you are so concerned about your source code due to "your own reasons". Not to mention that you and Corvanus type in the exact same way.


And in that post, another post is mentioned which appears to be where your original "reason" to be cautious about your source started. And, coincidentally the username that posted that post was Coleshadowblades. Is it chance that cole89103 and Coleshadowblade both have "cole" in the name?


If I am wrong about any of that, then I honestly apologize. But, if I am right, then I think people deserve to read and understand the warning I posted. If all of these accounts are yours (Corvanus, cole89103, Coleshadowblades), then you have some real issues with many high level members of this project. You also have a very short temper and have caused a large amount of drama on these boards. If I am not mistaken, I believe you made account after account after account causing all kinds of issues to the mods while you were trying to post "your" login server download link from some website.

The simple fact that you change to a different login name so your reputation doesn't follow you is something that concerns me a bit. I think reputation is VERY important. And if people are going to trust someone with their passwords by putting them in a closed source application configuration file, they should definitely be aware of the code writter's past reputation.

If you were reasonable and kept things honest and civil at all times, then I would have no troubles with you. I even try to understand where you are coming from in some of these argumentative posts. I can see your point in most of them, but you are quick to blow things out of proportions every time. When you start in on the reputation of the senior members of this project every time, it makes me think that you have something against the entire project. If that is the case, then there is definite reason to use caution when considering the use of any of your applications. If you can't even show respect to any of the devs/mods in this project, then how can we expect you to respect other people's hard work (their databases).

You wanted to understand why I posted my warning, now you understand my perspective on this. Really, the warning I posted applies to any and all closed source software. Most of them come from already fairly trusted sources. Any that come from a single person without a fairly well known reputation/history seems to be somewhat more of a risk. If any of the people with closed source tools or applications had a questionable reputation, then I am sure you would see similar warnings in their tool submissions. Every single one of them as far as I have seen has been nothing but professional in their posts and uphold an excellent reputation.

You have been very helpful lately on the forums answering some questions and working on your projects. And please, don't let me deter you. I certainly wouldn't let 1 person stop me from doing something to help everyone else. I run a fairly popular server and I don't shut it down every time someone says that I suck. So, I hope you continue to help the community.

Trust has to be earned. It takes time and consistency to earn it. By going from helping users to flaming the devs and mods, that shows instability. I truly hope you can prove yourself to be trustworthy. I am a positive person and I always give people a second chance if they deserve it. I think that you really do mean well, but that you take some things a bit to seriously and lose control over them.

If you want to keep your source closed, then I can understand that and respect that. It is your hard work and you can do whatever you want with it. But if you really want people to trust you, then maybe you should show a little trust and consider opening the source. As stated before, tools die off that are closed source once the emu code is updated and doesn't work with the tool anymore if the developer is gone and doesn't continue to support it. That renders your hard work useless once that happens. No one is going to use your code to make something that makes money for them. These are all tools that are free to use by the community and for the community. It isn't like you invented DOS and are at risk of Bill Gates stealing it to build an empire on.

If all you want is credit for your creations, then just keep working and building your reputation and you will get all of the credit you deserve. This isn't a movie production where credits have to be displayed by law and people get paid to do everything. This is a free project ran by volunteers. There is alot going on in this community and no one is perfect. Sure, some things might go unnoticed or you might not get credit for everything you do, but what can you expect? If you are consistent and are helpful, your work will eventually get noticed. Just be patient and keep helping. The reward should be the act of helping the community and knowing you are doing something good. Any recognition is just a nice bonus, but it shouldn't be something to be upset over.

I don't personally want to see your source, and I don't really have much use for your tools (at least not what you have done so far). I am not a coder either, so believe me when I say that I don't want your source opened so that I can personally cheat you of whatever work you have done on them. I understand that you are keeping it closed and that is perfectly fine with me. I just feel like I owe it to people to give a fair warning about closed source. I know some server admins who might not be aware that there is any sort of risk and I think they deserve to be aware.

I am not trying to harm your reputation. That isn't the type of person that I am. I consider myself a fair and honest person that tries to be helpful when I can. I try to stay calm and level-headed as well as unbiased. I haven't contributed anything major to this community yet other than some help where I can and a couple of my custom quests. A coder like yourself can certainly help the community in a larger way than I can right now. For that, you deserve a certain level of respect. If you can continue to uphold a positive reputation, you will surely get every bit of respect that you deserve.

If you feel the need to try to put me down or harm my reputation because of this post, please don't bother. I won't be replying on this subject again unless asked to by a Developer or Moderator. If I am harming my own reputation by making this post, then that is too bad. But, I have plenty of patience and time to build it back up. I know what kind of person I am and that is all that matters to me.

The apology that I owe is to anyone reading this post. The last thing I want to do is start drama, and I imagine that this post will be read as drama. If the devs/mods feel that this post should be removed, then please feel free. I respect and trust all of the devs decisions and I don't wish to cause anymore issues for them than they already have. If they feel like I owe you an honest apology for this post, then I will give you a true apology. I could be completely wrong about what I have written here and I hate to assume without having 100% facts. If I am wrong then I deserve anything coming to me and I owe you a big apology.

I think that covers most of the topics I wanted to touch on in this post. There are a few other things I wanted to point out, but this post doesn't need to be any longer than it is already lol. I didn't want to post this in the first place, but I think some things just needed to be said.

I hope you can rise above flaming me for this post. You don't even need to post and get defensive about the subjects I mentioned here. Though, I fully expect an explosion of anger which I am sure we could all do without.
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Old 05-08-2008, 01:43 AM
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lmao actually i find your digging up all those peoples posts (especially the one from ColeShadowblades) on the basis that the name has the same word in it utterly funny and terribly ammusing, it merely shows how desperate you are to troll and derail a thread (i invite anyone to look at the members list and see how many members have the same words in whole or in part in their names does that make everyone who has the word matt in their name mattmeck or dood doodman or dude cavedude?


If the devs or moderators have something to say to me they can do it themselves and if they are going through you then well that merely shows their own immaturity and cowardice among other things, notice i said IF they are...

I will NEVER release my source to this community EVER for many many reasons i have seen former project devs get ripped off and so forth too many times to even consider putting myself in such a possition, ontop of that some of the class libraries i use are not limited only to the emu and it would create a rather large security hole on other non emu related projects that i work on in my spare time and also Ive recieved help and guidance from other developers when i have gotten stuck on something and would never release the source because of that as well.

As for the person you refer to posting their cracked minilogin nope sorry i have a working public loginserver albeit an old one even has eqcrypto.dll and works wonderfully if people want a copy i have no issue providing it to them as one its already been leaked by image two it only works with older versions of the emu server and client so i doubt ill get banned if i did... several of the emu staff know i have it as well so why would i bother cracking minilogin lol i dont need to i have the source to an actual public loginserver so decompiling minilogin would be both useless and a waste of my time(anyone with the client from sod can connect to my loginserver if there is any doubt at shardsofpalgoria.no-ip.info:5999)

the problem with the community is people who do stuff like this they troll and derail a post due to their assumptions and afterwards their accusations and flames,

You say you dont want to harm my reputation then without a shred of actual proof you have accused me flat out of being several different people thereby attempting to harm my credability and reputation.

now i think thats about all i really have to say other then thanks for the laughs i really needed them after the last couple days where i work
Old 05-08-2008, 02:18 AM
Fire Beetle
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You are those and at least 3 dozen other names I banned for being a retard and an ass.

You are the main reason all the user groups got deleted, you are the main one with the entitled attitude, you are the one starting issues.

Getting ripped off? how can you get ripped off on something thats freely given??

I personally have cough you in so many lies, and enough of the community has contacted me over what you are doing now, I wanted to come here and post this for there sakes.

You have been the biggest bane on this community, and caused so many new rules, and headaches, and caused many good people to leave...

People like you make me glad I dont need to worry about admining this anymore.
Old 05-08-2008, 02:39 AM
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you havent caught me in anything nopw lets talk about lies shall we?

one you are an asshole matt and you left because of your own immaturity, now lets see hrmmm how many projects did the current staff rip from out from under the original dev of peq?

now as for the usergroups you got rid of them because well your an ass who went on a tempertantrum, you were such a shitty admin you couldnt even follow your OWN Rules let alone have a foot to stand on to punnish others

now to QUOTE you you said that preferential treatment occurs here(or did when you were the admin)

Now i would like to see PROOF of your bullshit lies to flame me get lost matt stop trolling like a fucking idiot
Old 05-08-2008, 02:42 AM
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And now I officially request this entire thread be removed i am sick of this bullshit all my binary downloads are being removed from my server as of now im sick of you fucking people
Old 05-08-2008, 03:02 AM
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I have no removed all downloads from my server and will NEVER again release a single piece of code idea custom tool or anything else to this community of bad people and accusers, I am sick of this poo i truly am as are others im sure with the total lack of any kind of respect for people.

Mattmeck you call me the bane of the community? really? thats funny cause im sure if someone actually was the bane of the community doodman would be in jail under the dmca by now yeah see now THAT would be a bane of the community.

Personally All i got to say is anyone who provides this community with anything is well not entirely too bright

I have been attacked flamed berated accuse and i am now sick of it and will no longer tolerate it nor hold my tounge so flame away just expect to get it back tenfold

Last edited by cavedude; 05-08-2008 at 04:50 PM..
Old 05-08-2008, 03:08 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 286

Thank god...
-Croup (the rogue)
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Old 05-08-2008, 03:15 AM
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Posts: 173

would someone atleast lock this thread for shit sakes god even the eqemu team are trolling now you guys are sickening truly sickening
Old 05-08-2008, 03:39 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,348

I will lock it for you, I meant to do it the first time I came through actually just latenight hunger overcame me heh.
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