Okay I tried what u said Derision with the log.ini just that made this happen
Failed to open log file: logs/eqemu_debug_chatchannels_2896.log
[Debug] [UCS__INIT] Starting EQEmu Universal Chat Server.
[Debug] [UCS__INIT] Log settings loaded from log.ini
[Debug] [UCS__INIT] Connecting to MySQL...
Failed to open log file: logs/eqemu_chatchannels_2896.log
[Status] Using database 'peq' at
[Debug] [UCS__INIT] Loaded default rule set 'default'
[Debug] [UCS__INIT] Expiring mail...
[Debug] [UCS__INIT] There are 0 messages in the database.
[Debug] [UCS__INIT] Expired 0 trash messages.
[Debug] [UCS__INIT] Expired 0 read messages.
[Debug] [UCS__INIT] Expired 0 unread messages.
[Debug] [UCS__INIT] Client (UDP) Chat listener started on port 7778.
[Debug] [UCS__INIT] Loading chat channels from the database.
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Antonica], Owner: [*System*
], Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Bard], Owner: [*System*], P
assword: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Beastlord], Owner: [*System
*], Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Berserker], Owner: [*System
*], Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Brokenskull], Owner: [*Syst
em*], Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Cleric], Owner: [*System*],
Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Druid], Owner: [*System*],
Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Enchanter], Owner: [*System
*], Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Faydwer], Owner: [*System*]
, Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [General], Owner: [*System*]
, Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Kunark], Owner: [*System*],
Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Kuua], Owner: [*System*], P
assword: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Luclin], Owner: [*System*],
Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Magician], Owner: [*System*
], Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Monk], Owner: [*System*], P
assword: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Necromancer], Owner: [*Syst
em*], Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Newplayers], Owner: [*Syste
m*], Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Odus], Owner: [*System*], P
assword: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Paladin], Owner: [*System*]
, Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Planes], Owner: [*System*],
Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Ranger], Owner: [*System*],
Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Rogue], Owner: [*System*],
Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Shadowknight], Owner: [*Sys
tem*], Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Shaman], Owner: [*System*],
Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Taelosia], Owner: [*System*
], Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Velious], Owner: [*System*]
, Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Warrior], Owner: [*System*]
, Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__TRACE] New ChatChannel created: Name: [Wizard], Owner: [*System*],
Password: [], MinStatus: 0
[Debug] [UCS__INIT] Connected to World.
[Debug] [NET__WORLD] Connected to World:
but now it currently not working ingame still says please wait while we reconnect you w the universal chatserver when I type /join general