Here is the portion of the quest file that explains the problem:
if(($text=~/gather materials/i) && ($class eq "Ranger")) {
if($faction > 4) { #Needs better than indifferent
quest::say("Take this pack. Go to Kaladim, find Trantor Everhot and ask for dwarven wire. Then go to Freeport to meet Jyle Windshot. Search the inns for him and ask him for treant wood. Then, collect some spiderling silk from spiderlings and finally, in Steamfont, we have the permission of the gnomes to use any micro servos we find while destroying rogue spiders. Combine them all and return the pack to me.");
quest::summonitem(17951); #Material Pack
else {
quest::say("Faydark's Champions cannot call you foe, but you have yet to earn our trust.");
It says that the faction for a positive response needs to be
greater than 4 (indifferent). Here's the listing of faction levels by number, according to the
1: Ally
2: Warmly
3: Kindly
4: Amiably
5: Indifferent
6: Scowls
7: threatenly
8: Dubious
9: Apprehensive
I'm not sure that that's actually correct, as they're out of order. Dubious and apprehensive should not be at the bottom of the list, as they're definitely more towards the middle of the scale. Can anyone come along and explain how it actually looks in the code? It should actually look like this:
1: Ally
2: Warmly
3: Kindly
4: Amiably
5: Indifferent
6: Apprehensive
7: Dubious
8: Threateningly
9: Scowls
In any case, switching the operator from > (greater than) to < (less than) should solve the issue. I'll make the change now, but I'd still like to see someone confirm that the code is correct and that it's the Wiki that is wrong.
Also, I'm not sure what server you play on, but the server operator will have to pull down the most recent revision of the ProjectEQ quest files before you will see any difference. Thanks for the post =)