get playable race/class equipment bit
# returns bit value for playable races and classes
# usage: plugin::GetEquipmentBitForRaceOrClass($roc)
sub GetEquipmentBitForRaceOrClass {
# bit values with matching regex for race/class
# matches number value, full spelling, or abbreviation
my $bit = {
1 => qr/^1|war(?:rior)?|hum(?:an)?$/i,
2 => qr/^2|cl(?:eric|r)|bar(?:barian)?$/i,
4 => qr/^3|pal(?:adin)|eru(?:dite)?$/i,
8 => qr/^4|r(?:anger|ng)|(?:wood )?elf$/i,
16 => qr/^5|sh(?:adowknight|d)|hi(?:gh elf|e)$/i,
32 => qr/^6|dru(?:id)?|d(?:ark elf|ef)$/i,
64 => qr/^7|m(?:o)?nk|h(?:alf-elf|el)$/i,
128 => qr/^8|b(?:a)?rd|dw(?:ar)?f$/i,
256 => qr/^9|rog(?:ue)?|tr(?:ol)?l$/i,
512 => qr/^10|sh(?:aman|m)|ogr(?:e)?$/i,
1024 => qr/^11|nec(?:romancer)?|h(?:alfling|lf)$/i,
2048 => qr/^12|wiz(?:ard)?|gn(?:ome|m)$/i,
4096 => qr/^1(?:3|28)|mag(?:ician)?|iks(?:ar)?$/i,
8192 => qr/^1(?:4|30)|enc(?:hanter)?|vah(?: shir)?$/i,
16384 => qr/^15|330|b(?:eastlord|st)|fr(?:oglok|g)$/i,
32768 => qr/^16|522|ber(?:serker)?|dr(?:akkin|k)$/i,
# iterate over key/val pairs
# return key if argument passed matches value
my $for = shift;
while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each %$bit ) {
return $key if $for =~ $val;
return 0;
patterns tested with the following:
sub BitTest {
my $bit = {
1 => qr/^1|war(?:rior)?|hum(?:an)?$/i,
2 => qr/^2|cl(?:eric|r)|bar(?:barian)?$/i,
4 => qr/^3|pal(?:adin)|eru(?:dite)?$/i,
8 => qr/^4|r(?:anger|ng)|(?:wood )?elf$/i,
16 => qr/^5|sh(?:adowknight|d)|hi(?:gh elf|e)$/i,
32 => qr/^6|dru(?:id)?|d(?:ark elf|ef)$/i,
64 => qr/^7|m(?:o)?nk|h(?:alf-elf|el)$/i,
128 => qr/^8|b(?:a)?rd|dw(?:ar)?f$/i,
256 => qr/^9|rog(?:ue)?|tr(?:ol)?l$/i,
512 => qr/^10|sh(?:aman|m)|ogr(?:e)?$/i,
1024 => qr/^11|nec(?:romancer)?|h(?:alfling|lf)$/i,
2048 => qr/^12|wiz(?:ard)?|gn(?:ome|m)$/i,
4096 => qr/^1(?:3|28)|mag(?:ician)?|iks(?:ar)?$/i,
8192 => qr/^1(?:4|30)|enc(?:hanter)?|vah(?: shir)?$/i,
16384 => qr/^15|330|b(?:eastlord|st)|fr(?:oglok|g)$/i,
32768 => qr/^16|522|ber(?:serker)?|dr(?:akkin|k)$/i,
my $test = {
1 => [ 1, 'war', 'warrior', 'hum', 'human' ],
2 => [ 2, 'clr', 'cleric', 'bar', 'barbarian' ],
3 => [ 3, 'pal', 'paladin', 'eru', 'erudite' ],
4 => [ 4, 'rng', 'ranger', 'elf', 'wood elf' ],
8 => [ 5, 'shd', 'shadowknight', 'hie', 'high elf' ],
16 => [ 6, 'dru', 'druid', 'def', 'dark elf' ],
32 => [ 7, 'mnk', 'monk', 'hel', 'half-elf' ],
64 => [ 8, 'brd', 'bard', 'dwf', 'dwarf' ],
128 => [ 9, 'rog', 'rogue', 'trl', 'troll' ],
256 => [ 10, 'shm', 'shaman', 'ogr', 'ogre' ],
512 => [ 11, 'nec', 'necromancer', 'hlf', 'halfling' ],
1024 => [ 12, 'wiz', 'wizard', 'gnm', 'gnome' ],
2048 => [ 13, 128, 'mag', 'magician', 'iks', 'iksar' ],
4096 => [ 14, 130, 'enc', 'enchanter', 'vah', 'vah shir' ],
16384 => [ 15, 330, 'bst', 'beastlord', 'frg', 'froglok' ],
32768 => [ 16, 522, 'ber', 'berserker', 'drk', 'drakkin' ],
$txt = "passed %d tests for %s\n";
while ( my ( $cat, $itm ) = each %$test ) {
$result = grep { $_ =~ $bit->{$key} } @$itm;
print sprintf $txt, $result, $cat;
resulting in:
passed 5 tests for 32
passed 5 tests for 1024
passed 6 tests for 32768
passed 6 tests for 16384
passed 5 tests for 2
passed 5 tests for 1
passed 6 tests for 4096
passed 5 tests for 16
passed 5 tests for 128
passed 5 tests for 512
passed 5 tests for 3
passed 5 tests for 64
passed 6 tests for 2048
passed 5 tests for 8
passed 5 tests for 4
passed 5 tests for 256
2048, 4096, 16384, and 32768 are the only ones that had 6 tests to pass since the numeric values for the associated race and class were not identical.
I muck about @ The Forge.
say(rand 99>49?'try '.('0x'.join '',map{unpack 'H*',chr rand 256}1..2):'incoherent nonsense')while our $Noport=1;