I apologize if this caused any problems between people. I found a version of perl 5.10 but its a zipped up fil of an already installed perl and does not have a launcher so inda leaves me in the dark about how to work with it.
I know I am not a genious when i comes to this perl and mysql shit but the moe questions I ask the more I can learn and hopefully someone else out there is learning from my questions.
Hardest part for me is getting this thing up and running. After its up I love writing quests, creating mobs and encounters, customizing weapons and generally I don't need any help to figure it out, but to most im sure thats childs play.
I think I am gonna whipe out my OS and start all over from scratch. I will most likely use Akk's guide and hope Its dumbed down enough for me.
I do have a question tho, is there anyway we can get rid of the old ass busted out of date wiki's and setup guides or atleast archive them so that new and potential host's can go by 1 guide?