I see. Ok, thanks. My intentions are to work with simpleclient. I am also curious about animated objects, for instance flags, or movient terrain, along with an idea that we have for using the elevator system to make platforms that move up and down as well as across say... a huge chasm, and it moves horizontally.
As for capes, if you need some rendered capes in any polycount, let me know. Ive been working with an idea for having them be integrated with the walking animation, therefore, if say you have armor on, the armor mesh would hae the cape integrated (i.e. even if you dont have a cape, the armor would have one) though this would mean if i understand correctly, that all say plate armor for human males would have the cape as the mesh file is chosen by race gender and type, and is not a seperate mesh overlaid. Seeing as this is true, one could infrance that there could be two different "plate" meshes by negating the chain or leather. Though this would remove the mesh for those classes who wear that armor, it would make the idea for haveing a mesh for plate with cape, and one without plausable.
As for the animations, couldnt We just replace the file with say a 15 second combat animation, and still modify the ones that are there. Also, can animations be attached to weapons, not interms of particles though this would a very nice idea (other posts say this isnt possible as of now), but as far as say, having a sword with a blade that was animated to rotate, or maybe 3 small fireballs orbit the weapon (attached to it such that if the character swings, the objects would follow the rules just like being attached and stationary).
-A goal is in mind. but the view is still clouded-