Check npc_spells_entries in the database. 701 >= npc_spells_id >= 712. That table is the same table for npcs, and includes the spell to cast, min level, max level, type (2 = heal), priority, etc.
FROM npc_spells
WHERE id >= 701 AND id <= 712;
This should get you the ids for each class.
nse.*, sn.*
FROM npc_spells_entries nse, spells_new sn
WHERE nse.npc_spells_id = 701
AND nse.spellid =
AND nse.type = 2
ORDER BY nse.minlevel, nse.maxlevel;
This will get you the healing spells for clerics ordered by minlevel.
The stances available are Passive (do nothing), balanced, efficient, burn, reactive, I believe. Most are pretty easy to figure out. For Shaman, an efficient stance should heal and nuke less, while focusing on slowing and debuffing.