This may be "Live like" - if so ignore this!
But when wielding a weapon that has a high amount of damage lets say
Base damage Weapon 60,000
As a Warrior I am getting minimum hits for 16 -- and minimun crits for (51)
Then getting max hits for 200,000++ and max criticals for (800,000)+
The minimun hit seems to not be calculating the fact that you are even wearing a weapon at all?
Anyone else notice this with high damage weapons?
(From attack.cpp)
if(weapon_damage > 0){
//Berserker Berserk damage bonus
if(berserk && GetClass() == BERSERKER){
int bonus = 3 + GetLevel()/10; //unverified
weapon_damage = weapon_damage * (100+bonus) / 100;
mlog(COMBAT__DAMAGE, "Berserker damage bonus increases DMG to %d", weapon_damage);
//try a finishing blow.. if successful end the attack
if(TryFinishingBlow(other, skillinuse))
return (true);
int min_hit = 1;
int max_hit = (2*weapon_damage*GetDamageTable(skillinuse)) / 100;
if(GetLevel() < 10 && max_hit > 20)
max_hit = (RuleI(Combat, HitCapPre10));
else if(GetLevel() < 20 && max_hit > 40)
max_hit = (RuleI(Combat, HitCapPre20));