Originally Posted by Furinex
How can I query to add a price to every item... And, if possible, maybe the use of pricemod or something so prices are somewhat understandable (loaf of bread isnt worth more than Bastard Sword of the Unholy Asskicking)? Ive removed the no drop flag off all items, now im trying to find a way to rid myself of those useless items and those items that are of a different class but could be worth some real cash if vendors actually purchased them.
This is something I used sometime ago, it is quite sloppy and you may need to add criteria to it for your liking. This actually sets items prices based on hp, damage, mana and ac values. You'll have to play around with it to get the results you want. Backup items and merchantlist before using.
update items set price = (hp * 90) + damage + (mana * 90) + (ac * 10), sellrate = 100 where hp >10 and nodrop = 0;
update items set price = (hp * 1050) + damage + (mana * 900) + (ac * 100) + (endur * 2), sellrate = 100 where augtype > 0;
update items, merchantlist set items.price = 30123210 where items.name like '%Mottled Worg%' and items.id = merchantlist.item and merchantlist.merchantid = 80000205;
update items, merchantlist set items.price = 61123210 where items.name like '%Strong%' and items.id = merchantlist.item and merchantlist.merchantid = 80000205;
update items, merchantlist set items.price = 99123210 where items.name like '%Reinforced%' and items.id = merchantlist.item and merchantlist.merchantid = 80000205;
update items, merchantlist set items.price = 130123210 where items.name like '%Glowing%' and items.id = merchantlist.item and merchantlist.merchantid = 80000205;
-- Set Adventurer's stone to price 0 to avoid exploitation --
update items set price = 0 where id = 41000 or id = 109811;
update items set price = 0 where name like '%Summoned:%';