Small addition for the tactical mastery AA.
I've been unable to find any information on what percent chance the AA gives to strikethrough, so it uses the same values as the monk equivalent. I think that is better than it doing nothing at all.
Index: attack.cpp
--- attack.cpp (revision 1701)
+++ attack.cpp (working copy)
@@ -1306,6 +1306,18 @@
aaStrikethroughBonus = 6;
+ switch (GetAA(aaTacticalMastery))
+ {
+ case 1:
+ aaStrikethroughBonus = 2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ aaStrikethroughBonus = 4;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ aaStrikethroughBonus = 6;
+ break;
+ }
if (((damage < 0) || slippery_attack) && !bRiposte && !IsStrikethrough) { // Hack to still allow Strikethrough chance w/ Slippery Attacks AA
if(MakeRandomInt(0, 100) < (itembonuses.StrikeThrough + spellbonuses.StrikeThrough + aaStrikethroughBonus)) {
Message_StringID(MT_StrikeThrough, STRIKETHROUGH_STRING); // You strike through your opponents defenses!