Keep this in mind: Perl will not activate in any given zone if there are not any PC's there.
I probably started the 'Global Watchers' thing. The best method to have a watcher is via 2 point grid on an NPC (grids need a 3-5 second delay on each), another words, you make an NPC, give him to grid points all on the same spawnpoint (preferably invisible). Now, when you enter the zone, the script will activate and continue executing any changes it spots, with each grid movement (EVENT_WAYPONT).
EVENT_SPAWN works if the zone is not static, and only once , Proximity is nice (EVENT_ENTER), but you have to plant 'watchers' all over the zone ( my old method).
EVENT_WAYPOINT is the way to go. if there's no player in the zone, the scripts need not be active anyway.
I've never tried EVENT_ENTERZONE , but I can tell you without even trying it; EVENT_WAYPOINT is better because the script is checked with each grid movement, so long as there is a player in the zone.
I haven't seen any lag problems with this either.