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Old 07-03-2009, 09:02 PM
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: United States
Posts: 40
Exclamation rule_values table descriptions

Would the developers be nice enough to let all of us know the default values and descriptions for the rule_values? You could reply and copy/paste the posted text here and add/edit the descriptions, possible in better format than the code tag I wrapped it with. I'm sure we would all appreciate it. Thanks so much!

rule_name	rule_value	notes
Aggro:CriticallyWoundedAggroMod	100	notation
Aggro:CurrentTargetAggroMod	0	0 will prefer our current target to any other, > 0 makes it harder for our npcs to switch targets.
Aggro:IncapacitateAggroMod	500	mez:blind:charm etc etc
Aggro:MeleeRangeAggroMod	100	notation
Aggro:MovementImpairAggroMod	175	notation
Aggro:PetSpellAggroMod	50	notation
Aggro:SittingAggroMod	35	notation
Aggro:SlowAggroMod	450	notation
Aggro:SmartAggroList	TRUE	notation
Aggro:SongAggroMod	33	notation
Aggro:SpellAggroMod	100	notation
Aggro:StunAggroMod	750	notation
Character:AAExpMultiplier	2	notation
Character:AutosaveIntervalS	300	0=disabled
Character:BindAnywhere	0	notation
Character:ConsumptionMultiplier	700	item's hunger restored = this value * item's food level:100 = normal:50 = people eat 2x as fast:200 = people eat 2x as slow
Character:CorpseDecayTimeMS	1800000	notation
Character:DeathExpLossLevel	0	notation
Character:DeathExpLossMultiplier	0	Adjust how much exp is lost
Character:DeathItemLossLevel	10	notation
Character:EnduranceRegenMultiplier	100	notation
Character:ExpMultiplier	1	notation
Character:GroupExpMultiplier	0.5	notation
Character:HealOnLevel	TRUE	notation
Character:HPRegenMultiplier	100	notation
Character:ItemAccuracyCap	1500	notation
Character:ItemAvoidanceCap	130	notation
Character:ItemCombatEffectsCap	150	notation
Character:ItemDamageShieldCap	1000	notation
Character:ItemDoTShieldingCap	15	notation
Character:ItemHealthRegenCap	50000	notation
Character:ItemManaRegenCap	50000	notation
Character:ItemShieldingCap	15	notation
Character:ItemSpellShieldingCap	15	notation
Character:ItemStrikethroughCap	90	notation
Character:ItemStunResistCap	35	notation
Character:KillsPerGroupLeadershipAA	50	
Character:KillsPerRaidLeadershipAA	50	
Character:LeaveCorpses	FALSE	notation
Character:LeaveNakedCorpses	TRUE	notation
Character:ManaRegenMultiplier	100	notation
Character:MaxExpLevel	0	Sets the Max Level attainable via Experience
Character:MaxLevel	70	notation
Character:RaidExpMultiplier	0.2	notation
Character:RestRegenPercent	0	Set to >0 to enable rest state bonus HP and mana regen.
Character:RestRegenTimeToActivate	30	Time in seconds for rest state regen to kick in.
Character:SharedBankPlat	FALSE	off by default to prevent duping for now
Character:SkillUpModifier	400	skill ups are at 100%
Character:UseDeathExpLossMult	FALSE	Adjust to use the above multiplier or to use code default.
Chat:EnableVoiceMacros	TRUE	notation
Chat:ServerWideAuction	TRUE	notation
Chat:ServerWideOOC	TRUE	notation
Combat:AdjustProcPerMinute	FALSE	notation
Combat:AgiHitFactor	0.01	notation
Combat:ArcheryHitPenalty	0.25	Archery has a hit penalty to try to help balance it with the plethora of long term +hit modifiers for it
Combat:ArcheryStationaryPenalty	1	Damage Penalty for moving or rooted targets.  1 = 50% penalty (Default), 2 = no penalty, 0 = 100% penalty
Combat:AvgProcsPerMinute	18	notation
Combat:BaseCritChance	0.01	The base crit chance for non warriors:NOTE: This will apply to NPCs as well
Combat:BaseHitChance	75	notation
Combat:BaseProcChance	0.035	notation
Combat:BerserkBaseCritChance	0.01	The bonus base crit chance you get when you're berserk
Combat:CasterHitChanceMod	0.7	
Combat:ClientBaseCritChance	0.01	The base crit chance for all clients:this will stack with warrior's/zerker's crit chance.
Combat:EnableFearPathing	TRUE	notation
Combat:FleeHPRatio	5	notation
Combat:FleeIfNotAlone	0	If false:mobs won't flee if other mobs are in combat with it.
Combat:HeavyAvoidChanceMod	1	
Combat:HitBonusPerLevel	0.4	You gain this % of hit for every level you are above your target
Combat:HitFalloffMajor	50	hit will fall off sharply if we're outside the minor and moderate range
Combat:HitFalloffMinor	5	hit will fall off up to 5% over the initial level range
Combat:HitFalloffModerate	7	hit will fall off up to 7% over the three levels after the initial level range
Combat:HitPerLevelDiff	45	
Combat:LightAvoidChanceMod	0.91	
Combat:MeleeHitChanceMod	1	
Combat:MinRangedAttackDist	25	Minimum Distance to use Ranged Attacks 
Combat:ModerateAvoidChanceMod	0.96	
Combat:NPCBashKickLevel	6	The level that npcs can KICK/BASH
Combat:NPCBonusHitChance	-10	
Combat:PriestHitChanceMod	0.85	
Combat:ProcDexDivideBy	11000	notation
Combat:ProcPerMinDexContrib	0.075	notation
Combat:UnarmoredAvoidChanceMod	0.86	
Combat:WarBerBaseCritChance	0.01	The base crit chance for warriors and berserkers:only applies to clients
Combat:WeaponSkillFalloff	0.33	For every weapon skill point that's not maxed you lose this % of hit
EventLog:RecordBuyFromMerchant	FALSE	Record purchases by a player from an NPC merchant in eventlog table
EventLog:RecordSellToMerchant	FALSE	Record sales from a player to an NPC merchant in eventlog table
GM:MinStatusToZoneAnywhere	250	This setting overrides the minstatus setting in the zones table if set
Guild:MaxMembers	2048	Max number of members allowed in a single guild
Map:FindBestZHeightAdjust	1	
Map:UseClosestZ	FALSE	
Merchant:BuyCostMod	0.95	Modifier for NPC buy price.
Merchant:ChaBonusMod	3.45	Determines CHA cap:from 104 CHA. 3.45 is 132 CHA at apprehensive. 0.34 is 400 CHA at apprehensive.
Merchant:ChaPenaltyMod	1.52	Determines CHA bottom:up to 102 CHA. 1.52 is 37 CHA at apprehensive. 0.98 is 0 CHA at apprehensive.
Merchant:PriceBonusPct	4	Determines maximum price bonus from having good faction/CHA. Value is a percent.
Merchant:PricePenaltyPct	4	Determines maximum price penalty from having bad faction/CHA. Value is a percent.
Merchant:SellCostMod	1.05	Modifier for NPC sell price.
Merchant:UsePriceMod	TRUE	Use faction/charisma price modifiers.
NPC:CorpseUnlockTimer	150000	notation
NPC:EmptyNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS	0	notation
NPC:LastFightingDelayMovingMax	20000	Maximum time (in ms) before mob goes home after all aggro loss
NPC:LastFightingDelayMovingMin	10000	Minimum time (in ms) before mob goes home after all aggro loss
NPC:MajorNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS	1200000	level>=55
NPC:MinorNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS	1200000	level<55
NPC:OOCRegen	10	notation
Pathing:Aggro	TRUE	
Pathing:AggroReturnToGrid	TRUE	
Pathing:CandidateNodeRangeXY	400	
Pathing:CandidateNodeRangeZ	10	
Pathing:CullNodesFromEnd	1	
Pathing:CullNodesFromStart	1	
Pathing:Fear	TRUE	
Pathing:Find	TRUE	
Pathing:Guard	TRUE	
Pathing:LOSCheckFrequency	1000	
Pathing:MaxNodesLeftForLOSCheck	4	
Pathing:MinDistanceForLOSCheckLong	1000000	
Pathing:MinDistanceForLOSCheckShort	40000	
Pathing:MinNodesTraversedForLOSCheck	3	
Pathing:RouteUpdateFrequencyLong	5000	
Pathing:RouteUpdateFrequencyNodeCount	5	
Pathing:RouteUpdateFrequencyShort	1000	
Pathing:ZDiffThreshold	10	
Pets:AttackCommandRange	300	Range at which a pet will respond to attack commands
Skills:MaxTrainTradeskills	100	Highest skill level that tradeskills can be trained to from GM Trainers
Spells:AutoResistDiff	30	notation
Spells:BaseCritChance	0	base % chance that everyone has to crit a spell
Spells:BaseCritRatio	100	base % bonus to damage on a successful spell crit. 100 = 2x damage
Spells:PartialHitChance	0.7	The chance when a spell is resisted that it will partial hit.
Spells:PartialHitChanceFear	0.25	The chance when a fear spell is resisted that it will partial hit.
Spells:ResistChance	1	chance to resist given no resists and same level
Spells:ResistMod	0.4	multiplier:chance to resist = this * ResistAmount
Spells:ResistPerLevelDiff	10	8.5 resist per level difference.
Spells:TranslocateTimeLimit	30	If not zero:time in seconds to accept a Translocate.
Spells:WizCritChance	7	wiz's crit chance:on top of BaseCritChance
Spells:WizCritLevel	12	level wizards first get spell crits
Spells:WizCritRatio	0	wiz's crit bonus:on top of BaseCritRatio (should be 0 for Live-like)
TaskSystem:EnableTaskProximity	TRUE	notation
TaskSystem:EnableTaskSystem	TRUE	Globally enable or disable the Task system
TaskSystem:KeepOneRecordPerCompletedTask	TRUE	notation
TaskSystem:PeriodicCheckTimer	5	Seconds between checks for failed tasks. Also used by the 'Touch' activity
TaskSystem:RecordCompletedOptionalActivities	TRUE	notation
TaskSystem:RecordCompletedTasks	TRUE	notation
World:AddMaxClientsPerIP	-1	Maximum number of clients allowed to connect per IP address if account status is < ExemptMaxClientsStatus.  Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:AddMaxClientsStatus	-1	Accounts with status >= this rule will be allowed to use the amount of accounts defined in the AddMaxClientsPerIP.  Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:ClearTempMerchantlist	TRUE	cavedude: Clears temp merchant items when world boots.
World:ClientKeepaliveTimeoutMS	95000	notation
World:EnableReturnHomeButton	FALSE	notation
World:EnableTutorialButton	FALSE	notation
World:ExemptMaxClientsStatus	-1	Exempt accounts from the MaxClientsPerIP and AddMaxClientsStatus rules:if their status is >= this value.  Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:GMAccountIPList	FALSE	Check ip list against GM Accounts:AntiHack GM Accounts.
World:MaxClientsPerIP	-1	Maximum number of clients allowed to connect per IP address if account status is < AddMaxClientsStatus.  Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:MaxLevelForTutorial	10	notation
World:MinOfflineTimeToReturnHome	21600	21600 seconds is 6 Hours
World:SoFStartZoneID	-1	Sets the Starting Zone for SoF Clients separate from Titanium Clients (-1 is disabled)
World:TutorialZoneID	3	notation
World:UseBannedIPsTable	0	Toggle whether or not to check incoming client connections against the Banned_IPs table. Set this value to false to disable this feature.
World:ZoneAutobootTimeoutMS	120000	notation
Zone:AutoShutdownDelay	5000	How long a dynamic zone stays loaded while empty
Zone:EnableMQGateDetector	TRUE	Enable the MQGate Detector.  Set to False to disable this feature.
Zone:EnableMQGhostDetector	TRUE	Enable the MQGhost Detector.  Set to False to disable this feature.
Zone:EnableMQWarpDetector	TRUE	Enable the MQWarp Detector.  Set to False to disable this feature.
Zone:EnableMQZoneDetector	FALSE	Enable the MQZone Detector.  Set to False to disable this feature.
Zone:EnableShadowrest	0	 enables or disables the shadowrest zone feature for player corpses. Default is turned off.
Zone:GraveyardTimeMS	1200000	
Zone:MQGateExemptStatus	50	Required status level to exempt the MQGateDetector.  Set to -1 to disable this feature.
Zone:MQGhostExemptStatus	50	Required status level to exempt the MGhostDetector.  Set to -1 to disable this feature.
Zone:MQWarpDetectorDistance	150	Distance a player must travel between client to server location updates before a warp is registered.  30 allows for beyond GM speed without lag.
Zone:MQWarpExemptStatus	300	Required status level to exempt the MQWarpDetector.  Set to -1 to disable this feature.
Zone:MQWarpLagThreshold	150	Distance beyond the Zone:MQWarpDetectorDistance that a player must travel within the MQWarpThresholdTimer amount of time before tripping the MQWarp detector.  Set to 0 to disable this feature.
Zone:MQWarpThresholdTimer	90000	Amount of time before the warp_threshold resets to the Zone:MQWarpLagThreshold value.  Default: 90000 (900 seconds/15 minutes).  Set to -1 to disable this feature.
Zone:MQZoneExemptStatus	50	Required status level to exempt the MQZoneDetector.  Set to -1 to disable this feature.
Zone:NPCGlobalPositionUpdateInterval	60000	
Zone:PEQZoneDebuff1	4454	First debuff casted by #peqzone Default is Cursed Keepers Blight.
Zone:PEQZoneDebuff2	2209	Second debuff casted by #peqzone Default is Tendrils of Apathy.
Zone:PEQZoneReuseTime	900	Amount of time, in seconds, before you can reuse the #peqzone command
Zone:UsePEQZoneDebuffs	TRUE	Will determine if #peqzone will debuff players or not when used.
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Old 07-04-2009, 10:02 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 458

This is what I'm assuming it to be.

Also, the one you posted is heavily modified/customized. So I tried to use default notes for copy/pasting it for future reference to fill out the SQL tabels. The ones I've edited are in red.

rule_name	rule_value	notes
Aggro:MovementImpairAggroMod	175	How much aggro you generate according to movement type spells. (i.e. Root, Snare, Darkness, etc.)
Aggro:PetSpellAggroMod	50	How much aggro your pet generates when it procs a spell.
Aggro:SittingAggroMod	35	How much aggro you generate while sitting.
Aggro:SlowAggroMod	450	How much aggro generated when casting slow type spells on a mob. (i.e. Drowsy, Chains, etc.)
Aggro:SmartAggroList	TRUE	Mob uses hate list check to attack targets.
Aggro:SongAggroMod	33	How much hate is generated from Bard Songs.
Aggro:SpellAggroMod	100	How much hate is generated by beneficial spells like Healing, buffs, etc.
Aggro:StunAggroMod	750	How much hate is generated by Stun type spells (i.e. Cease, Stun, etc.)
Character:AAExpMultiplier	2	Alternate Ability experience multiplier.
Character:AutosaveIntervalS	300	0=disabled - Intervals in seconds when the server makes a worldwide save.
Character:BindAnywhere	0	Melee-type players are allowed to Bind anywhere. (Note melee characters can only bind in major cities, so this makes it so that they can bind anywhere if it is available to them. 0=disable)
Character:CorpseDecayTimeMS	1800000	Time in milliseconds on how fast corpses decay after dying. 
Character:DeathExpLossLevel	0	Level players are before they start losing experience when dying.
Character:DeathItemLossLevel	10	Level for players that denote naked corpses when dying. 10 indicates that they must be level 10 or above when retrieving their corpses after they die, to get back their inventory.
Character:EnduranceRegenMultiplier	100	How fast players regenerate Endurance.
Character:ExpMultiplier	1	Experience point multiplier.
Character:GroupExpMultiplier	0.5	Experience modifier when grouped with other players. Note that at default settings, players gain a 20% experience bonus for a full group.
Character:HealOnLevel	TRUE	When set to TRUE, players are completely healed with full mana, hit points and endurance when they level.
Character:HPRegenMultiplier	100	How fast players regenerate Hit Points.
Character:LeaveCorpses	FALSE	If set to FALSE, players do not leave corpses when dying.
Character:LeaveNakedCorpses	TRUE	If set to TRUE, players leave naked corpses with no inventory items when dying.
Character:ManaRegenMultiplier	100	How fast players regenerate Mana.
Character:MaxLevel	70	Maximum levels players can achieve in the game. 65 is default.
Character:RaidExpMultiplier	0.2	How much experience is gained when in a Raid Group.
Character:SharedBankPlat	FALSE	Allows players to use the Shared Platinum slot in the Bank. - Off by default to prevent duping for now.
Chat:EnableVoiceMacros	TRUE	Allows players to use the Group Voice options in the game. (Press V in-game for options. Alailable in Titaniium client and newer only.)
Chat:ServerWideAuction	TRUE	Allows the Auction chat  channel to be server wide instead of just the zone players are in.
Chat:ServerWideOOC	TRUE	Allows the OOC chat  channel to be server wide instead of just the zone players are in.
Combat:AgiHitFactor	0.01	Denotes how Agility is used to calculate being able to hit.
Combat:BaseCritChance	0.01	The base crit chance for non warriors. NOTE: This will apply to NPCs as well.
Combat:BaseHitChance	75	Base hit % chance on how players are able to land hits.
Combat:CasterHitChanceMod	0.7	Denotes how often players that play as casters can hit with melee.
Combat:EnableFearPathing	TRUE	Allows mobs to use Fear pathing when Feared.
Combat:FleeHPRatio	5	Percentage when a mob starts to flee from combat when it is low on life. Default is 22.
Combat:FleeIfNotAlone	0	If set to false, mobs will not flee when others are assisting it in combat.
Combat:MeleeHitChanceMod	1	Percentage for Melee players being able to hit.
Combat:NPCBonusHitChance	-10	Percentage where NPCs are able to hit players.
Combat:PriestHitChanceMod	0.85	Percentage on how often Priest players are able to hit with melee attacks.	
NPC:CorpseUnlockTimer	150000	Time in milliseconds where an NPC corpse can be looted by someone that did not kill it.
NPC:EmptyNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS	0	Time in milliseconds where an NPC corpse that contains no loot will decay.
NPC:MajorNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS	1200000	How fast a boss-type NPC corpse will decay if level>=55.
NPC:MinorNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS	1200000	How fast a non boss-type NPC corpse will decay if level<55.
World:ClientKeepaliveTimeoutMS	95000	Time in milliseconds on how long the server should keep a link-dead player online before it kicks them out.
World:EnableReturnHomeButton	FALSE	Allows players to use the Return Home button at the character select screen. This allows them to return to their bind point instead of Gloomingdeep Mines/Crescent Reach.
World:EnableTutorialButton	FALSE	Allows players to enter the tutorial zone at the character select screen.
World:MaxLevelForTutorial	10	Maximum level for players allowed to enter Gloomingdeep Mines tutorial.
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Old 07-07-2009, 12:24 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 458

This was also posted in the EQOffline section and I just remembered it.

Aggro:SmartAggroList	TRUE	Mob uses hate list check to attack targets.
The above statement where is says TRUE should be changed to FALSE if you are using bots and want them to hold their own aggro.

For example, if you are playing a caster class and have a Warrior bot that can't hold aggro even though it's taunting, you want to change it to FALSE so it can. This way, the bots generate their own hate list and mobs can target them as if they were players, accordingly.
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Old 07-07-2009, 11:30 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: USA
Posts: 478

The above rule improves the aggro for bots, but does not entirely resolve it. A better solution would be a code change to optionally have bots treated the same as clients for the purposes of aggro. It's on my to do list to implement a rule for exactly this.
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Old 07-07-2009, 05:33 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 458

Ah, thanks for clearing that up.

Would revision 751 be something along those lines?
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Old 07-07-2009, 06:07 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: USA
Posts: 478

I've not implemented anything like that in the code yet. However, if you want to force it on your server, you can make changes to HateList::GetTop in zone/hate_list.cpp.
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Old 07-07-2009, 06:09 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: USA
Posts: 478

WildcardX is rewriting the bot code to clean it up. A portion of that work was rev 751, but he still has further to go.
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Old 07-07-2009, 06:52 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 458

Awesome. Can't wait.

I'll most likey just sit tight. If I break something now, I seriously think I'd be up the creek without a paddle to save my sorry butt. :P
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