It must have been an issue with my perl code.
As now, it's working - with gm status on/off.
I know this isn't really a support forum... but - the NPC now responds to everything correctly, except for one portion. When I trade him 1000 plat, he'll respond with the text, but quest::scribespells(); does not work...?
#An indocution character setup to greet new players And assist old.
if ($text =~/hail/i){ quest::say ("Greetings, $name! Welcome to Spiritling! If you would like to know more [about] the server let me know. Otherwise I have a number of other [services] I can help you with.");}
if ($text =~/about/i){ quest::say ("What would you like to know more about? Server: [overview],[stats], [armor], [spells], [weapons], [quests], [contactinfo]");}
if ($text =~/overview/i){ quest::say ("The concept of the server is semi-legit with customizations. Development will start at low level zones and work up. The goal is to bring many of the 'improvements' seen in WOW to the EQ interface and engine (soloability etc with the EQ setting). Currently there are only two members of the development team. If you would like type [contactinfo]. Otherwise, enjoy!"); }
if ($text =~/stats/i){ quest::say ("The server currently uses x3 exp mod and x4 AAexp mod."); }
if ($text =~/armor/i){ quest::say ("The defiant armor is intended to be the primary leveling armor set. The downfall is that it obsoletes many clasic items. To facilitate in the legacy of the clasic items, some balancing will be done."); }
if ($text =~/spells/i){ quest::say ("For now, you can scribe your spells through me, ask about [services]. This will be revisited in the future."); }
if ($text =~/weapons/i){ quest::say ("Weapons will be much like the armor. - more to come later."); }
if ($text =~/quests/i){ quest::say ("All quests will be revisited. Exp rewards will be SIGNIFICANTLY increased. Major quests will yield AA's inaddition to the standard rewards. It will become most efficent to level using a combination of questing and typical exp gain meathods."); }
if ($text =~/contactinfo/i){ quest::say ("Email: spiritling at, website coming soon!"); }
if ($text =~/services/i){ quest::say ("I provide many services for the community. Currently I can help with the following: [scribe] spells, set [meditate] skill and provide you with [plat].");}
if ($text =~/scribe/i){ quest::say("Please provide me with 1000 platnum and your spells will be scribed."); }
if ($text =~/meditate/i){ quest::setskill(31,200); }
if ($text =~/plat/i){ quest::say ("Come on now, don't be silly.");}
if($platinum == 1000)
quest::say ("Good, stand where you are while I cast");