Sup im a new member signed up just to post this thread.
Let me emphasize something quick.
Idea's for a darkie vs lightie pvp server.
1. Start at level 25-Custom starter gear
2. Levels earned by getting the killing blow on the opposing faction receiving a medal that can be turned in for a level and 10pp
3. At levels 35-45-55-65 more gear will be available
4. The gear will cost more plat each Tier.
5. When you die you go back to lvl 25.
.6 LNS rules do not applie.
7. Caster spells will be 1p each. (Along with arrows, etc.)
8.New weapons will be available every 5 lvls.
8.1 ( For example ) Lvl 30 1h weps 20 plat each. Lvl 30 2h 35 plat.
9. Custom mounts (Maybe. Ask a developer)
10. Epic quest at lvl 65.
11. The player with the killing blow get's to loot their victims body's for all the plat they have and 1 Piece of gear.
12. The brackets are as followed. (25-34) (35-44) (45-54) (55-64) (65+)
With these idea's i hope someone can make a great server that's easy to gear up on and just have fun.
You should be able to gear up and have fun right away!
Lvling will be easy and the gear balanced between each class.
Custom pvp area for each bracket!
Sounds like fun?
Pm me or post on this thread with idea's and support.
Looking for form a whole team!
(Once again im not a developer so that area is out of my league!)
Im more of just a moderator