Bot Heal Command and Torches
I looked over the bot commands several times, but I was not able to find a simple command to tell the bots to heal. Isn't there a command #bot healme, #bot healtarget or something like that?
I figure the bots are supposed to heal automatically, but they heal the mobs instead of myself or anyone in my group.
I also notice a couple of other things:
1) Each bot seems to carry a torch of some kind. You can't see it, but they brighten the area. The more bots you add, the brighter it gets. Is there anyway to remove that?
2) Each bot I create and spawn has chest, arms, and legs set at blue. I use the armorcolor command to change it to normal, but the minute I zone or have to respawn them they are back to blue.
I'm using rev 2068.