Originally Posted by Tabasco
That's really why the tool language doesn't matter. You're not going to magically manipulate the server without hooks or some kind of command API.
I'm partial to the PEQ editor, but aside from typical editing functionality most of my own tools are custom. I'm comfortable with CLI so they're not very user-friendly and they tend to apply specifically to my content and global mechanics. When they have broad appeal I like to share. I think that's probably the best we can do.
If Georges tools were open source you guys could just collaborate, but that's his call. I really don't get any mileage out of them.
There are a few things I use Georges tools for, simply because there's functionally that can definitely be used. For example the zone adventure tool, but I'd like to add other options and capabilities to it (*cough, open source!
). Most manipulation I do is not done using a GUI tool.
Originally Posted by Tabasco
You're not going to magically manipulate the server without hooks or some kind of command API.
There's plenty that a simple SQL oriented tool program can do from a development standpoint.
But from what he's getting at I would agree with the API/hook statement, though there is already a slim framework ported to an html interface already.
Right now it's not able to be done via stock code, so really it comes down to someone implementing a more sophisticated management interface whether it is through the telnet interface or by hooks manipulating existing functions without making telnet functions that tie to existing functions.