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Old 01-31-2010, 05:16 AM
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I will gladly take you in when we get ours up and running 8 D, we got a ton of cool stuff on the way...
Old 01-31-2010, 05:16 AM
Fire Beetle
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Default Looking for a replacement server to kmra

Any suggestions to decent custom servers out there? Looking for something that has no bugs or limited, and helpful players/Gms. I was banned from this server for reporting a gm that was using MQ and offering it to players, im anti hacking and prefer a server that doesnt allow this. Thanks for any suggestions in advance
Old 01-31-2010, 05:59 AM
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This post has a 100% chance of making King Mort's head/mouth explode >_<
Old 01-31-2010, 09:26 AM
Fire Beetle
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Stormhaven is probably, IMO, the best server on EQEmu. The friendliness of literally every player I have encountered in my 4+ months on this server rivals old school, pre-Kunark EQ and to this day still astounds me. The top geared guild on the server, Sigil, has a lot of very friendly and helpful people that are constantly offering up gear to people that can access wherever they are. The other guilds, like Burning Prince and Derelict, aren't far behind Sigil in content and are just the same. Many guildless people also offer up help to others, in the form of Epics, loot, help with levelling, etc. I've played on virtually all of the green servers, and a few of the whites, stuck with EZ Server for about 4-5 months but the content scaled higher than I was able to while wanting to tank with a SK for my boxed team. I came here, and loved it ever since. I'd highly recommend the server to anyone, honestly. Trev and Kayen do an amazing job with everything here, stop by and check it out.
Old 01-31-2010, 09:41 AM
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Thanks Kavron, would you like your payment in paypal or do you take checks? :P
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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Old 01-31-2010, 02:04 PM
Fire Beetle
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Originally Posted by Ansley1 View Post
This post has a 100% chance of making King Mort's head/mouth explode >_<
lol i doubt it. Im sure he's sleeping off whatever hang over he has and by the time he stumbles by this thread will have probably forgot what even happened.
Old 01-31-2010, 03:14 PM
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Haha!! I don't get hangovers..
Old 01-31-2010, 03:16 PM
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Ironically, it made my head explode. Akkadius posted first on the topic, yet it says tricyclethief made the thread.

OT: Mort's crazy but he has more motivation to do things than most people.
Old 01-31-2010, 03:50 PM
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Funtimes Mort... thanks for banning us for no reason.

Here is the server op asking a TANK if there is a mob he can't tank and wanting the answer to be yes. But not only that but by mort's own estimation, the best tank on the server(ss culled).

The idea of the game is to kill shit, get gear and kill bigger shit. This is the problem mort has, you get to a certain stage and mort doesnt want you to progress more because there is nothing beyond. So we run into a problem, a problem that most of the server probably doesnt give two shits about now because all of the other high level players have already quit. Rest assured in 6 months when insorte gets around to doing this it will change, just like everything else changed to be easier for them.

Here's the issue... Mort is a shitty game designer and I will prove it. Here is a sampling of the top 20 raid mobs we do:

Garg - high melee, unalowable, severe ramp, no ae, no adds
Keeper of Light/Dark - obscene melee, unslowable, severe ramp, no ae, no adds
Siren Queen - obscene melee, unslowable, severe ramp, no ae, no adds

Avatar of Air/Fire - unbelievably over the top melee, worst ramp ever, no ae, no adds
All Seeing Frog - high melee, unslowable, no ae, no adds

Derek/Telo/Chem - high melee(not telo), no ae, no adds
*Terror - weak melee, AE flux
*Master - medium melee, lots of adds with aes

Unicorn demon - moderate melee, ramp, no adds
Mayong - moderate melee, ramp, 1 add with moderate melee, ramp

Great Divide
Slogbosher - high melee, ramp, no ae, no adds(unless you count zone crashing pet)

Gargun - high melee, unslowable, ramp, no ae, no adds
Rhonda - high melee, unslowable, ramp, no ae, no adds(now, used to be alot gayer)
*Goo - high melee, shit load of adds, ae flux, proc fd and ae dispell.

*Giga Assp - moderate melee, gay ae

Obsidian War Spider - high melee, ramp, no aes, no adds

Spartan of Water - high melee, no ae, no adds
Hydrotha - high melee, no ae, no adds
Crabface - high melee, no ae, no adds besides easy trash in room
*Corinav - Well done fight

I have helpfully put * next to all the fights that are not simple tank and spank fights, being very generous I might add on Terror in DS and Corinav. Cor is really just tank and spank or fail but since it has added mechanic to it I let it slide.

If you were counting you would notice only 4 fights are not heal tank against 1 mob. 4 out of 20 high end targets. What would mort say about it...

That was in reference to Mistmoore. The only thing to say about MM is we killed the first boss, Garg, took 5 players(20+ toons) to do it and he dropped 30 tokens. It took us like 4 or 5 attempts to get it just right because his melee is so retarded and we all got 6 tokens each. So we just kill him 400+ more times to get 1 aug which will totally trivialize the fight. Thats not even going into the bosses seeing FD, the sirens and horses having worse melee than garg or the horses which are like 2 feet apart. The good news for whoever does to do that, you know to expect a mob who ramps, hits hard and is unslowable with no aes or adds.

Such a beautifully designed zone. With the guy who offers a melee quest and gives a reward that only half of the melee classes can use or all the bosses being so wonderfully different..... models. Im sure this zone alone would get anybody a scholarship at a good game design school.

So obviously you think, caesar you fucking retard you arent even in t4.5 gear yet, go get that shit then bitch. Alright, so we did that. We jumped through all mort's hoops, even though his idea of a iog2.5 upgrade is laughable at best. Good thing nobody actually plays a caster as their main anymore because you guys get fuck all out of it. But you need it for iog3.0 so just that alone justifies mort in making it a shitty upgrade.

Ill save you all the details of t4.5, its much like t4 except twice as boring. Anyway, without anybody knowing as Funkey and I are doing the tasks for the armor, the zone is getting upgraded. Mort wrote some script and makes shit power up as more shit happens. Obviously nobody knows the details because letting your playerbase know what is happening through lore or an NPC or emotes or any way is for idiots. I mean its pretty clear when you sitting in a zone and arent doing anything and you get an emote like "a force rocks your zone" that that means the zone mobs are increasing in power.

Now also in this script is some sort of time variable where the faster shit happens the harder stuff powers up, obviously to block cocks. Lets say mort didnt plan too well...

Last step in 4.5 is kill Avatar of Air, who has been ramped up so extreme he is 100% unkillable. For reference I had 260k hp, 19k ac, 1% shielding from max(and yes we tested mort, its not a huge secret) and had 2 epic clerics, 2 shm(1 epic) and 1 druid spam healing and used lich from the start. The longest I lived out of 10 tries is 4 seconds, more like 3.5 but we will go 4. You would need 6 epic clerics with heals landing not more than 1 second apart, most ideals having 2 cleric heals landing every second. There is no chance of healing melee in ramp unless they have similiar healing.

But we think, ok this is brand new content, first to discover, there has been lots of bugs so far in Steamfont so this just needs to be retuned. Sure enough it was bugged but what mort did didnt make it any easier, those attempts listed above were after the changes. OK maybe the zone will power down after a while or if we do something we can power them down somehow...

Anyway Mort, claim to be the greatest game designer ever born in buttfuck oregon but the facts are on the wall, high melee, unslowable, ramp thats the key. And honestly you should stick to it otherwise you will make more mobs like rhonda and goo where they FD the tank 3 times a sec, chain dispell and knockback because thats totally doable in a legit manner.
Old 01-31-2010, 04:26 PM
Fire Beetle
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Its sad but very true all that was listed above. In the world of mort, the only thing you need to win is money. Want a bug fixed, hey just donate. Got a toon banned for cheating, eh thats ok paypal him $200 and you'll be playing again tomorrow. I can't count how many times I've heard "want that fixed? paypal me $20 for my beer fund and ill get right on it" since i started my toons. In morts words, KMRA is his business. He does this for a living and has so for 7 years. He doesnt care if people quit, cause they dont know anything about coding, server OPing or deving. Some day i hope you learn that players do actually matter in your world and your server population might actually go above 5 real people boxing alts.
Old 01-31-2010, 04:31 PM
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Well you guys really got spoiled by other people and skipped 2/3rd of the old school content, Tiers 1-3 you pretty much didn't even mess with maybe a bit of tier 3.. then you went straight to tier 4.. Each tier of the server is roughly 2 years of work not counting tier 1 and 2.

Anyway you guys were great raiders, but big time drama whores which in the end resulted into a terrible combo...

Sure you had 20+ people on some of these encounters but so what..

You stated to me in game that since the content was not boxable , by you and your friend then basically it was Poor Design..

*Boggle this isn't called Group Addicts, or Boxing Addicts, it's Raid Addicts*

Your saying now that it's Poor Design in your post!

But the Fact is:
You really don't know anything about the content your currently in.. You got power leveled and geared up by stronger guilds....

No offense you guys have done good and your only on a temp ban until you cool off.. But you really don't know the content your fighting in.. It's maybe the first time you have gone and discovered new things and understood nothing while doing so...

I understand you are frustrated because you think it's poor design because you can't box it but man make some friends or something cause not everything can be boxed!!!

New content is of course going to be much more complex than the older stuff because that's exactly what I strive for every time I make something new..

(Which BTW the content your currently on is over 1 year old now, and you know nothing of Tier 5 progression which part of it's already out and ready to go, the rest still has yet to be done)

You just think that because you can't box it with your friends that it's poor design which in fact is a terrible flaw in your thinking.. I've done this for many years and even though I suck with C++ stuff I'm pretty darn good with world building and content creation and i'm slowly getting better at Perl thanks to people from Eqemu like Trevius and Secrets and Ndnet , Bleh, Kovou and much more...

But anyway if your so hell bent and quitting kmra that's fine best of luck to you..

Old 01-31-2010, 05:17 PM
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Who are you talking to Mort? Your post contains so many errors well its not really surprising.

1.) We never got any help from anybody. The closest we got to that is when Crippler would buy thousands of dollars worth of gear from you and we would get some crumbs.

2.) We didnt skip any content. Lets ignore your retarded way of classifying tiers as nobody else in the world thinks of tiers as content that takes a certain length of time. Although Im sure your explanation on how a noob LDoN for levels 1-15 is Tier5 just like the most powerful bosses would go over well, it makes no sense to talk in those terms. Tier 1 = shit you kill in t1 gear, t2 = shit you kill in t2 gear, etc. By those standards we didnt not skip or get power'd through anything.

3.) I never stated to you that if we cant box'd it, it is poor design. What I did say was that it is poor design to have every single boss in the zone be a copy paste of each with the stats increased. I also stated it was poor design to have a mob that 1 rounds the best geared tank on the server. This isnt a case of I cant box it, its a case of its not killable AT ALL. Of course since you never tested it, you never tested it under the conditions it was made and we try it over and over and its totally 100% impossible to last more than 5 seconds against... you sit there and say its fine. You want us to get more people for it... NEWSFLASH MORT You dont have people on your server.

We ran the largest and highest end guild, there are not 6 epic clerics even on the server let alone mixed around in guilds. The resources to kill that mob do not exist on your server whether I could box them or not. You telling us to make some friends is rich man, how about attract some people to your dying server.

PS Mort your server may not be box addicts but except for giotto, we have boxed all your content so maybe its time for name change.
Old 01-31-2010, 05:19 PM
Fire Beetle
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This was from Aug 09. Please mort I have a whole folder of nothing but screen shots from you and misc players on the server..Maybe cut back on the drinking and you might remember what you say to people some time.

Well you guys really got spoiled by other people and skipped 2/3rd of the old school content, Tiers 1-3 you pretty much didn't even mess with maybe a bit of tier 3.. then you went straight to tier 4.. Each tier of the server is roughly 2 years of work not counting tier 1 and 2.

You fail to realize that I've been playing on this server longer then you think. Funkey was not my first toon on KMRA. I wont go into details but yes i have killed every known mob in tiers 1-3. Because a guild of people took weeks, months or even years to find or kill a mob is 100% useless to compare others players to, were not retards and actually get shit done in a timely manner. Let's see here, these "people" we got spoiled by are jaded i assume since they are the only ones to actually stick around long enough to be remembered. Who in jaded has given up any info on mob kills, locations or keys.....

You really don't know anything about the content your currently in.. You got power leveled and geared up by stronger guilds....

Ive never grped, killed, or done anything with any guild other then the one I was in, if i was even in a guild during my play time.


I know find out i was banned because of this..I guess screen shots from a GM are proof of lying...

Ø Spreading Lies and Rumors and Trash involving this server and it's reputation or it's policy's is punishable by Temporary or Perma Banishment depending on the seriousness of the situation... It is fine for you to comment on changes or balancing.. It is not ok for you to out right lie about the server's content, GM's, Players, Spells, Balancing or otherwise just to start shit.. Causing any amount of drama that may make other players feel uncomfortable can also resort in you being banned..

Last edited by tricyclethief2; 01-31-2010 at 05:29 PM.. Reason: Edit
Old 01-31-2010, 06:14 PM
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No need for this to be continued here. Locking this thread, because it is going no where.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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