There are two approaches you could take, depending on what you mean by drop rates.
In loottable_entries you could manipulate multiplier, mindrop, and droplimit.
The other option is to adjust chance or multiplier per item in lootdrop_entries.
That by itself is not especially difficult until you throw in the by zone limitation.
You could cross reference spawns, but generally PEQ prefixes NPC ID's with the zone number and counts up with the trailing 3 digits.
In these examples we're using Befallen, or zone ID 36.
Loottable Level:
UPDATE loottable_entries RIGHT JOIN npc_types USING(loottable_id) SET multiplier = multiplier + 1, droplimit = droplimit + 1 WHERE LIKE '36___'
Item Level:
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_ldids (ldid INT(11), PRIMARY KEY (ldid));
REPLACE INTO tmp_ldids
(SELECT DISTINCT(loottable_entries.lootdrop_id) FROM loottable_entries RIGHT JOIN npc_types USING(loottable_id) WHERE LIKE '36___');
UPDATE lootdrop_entries SET chance = chance * 2 WHERE lootdrop_id IN (SELECT ldid FROM tmp_ldids);
UPDATE lootdrop_entries SET chance = 100 WHERE chance > 100;
The last set of queries have to be ran together from the same connection because of the temporary table. I tried to avoid using one but it was really really slow.