Actually, I'm not sure there is. You can use various spell editors to get a brief description, but they aren't always very informative. EQ lucy has brief descriptions too (I google EQ lucy and lucy is always first result).
But I find the best way (if you know C++ at least a bit), I figure out the spell info via a spell dump program like spell convert (in utils of svn) then take that data it dumps and find the ID in zone/spdat.h to get the #define name, then do a solution search for that in the SVN source to see what areas of the code call it.
Yeah, a lot of steps, kind of annoying really.. But there's a lot of spell effects out there that haven't been implemented. (I keep
adding as I get
time), and some times they write a note about it, e.g.:
#define SE_MitigateDamageShield 305 //not implemented
#define SE_WakeTheDead2 306 //not implemented
#define SE_Appraisal 307 //not implemented
#define SE_SuspendMinion 308 //not implemented
#define SE_YetAnotherGate 309 //not implemented, spell 5953
#define SE_ReduceReuseTimer 310 //not implemented
#define SE_NoCombatSkills 311 //not implemented
#define SE_Sanctuary 312 //not implemented
#define SE_SummonToCorpse 332 //not implemented
#define SE_EffectOnFade 333 //not implemented
#define SE_PercentXPIncrease 337 //not implemented
#define SE_SummonAndResAllCorpses 338 //not implemented
#define SE_TriggerOnCast 339 //not implemented
#define SE_ImmuneFleeing 342 //not implemented
#define SE_InterruptCasting 343 //not implemented. % chance to interrupt spells being cast every tic. Cacophony (8272)
#define SE_Unknown352 352 //not sure. looks to be some type of invulnerability? Test ITC (8755)
#define SE_Unknown353 353 //not sure. looks to be some type of invulnerability? Test ISC (8756)
#define SE_Unknown354 354 //not sure. looks to be some type of invulnerability? Test DAT (8757)
#define SE_Unknown355 355 //not sure. looks to be some type of invulnerability? Test LT (8758)
#define SE_SpellOnDeath 365 //not implemented. casts base2 spell on the originator of the spell base1 % of the time when the person it was cast on dies. have to be >= max (level) for it to work?
#define SE_Unknown366 366 //not sure. assume it has something to do with Corruption, maybe counters? wasn't implemented until Serpent's Spine, so not a big deal right now. Corr Test 1 (9428)
#define SE_AddBodyType 367 //not implemented. adds body type of base1 so it can be affected by spells that are limited to that type (Plant, Animal, Undead, etc)
#define SE_FactionMod 368 //not implemented. increases faction with base1 (faction id, live won't match up w/ ours) by base2
#define SE_CorruptionCounter 369 //not implemented. wasn't added until Serpent's Spine, so we can't really do much w/ it
#define SE_ResistCorruption 370 //not implemented. ditto
there's a lot more.