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Old 02-14-2013, 11:13 PM
Drajor's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Halas
Posts: 355
Default Commands



- Removed all command definitions from command.h and moved command_init to below those methods in command.cpp (no need or advantage to predeclaring).

- Predeclare Client / Seperator in command.h (no need to include them).
- Added types include to Seperator.h ...

Index: common/seperator.h
--- common/seperator.h	(revision 2481)
+++ common/seperator.h	(working copy)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include "../common/types.h"
 class Seperator
Index: zone/command.cpp
--- zone/command.cpp	(revision 2481)
+++ zone/command.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
 #include "../common/guilds.h"
 #include "../common/rulesys.h"
 #include "../common/MiscFunctions.h"
-//#include "../common/servertalk.h" // for oocmute and revoke
 #include "worldserver.h"
 #include "masterentity.h"
 #include "map.h"
@@ -77,17 +76,12 @@
 #include "command.h"
 #include "QGlobals.h"
-//struct cl_struct *commandlist;	// the actual linked list of commands
 int commandcount;								// how many commands we have
 // this is the pointer to the dispatch function, updated once
 // init has been performed to point at the real function
 int (*command_dispatch)(Client *,char const *)=command_notavail;
-void command_bestz(Client *c, const Seperator *message);
-void command_pf(Client *c, const Seperator *message);
 map<string, CommandRecord *> commandlist;
 //All allocated CommandRecords get put in here so they get deleted on shutdown
@@ -136,368 +130,6 @@
- * command_init
- * initializes the command list, call at startup
- *
- * Parameters:
- *	 none
- *
- * When adding a command, if it's the first time that function pointer is
- * used it is a new command.  If that function pointer is used for another
- * command, the command is added as an alias; description and access level
- * are not used and can be NULL.
- *
- */
-int command_init(void) {
-	if
-	(
-		command_add("resetaa","- Resets a Player's AA in their profile.",200,command_resetaa) ||
-		command_add("qtest","- QueryServ testing command.",255,command_qtest) ||
-		command_add("bind","- Sets your targets bind spot to their current location",200,command_bind) ||
-		command_add("sendop","[opcode] - LE's Private test command, leave it alone",200,command_sendop) ||
-		command_add("optest","- solar's private test command",255,command_optest) ||
-		command_add("setstat","- Sets the stats to a specific value.",255,command_setstat) ||
-		command_add("incstat","- Increases or Decreases a client's stats permanently.",200,command_incstat) ||
-		command_add("help","[search term] - List available commands and their description, specify partial command as argument to search",0,command_help) ||
-		command_add("version","- Display current version of EQEmu server",0,command_version) ||
-		command_add("eitem","- Changes item stats",200,command_eitem) ||
-		command_add("setfaction","[faction number] - Sets targeted NPC's faction in the database",170,command_setfaction) ||
-		command_add("serversidename","- Prints target's server side name",0,command_serversidename) ||
-		command_add("testspawn","[memloc] [value] - spawns a NPC for you only, with the specified values set in the spawn struct",200,command_testspawn) ||
-		command_add("testspawnkill","- Sends an OP_Death packet for spawn made with #testspawn",200,command_testspawnkill) ||
-		command_add("wc","[wear slot] [material] - Sends an OP_WearChange for your target",200,command_wc) ||
-		command_add("numauths","- TODO: describe this command",200,command_numauths) ||
-		command_add("setanim","[animnum] - Set target's appearance to animnum",200,command_setanim) ||
-		command_add("connectworldserver","- Make zone attempt to connect to worldserver",200,command_connectworldserver) ||
-		command_add("connectworld",NULL,0,command_connectworldserver) ||
-		command_add("serverinfo","- Get OS info about server host",200,command_serverinfo) ||
-		command_add("crashtest","- Crash the zoneserver",200,command_crashtest) ||
-		command_add("getvariable","[varname] - Get the value of a variable from the database",200,command_getvariable) ||
-		command_add("chat","[channel num] [message] - Send a channel message to all zones",200,command_chat) ||
-		command_add("showpetspell","[spellid/searchstring] - search pet summoning spells",200,command_showpetspell) ||
-	#ifdef IPC
-		command_add("ipc","- Toggle an NPC's interactive flag",200,command_ipc) ||
-	#endif
-		command_add("npcloot","[show/money/add/remove] [itemid/all/money: pp gp sp cp] - Manipulate the loot an NPC is carrying",80,command_npcloot) ||
-		command_add("log","- Search character event log",80,command_log) ||
-		command_add("gm","- Turn player target's or your GM flag on or off",80,command_gm) ||
-		command_add("summon","[charname] - Summons your player/npc/corpse target, or charname if specified",80,command_summon) || 
-		command_add("zone","[zonename] [x] [y] [z] - Go to specified zone (coords optional)",50,command_zone) ||
-		command_add("zoneinstance","[instanceid] [x] [y] [z] - Go to specified instance zone (coords optional)",50,command_zone_instance) ||
-        command_add("peqzone","[zonename] - Go to specified zone, if you have > 75% health",0,command_peqzone) ||
-		command_add("tgczone",NULL,0,command_peqzone) ||
-		command_add("showbuffs","- List buffs active on your target or you if no target",50,command_showbuffs) ||
-		command_add("movechar","[charname] [zonename] - Move charname to zonename",50,command_movechar) ||
-		command_add("viewpetition","[petition number] - View a petition",20,command_viewpetition) ||
-		command_add("petitioninfo","[petition number] - Get info about a petition",20,command_petitioninfo) ||
-		command_add("delpetition","[petition number] - Delete a petition",20,command_delpetition) ||
-		command_add("listnpcs","[name/range] - Search NPCs",20,command_listnpcs) ||
-		command_add("date","[yyyy] [mm] [dd] [HH] [MM] - Set EQ time",90,command_date) ||
-		command_add("time","[HH] [MM] - Set EQ time",90,command_time) ||
-		command_add("timezone","[HH] [MM] - Set timezone. Minutes are optional",90,command_timezone) ||
-		command_add("synctod","- Send a time of day update to every client in zone",90,command_synctod) ||
-		command_add("invulnerable","[on/off] - Turn player target's or your invulnerable flag on or off",80,command_invul) ||
-		command_add("invul",NULL,0,command_invul) ||
-		command_add("hideme","[on/off] - Hide yourself from spawn lists.",80,command_hideme) ||
-		command_add("gmhideme",NULL,0,command_hideme) ||
-		command_add("emote","['name'/'world'/'zone'] [type] [message] - Send an emote message",80,command_emote) ||
-		command_add("fov","- Check wether you're behind or in your target's field of view",80,command_fov) ||
-		command_add("manastat","- Report your or your target's cur/max mana",80,command_manastat) ||
-		command_add("npcstats","- Show stats about target NPC",80,command_npcstats) ||
-		command_add("zclip","[min] [max] - modifies and resends zhdr packet",80,command_zclip) ||
-		command_add("npccast","[targetname/entityid] [spellid] - Causes NPC target to cast spellid on targetname/entityid",80,command_npccast) ||
-		command_add("zstats","- Show info about zone header",80,command_zstats) ||
-		command_add("zsave"," - Saves zheader to the database",80,command_zsave) ||
-		command_add("permaclass","[classnum] - Change your or your player target's class (target is disconnected)",80,command_permaclass) ||
-		command_add("permarace","[racenum] - Change your or your player target's race (zone to take effect)",80,command_permarace) ||
-		command_add("permagender","[gendernum] - Change your or your player target's gender (zone to take effect)",80,command_permagender) ||
-		command_add("weather","[0/1/2/3] (Off/Rain/Snow/Manual) - Change the weather",80,command_weather) ||
-		command_add("zheader","[zonename] - Load zheader for zonename from the database",80,command_zheader) ||
-		command_add("zhdr",NULL,0,command_zheader) ||
-		command_add("zsky","[skytype] - Change zone sky type",80,command_zsky) ||
-		command_add("zcolor","[red] [green] [blue] - Change sky color",80,command_zcolor) ||
-		command_add("zuwcoords","[z coord] - Set underworld coord",80,command_zuwcoords) ||
-		command_add("zsafecoords","[x] [y] [z] - Set safe coords",80,command_zsafecoords) ||
-		command_add("zunderworld","[zcoord] - Sets the underworld using zcoord",80,command_zunderworld) ||
-		command_add("spon","- Sends OP_MemorizeSpell",80,command_spon) ||
-		command_add("spoff","- Sends OP_ManaChange",80,command_spoff) ||
-		command_add("itemtest","- merth's test function",250,command_itemtest) ||
-		command_add("gassign","[id] - Assign targetted NPC to predefined wandering grid id",100,command_gassign) ||
-		command_add("setitemstatus","[itemid] [status] - Set the minimum admin status required to use itemid",100,command_setitemstatus) ||
-		command_add("ai","[factionid/spellslist/con/guard/roambox/stop/start] - Modify AI on NPC target",100,command_ai) ||
-		command_add("worldshutdown","- Shut down world and all zones",200,command_worldshutdown) ||
-		command_add("sendzonespawns","- Refresh spawn list for all clients in zone",150,command_sendzonespawns) ||
-		command_add("dbspawn2","[spawngroup] [respawn] [variance] - Spawn an NPC from a predefined row in the spawn2 table",100,command_dbspawn2) ||
-		command_add("copychar","[character name] [new character] [new account id] - Create a copy of a character",100,command_copychar) ||
-		command_add("shutdown","- Shut this zone process down",150,command_shutdown) ||
-		command_add("delacct","[accountname] - Delete an account",150,command_delacct) ||
-		command_add("setpass","[accountname] [password] - Set local password for accountname",150,command_setpass) ||
-		command_add("setlsinfo","[email] [password] - Set login server email address and password (if supported by login server)",10,command_setlsinfo) ||
-		command_add("grid","[add/delete] [grid_num] [wandertype] [pausetype] - Create/delete a wandering grid",170,command_grid) ||
-		command_add("wp","[add/delete] [grid_num] [pause] [wp_num] [-h] - Add/delete a waypoint to/from a wandering grid",170,command_wp) ||
-		command_add("wpadd","[pause] [-h] - Add your current location as a waypoint to your NPC target's AI path",170,command_wpadd) ||
-		command_add("wpinfo","- Show waypoint info about your NPC target",170,command_wpinfo) ||
-		command_add("iplookup","[charname] - Look up IP address of charname",200,command_iplookup) ||
-		command_add("size","[size] - Change size of you or your target",50,command_size) ||
-		command_add("mana","- Fill your or your target's mana",50,command_mana) ||
-		command_add("flymode","[0/1/2] - Set your or your player target's flymode to off/on/levitate",50,command_flymode) ||
-		command_add("showskills","- Show the values of your or your player target's skills",50,command_showskills) ||
-		command_add("findspell","[searchstring] - Search for a spell",50,command_findspell) ||
-		command_add("spfind",NULL,0,command_findspell) ||
-		command_add("castspell","[spellid] - Cast a spell",50,command_castspell) ||
-		command_add("cast",NULL,0,command_castspell) ||
-		command_add("setlanguage","[language ID] [value] - Set your target's language skillnum to value",50,command_setlanguage) ||
-		command_add("setskill","[skillnum] [value] - Set your target's skill skillnum to value",50,command_setskill) ||
-		command_add("setskillall","[value] - Set all of your target's skills to value",50,command_setskillall) ||
-		command_add("setallskill",NULL,0,command_setskillall) ||
-		command_add("setallskills",NULL,0,command_setskillall) ||
-		command_add("race","[racenum] - Change your or your target's race.  Use racenum 0 to return to normal",50,command_race) ||
-		command_add("gender","[0/1/2] - Change your or your target's  gender to male/female/neuter",50,command_gender) ||
-		command_add("makepet","[level] [class] [race] [texture] - Make a pet",50,command_makepet) ||
-		command_add("level","[level] - Set your or your target's level",10,command_level) ||
-		command_add("spawn","[name] [race] [level] [material] [hp] [gender] [class] [priweapon] [secweapon] [merchantid] - Spawn an NPC",10,command_spawn) ||
-		command_add("texture","[texture] [helmtexture] - Change your or your target's appearance, use 255 to show equipment",10,command_texture) ||
-		command_add("npctypespawn","[npctypeid] [factionid] - Spawn an NPC from the db",10,command_npctypespawn) ||
-		command_add("dbspawn",NULL,0,command_npctypespawn) ||
-		command_add("heal","- Completely heal your target",10,command_heal) ||
-		command_add("appearance","[type] [value] - Send an appearance packet for you or your target",150,command_appearance) ||
-		command_add("charbackup","[list/restore] - Query or restore character backups",150,command_charbackup) ||
-		command_add("nukeitem","[itemid] - Remove itemid from your player target's inventory",150,command_nukeitem) ||
-		command_add("peekinv","[worn/cursor/inv/bank/trade/trib/all] - Print out contents of your player target's inventory",100,command_peekinv) ||
-		command_add("findnpctype","[search criteria] - Search database NPC types",100,command_findnpctype) ||
-		command_add("findzone","[search criteria] - Search database zones",100,command_findzone) ||
-		command_add("fz",NULL,100,command_findzone) ||
-		command_add("viewnpctype","[npctype id] - Show info about an npctype",100,command_viewnpctype) ||
-		command_add("reloadstatic","- Reload Static Zone Data",150,command_reloadstatic) ||
-		command_add("reloadquest"," - Clear quest cache (any argument causes it to also stop all timers)",150,command_reloadqst) ||
-		command_add("reloadqst",NULL,0,command_reloadqst) ||
-		command_add("reloadpl",NULL,0,command_reloadqst) ||
-		command_add("reloadworld",NULL,0,command_reloadworld) ||
-		command_add("reloadlevelmods",NULL,0,command_reloadlevelmods) ||
-		command_add("rq",NULL,0,command_reloadqst) ||
-		command_add("reloadzonepoints","- Reload zone points from database",150,command_reloadzps) ||
-		command_add("reloadzps",NULL,0,command_reloadzps) ||
-		command_add("zoneshutdown","[shortname] - Shut down a zone server",150,command_zoneshutdown) ||
-		command_add("zonebootup","[ZoneServerID] [shortname] - Make a zone server boot a specific zone",150,command_zonebootup) ||
-		command_add("kick","[charname] - Disconnect charname",150,command_kick) ||
-		command_add("attack","[targetname] - Make your NPC target attack targetname",150,command_attack) ||
-		command_add("lock","- Lock the worldserver",150,command_lock) ||
-		command_add("unlock","- Unlock the worldserver",150,command_unlock) ||
-		command_add("motd","[new motd] - Set message of the day",150,command_motd) ||
-		command_add("listpetition","- List petitions",50,command_listpetition) ||
-		command_add("equipitem","[slotid(0-21)] - Equip the item on your cursor into the specified slot",50,command_equipitem) ||
-		command_add("zonelock","[list/lock/unlock] - Set/query lock flag for zoneservers",100,command_zonelock) ||
-		command_add("corpse","- Manipulate corpses, use with no arguments for help",50,command_corpse) ||
-		command_add("fixmob","[race|gender|texture|helm|face|hair|haircolor|beard|beardcolor|heritage|tattoo|detail] [next|prev] - Manipulate appearance of your target",80,command_fixmob) ||
-		command_add("gmspeed","[on/off] - Turn GM speed hack on/off for you or your player target",100,command_gmspeed) ||
-		command_add("title","[text] [1 = create title table row] - Set your or your player target's title",50,command_title) ||
-		command_add("titlesuffix","[text] [1 = create title table row] - Set your or your player target's title suffix",50,command_titlesuffix) ||
-		command_add("spellinfo","[spellid] - Get detailed info about a spell",10,command_spellinfo) ||
-		command_add("lastname","[new lastname] - Set your or your player target's lastname",50,command_lastname) ||
-		command_add("memspell","[slotid] [spellid] - Memorize spellid in the specified slot",50,command_memspell) ||
-		command_add("save","- Force your player or player corpse target to be saved to the database",50,command_save) ||
-		command_add("showstats","- Show details about you or your target",50,command_showstats) ||
-		command_add("mystats","- Show details about you or your pet",50,command_mystats) ||
-		command_add("myskills","- Show details about your current skill levels",0,command_myskills) ||
-		command_add("depop","- Depop your NPC target",50,command_depop) ||
-		command_add("depopzone","- Depop the zone",100,command_depopzone) ||
-		command_add("repop","[delay] - Repop the zone with optional delay",100,command_repop) ||
-		command_add("spawnstatus","- Show respawn timer status",100,command_spawnstatus) ||
-		command_add("nukebuffs","- Strip all buffs on you or your target",50,command_nukebuffs) ||
-		command_add("freeze","- Freeze your target",80,command_freeze) ||
-		command_add("unfreeze","- Unfreeze your target",80,command_unfreeze) ||
-		command_add("pvp","[on/off] - Set your or your player target's PVP status",100,command_pvp) ||
-		command_add("setxp","[value] - Set your or your player target's experience",100,command_setxp) ||
-		command_add("setpvppoints","[value] - Set your or your player target's PVP points",100,command_setpvppoints) ||
-		command_add("setexp",NULL,0,command_setxp) ||
-		command_add("setaaxp","[value] - Set your or your player target's AA experience",100,command_setaaxp) ||
-		command_add("setaaexp",NULL,0,command_setaaxp) ||
-		command_add("setaapts","[value] - Set your or your player target's available AA points",100,command_setaapts) ||
-		command_add("setaapoints",NULL,0,command_setaapts) ||
-		command_add("setcrystals","[value] - Set your or your player target's available radiant or ebon crystals",100,command_setcrystals) ||
-		command_add("name","[newname] - Rename your player target",150,command_name) ||
-		command_add("tempname","[newname] - Temporarily renames your target. Leave name blank to restore the original name.",100,command_tempname) ||
-		command_add("npcspecialattk","[flagchar] [perm] - Set NPC special attack flags.  Flags are E(nrage) F(lurry) R(ampage) S(ummon).",80,command_npcspecialattk) ||
-		command_add("npcspecialattack",NULL,0,command_npcspecialattk) ||
-		command_add("npcspecialatk",NULL,0,command_npcspecialattk) ||
-		command_add("kill","- Kill your target",100,command_kill) ||
-		command_add("haste","[percentage] - Set your haste percentage",100,command_haste) ||
-		command_add("damage","[amount] - Damage your target",100,command_damage) ||
-		command_add("zonespawn","- Not implemented",250,command_zonespawn) ||
-		command_add("npcspawn","[create/add/update/remove/delete] - Manipulate spawn DB",170,command_npcspawn) ||
-		command_add("spawnfix","- Find targeted NPC in database based on its X/Y/heading and update the database to make it spawn at your current location/heading.",170,command_spawnfix) ||
-		command_add("npcedit","[column] [value] - Mega NPC editing command",100,command_npcedit) ||
-		command_add("qglobal","[on/off/view] - Toggles qglobal functionality on an NPC",100,command_qglobal) ||
-		command_add("loc","- Print out your or your target's current location and heading",0,command_loc) ||
-		command_add("goto","[x] [y] [z] - Teleport to the provided coordinates or to your target",10,command_goto) ||
-#ifdef BUGTRACK
-		command_add("bugtrack","[bug description] - Report a bug",0,command_bug) ||
-		command_add("plugin","(sub) [args] - execute a plugin",PERL_PRIVS,command_embperl_plugin) ||
-		command_add("peval","(expression) - execute some perl",PERL_PRIVS,command_embperl_eval) ||
-		command_add("iteminfo","- Get information about the item on your cursor",10,command_iteminfo) ||
-		command_add("uptime","[zone server id] - Get uptime of worldserver, or zone server if argument provided",10,command_uptime) ||
-		command_add("flag","[status] [acctname] - Refresh your admin status, or set an account's admin status if arguments provided",0,command_flag) ||
-		command_add("guild","- Guild manipulation commands.  Use argument help for more info.",10,command_guild) ||
-		command_add("guilds",NULL,0,command_guild) ||
-		command_add("zonestatus","- Show connected zoneservers, synonymous with /servers",150,command_zonestatus) ||
-		command_add("manaburn","- Use AA Wizard class skill manaburn on target",10,command_manaburn) ||
-		command_add("viewmessage","[id] - View messages in your tell queue",100,command_viewmessage) ||
-		command_add("viewmessages",NULL,0,command_viewmessage) ||
-		command_add("doanim","[animnum] [type] - Send an EmoteAnim for you or your target",50,command_doanim) ||
-		command_add("randomfeatures","- Temporarily randomizes the Facial Features of your target",80,command_randomfeatures) ||
-		command_add("rf",NULL,80,command_randomfeatures) ||
-		command_add("face","- Change the face of your target",80,command_face) ||
-		command_add("helm","- Change the helm of your target",80,command_helm) ||
-		command_add("hair","- Change the hair style of your target",80,command_hair) ||
-		command_add("haircolor","- Change the hair color of your target",80,command_haircolor) ||
-		command_add("beard","- Change the beard of your target",80,command_beard) ||
-		command_add("beardcolor","- Change the beard color of your target",80,command_beardcolor) ||
-		command_add("heritage","- Change the heritage of your target (Drakkin Only)",80,command_heritage) ||
-		command_add("tattoo","- Change the tattoo of your target (Drakkin Only)",80,command_tattoo) ||
-		command_add("details","- Change the details of your target (Drakkin Only)",80,command_details) ||
-		command_add("scribespells","[max level] [min level] - Scribe all spells for you or your player target that are usable by them, up to level specified. (may freeze client for a few seconds)",150,command_scribespells) ||
-		command_add("unscribespells","- Clear out your or your player target's spell book.",180,command_unscribespells) ||
-		command_add("scribespell", "[spellid] - Scribe specified spell in your target's spell book.", 180, command_scribespell) ||
-		command_add("unscribespell", "[spellid] - Unscribe specified spell from your target's spell book.", 180, command_unscribespell) ||
-		command_add("interrupt","[message id] [color] - Interrupt your casting.  Arguments are optional.",50,command_interrupt) ||
-		command_add("d1","[type] [spell] [damage] - Send an OP_Action packet with the specified values",200,command_d1) ||
-		command_add("summonitem","[itemid] [charges] - Summon an item onto your cursor.  Charges are optional.",200,command_summonitem) ||
-		command_add("si",NULL,200,command_summonitem) ||
-		command_add("giveitem","[itemid] [charges] - Summon an item onto your target's cursor.  Charges are optional.",200,command_giveitem) ||
-		command_add("gi",NULL,200,command_giveitem) ||
-		command_add("givemoney","[pp] [gp] [sp] [cp] - Gives specified amount of money to the target player.",200,command_givemoney) ||
-		command_add("itemsearch","[search criteria] - Search for an item",10,command_itemsearch) ||
-		command_add("search",NULL,10,command_itemsearch) ||
-		command_add("stun","[duration] - Stuns you or your target for duration",100,command_stun) ||
-		command_add("finditem",NULL,10,command_itemsearch) ||
-		command_add("fi",NULL,10,command_itemsearch) ||
-		command_add("packetprofile","- Dump packet profile for target or self.",250,command_packetprofile) || 
-		command_add("profiledump","- Dump profiling info to logs",250,command_profiledump) || 
-		command_add("profilereset","- Reset profiling info",250,command_profilereset) || 
-		command_add("opcode","- opcode management",250,command_opcode) || 
-		command_add("logs","[status|normal|error|debug|quest|all] - Subscribe to a log type",250,command_logs) ||
-		command_add("nologs","[status|normal|error|debug|quest|all] - Unsubscribe to a log type",250,command_nologs) ||
-		command_add("datarate","[rate] - Query/set datarate",100,command_datarate) ||
-		command_add("ban","[name] - Ban by character name",150,command_ban) ||
-		command_add("suspend","[name][days] - Suspend by character name and for specificed number of days",150,command_suspend) ||
-		command_add("ipban","[IP address] - Ban IP by character name",200,command_ipban) ||
-		command_add("oocmute","[1/0] - Mutes OOC chat",200,command_oocmute) ||
-		command_add("revoke","[charname] [1/0] - Makes charname unable to talk on OOC",200,command_revoke) ||
-		command_add("checklos","- Check for line of sight to your target",50,command_checklos) ||
-		command_add("los",NULL,0,command_checklos) ||
-		command_add("setadventurepoints","- Set your or your player target's available adventure points",150,command_set_adventure_points) ||
-		command_add("npcsay","[message] - Make your NPC target say a message.",150,command_npcsay) ||
-		command_add("npcshout","[message] - Make your NPC target shout a message.",150,command_npcshout) ||
-		command_add("timers","- Display persistent timers for target",200,command_timers) ||
-		command_add("hp","- Refresh your HP bar from the server.",0,command_hp) ||
-		command_add("pf","- ",0,command_pf) ||
-		command_add("logsql","- enable SQL logging",200,command_logsql) ||
-		command_add("bestz","- Ask map for a good Z coord for your x,y coords.",0,command_bestz) ||
-		command_add("ginfo","- get group info on target.",20,command_ginfo) ||
-		command_add("fear","- view and edit fear grids and hints",200,command_fear) ||
-		command_add("path","- view and edit pathing",200,command_path) ||
-		command_add("flags","- displays the flags of you or your target",0,command_flags) ||
-		command_add("flagedit","- Edit zone flags on your target",100,command_flagedit) ||
-		command_add("mlog","- Manage log settings",250,command_mlog) ||
-		command_add("aggro","(range) [-v] - Display aggro information for all mobs 'range' distance from your target. -v is verbose faction info.",80,command_aggro) ||
-		command_add("hatelist"," - Display hate list for target.", 80,command_hatelist) ||
-		command_add("aggrozone","[aggro] - Aggro every mob in the zone with X aggro. Default is 0. Not recommend if you're not invulnerable.",100,command_aggrozone) ||
-		command_add("npcemote","[message] - Make your NPC target emote a message.",150,command_npcemote) ||
-		command_add("serverrules","- Read this server's rules",0,command_serverrules) ||
-		command_add("acceptrules","[acceptrules] - Accept the EQEmu Agreement",0,command_acceptrules) ||
-		command_add("rules","(subcommand) - Manage server rules", 250, command_rules) ||
-		command_add("task","(subcommand) - Task system commands", 150, command_task) ||
-		command_add("reloadtitles","- Reload player titles from the database", 150, command_reloadtitles) ||
-		command_add("guildcreate","[guildname] - Creates an approval setup for guild name specified",0,command_guildcreate) ||
-		command_add("guildapprove","[guildapproveid] - Approve a guild with specified ID (guild creator receives the id)",0,command_guildapprove) ||
-		command_add("guildlist","[guildapproveid] - Lists character names who have approved the guild specified by the approve id",0,command_guildlist) ||
-		command_add("altactivate", "[argument] - activates alternate advancement abilities, use altactivate help for more information", 0, command_altactivate) ||
-		command_add("refundaa", "- Refunds your target's AA points, will disconnect them in the process as well.", 100, command_refundaa) ||
-#ifdef BOTS
-		command_add("bot","- Type \"#bot help\" to the see the list of available commands for bots.", 0, command_bot) ||
-		command_add("traindisc","[level] - Trains all the disciplines usable by the target, up to level specified. (may freeze client for a few seconds)",150,command_traindisc) ||
-		command_add("setgraveyard","[zone name] - Creates a graveyard for the specified zone based on your target's LOC.", 200, command_setgraveyard) ||
-		command_add("deletegraveyard","[zone name] - Deletes the graveyard for the specified zone.", 200, command_deletegraveyard) ||
-		command_add("getplayerburriedcorpsecount","- Get the target's total number of burried player corpses.", 100, command_getplayerburriedcorpsecount) ||
-		command_add("summonburriedplayercorpse","- Summons the target's oldest burried corpse, if any exist.", 100, command_summonburriedplayercorpse) ||
-		command_add("refreshgroup","- Refreshes Group.", 0, command_refreshgroup) ||
-		command_add("advnpcspawn","[maketype|makegroup|addgroupentry|addgroupspawn][removegroupspawn|movespawn|editgroupbox|cleargroupbox]",150,command_advnpcspawn) ||
-		command_add("advnpc","analog for advnpcspawn [maketype|makegroup|addgroupentry|addgroupspawn][removegroupspawn|movespawn|editgroupbox|cleargroupbox]",150,command_advnpcspawn) ||
-		command_add("modifynpcstat","- Modifys a NPC's stats",150,command_modifynpcstat) ||
-		command_add("undyeme","- Remove dye from all of your armor slots",0,command_undyeme) ||
-		command_add("instance","- Modify Instances",200,command_instance) ||
-		command_add("setstartzone","[zoneid] - Set target's starting zone.  Set to zero to allow the player to use /setstartcity",80,command_setstartzone) || 
-		command_add("netstats","- Gets the network stats for a stream.",200,command_netstats) ||
-		command_add("object","List|Add|Edit|Move|Rotate|Copy|Save|Undo|Delete - Manipulate static and tradeskill objects within the zone",100,command_object) ||
-		command_add("raidloot","LEADER|GROUPLEADER|SELECTED|ALL - Sets your raid loot settings if you have permission to do so.",0,command_raidloot) ||
-		command_add("globalview","Lists all qglobals in cache if you were to do a quest with this target.",80,command_globalview) ||
-		command_add("emoteview","Lists all NPC Emotes",80,command_emoteview) ||
-		command_add("reloademote","Reloads NPC Emotes",80,command_reloademote) ||
-		command_add("emotesearch","Searches NPC Emotes",80,command_emotesearch) ||
-		command_add("distance","- Reports the distance between you and your target.", 80, command_distance) ||
-		command_add("cvs","- Summary of client versions currently online.", 200, command_cvs) ||
-		command_add("maxskills","Maxes skills for you.", 200, command_max_all_skills) ||
-		command_add("showbonusstats","[item|spell|all] Shows bonus stats for target from items or spells. Shows both by default.",50, command_showbonusstats) ||
-		command_add("reloadallrules","Executes a reload of all rules.",80, command_reloadallrules) ||
-		command_add("reloadrulesworld","Executes a reload of all rules in world specifically.",80, command_reloadworldrules) ||
-		command_add("camerashake", "Shakes the camera on everyone's screen globally.", 80, command_camerashake) ||
-        command_add("disarmtrap", "Analog for ldon disarm trap for the newer clients since we still don't have it working.", 0, command_disarmtrap) ||
-        command_add("sensetrap", "Analog for ldon sense trap for the newer clients since we still don't have it working.", 0, command_sensetrap) ||
-        command_add("picklock", "Analog for ldon pick lock for the newer clients since we still don't have it working.", 0, command_picklock) ||
-		command_add("mysql", "Mysql CLI, see 'help' for options.", 250, command_mysql) ||
-		command_add("xtargets", "Show your targets Extended Targets and optionally set how many xtargets they can have.", 250, command_xtargets) ||
-		command_add("printquestitems","Returns available quest items for multiquesting currently on the target npc.",200,command_printquestitems) ||
-		command_add("clearquestitems","Clears quest items for multiquesting currently on the target npc.",200,command_clearquestitems) ||
-		command_add("zopp", "Troubleshooting command - Sends a fake item packet to you. No server reference is created.", 250, command_zopp) ||
-		command_add("augmentitem", "Force augments an item. Must have the augment item window open.", 250, command_augmentitem) 
-		)
-	{
-		command_deinit();
-		return -1;
-	}
-	map<string, CommandRecord *>::iterator cur,end;
-	cur = commandlist.begin();
-	end = commandlist.end();
-	map<string,uint8> command_settings;
-	map<string,uint8>::iterator itr;
-	database.GetCommandSettings(command_settings);
-	for(; cur != end; cur++) {
-		if ((itr=command_settings.find(cur->first))!=command_settings.end())
-		{
-			cur->second->access = itr->second;
-#if EQDEBUG >=5
-			LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Debug, "command_init(): - Command '%s' set to access level %d." , cur->first.c_str(), itr->second);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if(cur->second->access == 0)
-				LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Status, "command_init(): Warning: Command '%s' defaulting to access level 0!" , cur->first.c_str());
-		}
-	}
-	command_dispatch = command_realdispatch;
-	return commandcount;
  * command_deinit
  * clears the command list, freeing resources
@@ -11762,4 +11394,366 @@
 		if(c->GetTradeskillObject() != NULL)
 		Object::HandleAugmentation(c, in_augment, c->GetTradeskillObject());
+ * command_init
+ * initializes the command list, call at startup
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *	 none
+ *
+ * When adding a command, if it's the first time that function pointer is
+ * used it is a new command.  If that function pointer is used for another
+ * command, the command is added as an alias; description and access level
+ * are not used and can be NULL.
+ *
+ */
+int command_init(void) {
+	if
+	(
+		command_add("resetaa","- Resets a Player's AA in their profile.",200,command_resetaa) ||
+		command_add("qtest","- QueryServ testing command.",255,command_qtest) ||
+		command_add("bind","- Sets your targets bind spot to their current location",200,command_bind) ||
+		command_add("sendop","[opcode] - LE's Private test command, leave it alone",200,command_sendop) ||
+		command_add("optest","- solar's private test command",255,command_optest) ||
+		command_add("setstat","- Sets the stats to a specific value.",255,command_setstat) ||
+		command_add("incstat","- Increases or Decreases a client's stats permanently.",200,command_incstat) ||
+		command_add("help","[search term] - List available commands and their description, specify partial command as argument to search",0,command_help) ||
+		command_add("version","- Display current version of EQEmu server",0,command_version) ||
+		command_add("eitem","- Changes item stats",200,command_eitem) ||
+		command_add("setfaction","[faction number] - Sets targeted NPC's faction in the database",170,command_setfaction) ||
+		command_add("serversidename","- Prints target's server side name",0,command_serversidename) ||
+		command_add("testspawn","[memloc] [value] - spawns a NPC for you only, with the specified values set in the spawn struct",200,command_testspawn) ||
+		command_add("testspawnkill","- Sends an OP_Death packet for spawn made with #testspawn",200,command_testspawnkill) ||
+		command_add("wc","[wear slot] [material] - Sends an OP_WearChange for your target",200,command_wc) ||
+		command_add("numauths","- TODO: describe this command",200,command_numauths) ||
+		command_add("setanim","[animnum] - Set target's appearance to animnum",200,command_setanim) ||
+		command_add("connectworldserver","- Make zone attempt to connect to worldserver",200,command_connectworldserver) ||
+		command_add("connectworld",NULL,0,command_connectworldserver) ||
+		command_add("serverinfo","- Get OS info about server host",200,command_serverinfo) ||
+		command_add("crashtest","- Crash the zoneserver",200,command_crashtest) ||
+		command_add("getvariable","[varname] - Get the value of a variable from the database",200,command_getvariable) ||
+		command_add("chat","[channel num] [message] - Send a channel message to all zones",200,command_chat) ||
+		command_add("showpetspell","[spellid/searchstring] - search pet summoning spells",200,command_showpetspell) ||
+	#ifdef IPC
+		command_add("ipc","- Toggle an NPC's interactive flag",200,command_ipc) ||
+	#endif
+		command_add("npcloot","[show/money/add/remove] [itemid/all/money: pp gp sp cp] - Manipulate the loot an NPC is carrying",80,command_npcloot) ||
+		command_add("log","- Search character event log",80,command_log) ||
+		command_add("gm","- Turn player target's or your GM flag on or off",80,command_gm) ||
+		command_add("summon","[charname] - Summons your player/npc/corpse target, or charname if specified",80,command_summon) || 
+		command_add("zone","[zonename] [x] [y] [z] - Go to specified zone (coords optional)",50,command_zone) ||
+		command_add("zoneinstance","[instanceid] [x] [y] [z] - Go to specified instance zone (coords optional)",50,command_zone_instance) ||
+        command_add("peqzone","[zonename] - Go to specified zone, if you have > 75% health",0,command_peqzone) ||
+		command_add("tgczone",NULL,0,command_peqzone) ||
+		command_add("showbuffs","- List buffs active on your target or you if no target",50,command_showbuffs) ||
+		command_add("movechar","[charname] [zonename] - Move charname to zonename",50,command_movechar) ||
+		command_add("viewpetition","[petition number] - View a petition",20,command_viewpetition) ||
+		command_add("petitioninfo","[petition number] - Get info about a petition",20,command_petitioninfo) ||
+		command_add("delpetition","[petition number] - Delete a petition",20,command_delpetition) ||
+		command_add("listnpcs","[name/range] - Search NPCs",20,command_listnpcs) ||
+		command_add("date","[yyyy] [mm] [dd] [HH] [MM] - Set EQ time",90,command_date) ||
+		command_add("time","[HH] [MM] - Set EQ time",90,command_time) ||
+		command_add("timezone","[HH] [MM] - Set timezone. Minutes are optional",90,command_timezone) ||
+		command_add("synctod","- Send a time of day update to every client in zone",90,command_synctod) ||
+		command_add("invulnerable","[on/off] - Turn player target's or your invulnerable flag on or off",80,command_invul) ||
+		command_add("invul",NULL,0,command_invul) ||
+		command_add("hideme","[on/off] - Hide yourself from spawn lists.",80,command_hideme) ||
+		command_add("gmhideme",NULL,0,command_hideme) ||
+		command_add("emote","['name'/'world'/'zone'] [type] [message] - Send an emote message",80,command_emote) ||
+		command_add("fov","- Check wether you're behind or in your target's field of view",80,command_fov) ||
+		command_add("manastat","- Report your or your target's cur/max mana",80,command_manastat) ||
+		command_add("npcstats","- Show stats about target NPC",80,command_npcstats) ||
+		command_add("zclip","[min] [max] - modifies and resends zhdr packet",80,command_zclip) ||
+		command_add("npccast","[targetname/entityid] [spellid] - Causes NPC target to cast spellid on targetname/entityid",80,command_npccast) ||
+		command_add("zstats","- Show info about zone header",80,command_zstats) ||
+		command_add("zsave"," - Saves zheader to the database",80,command_zsave) ||
+		command_add("permaclass","[classnum] - Change your or your player target's class (target is disconnected)",80,command_permaclass) ||
+		command_add("permarace","[racenum] - Change your or your player target's race (zone to take effect)",80,command_permarace) ||
+		command_add("permagender","[gendernum] - Change your or your player target's gender (zone to take effect)",80,command_permagender) ||
+		command_add("weather","[0/1/2/3] (Off/Rain/Snow/Manual) - Change the weather",80,command_weather) ||
+		command_add("zheader","[zonename] - Load zheader for zonename from the database",80,command_zheader) ||
+		command_add("zhdr",NULL,0,command_zheader) ||
+		command_add("zsky","[skytype] - Change zone sky type",80,command_zsky) ||
+		command_add("zcolor","[red] [green] [blue] - Change sky color",80,command_zcolor) ||
+		command_add("zuwcoords","[z coord] - Set underworld coord",80,command_zuwcoords) ||
+		command_add("zsafecoords","[x] [y] [z] - Set safe coords",80,command_zsafecoords) ||
+		command_add("zunderworld","[zcoord] - Sets the underworld using zcoord",80,command_zunderworld) ||
+		command_add("spon","- Sends OP_MemorizeSpell",80,command_spon) ||
+		command_add("spoff","- Sends OP_ManaChange",80,command_spoff) ||
+		command_add("itemtest","- merth's test function",250,command_itemtest) ||
+		command_add("gassign","[id] - Assign targetted NPC to predefined wandering grid id",100,command_gassign) ||
+		command_add("setitemstatus","[itemid] [status] - Set the minimum admin status required to use itemid",100,command_setitemstatus) ||
+		command_add("ai","[factionid/spellslist/con/guard/roambox/stop/start] - Modify AI on NPC target",100,command_ai) ||
+		command_add("worldshutdown","- Shut down world and all zones",200,command_worldshutdown) ||
+		command_add("sendzonespawns","- Refresh spawn list for all clients in zone",150,command_sendzonespawns) ||
+		command_add("dbspawn2","[spawngroup] [respawn] [variance] - Spawn an NPC from a predefined row in the spawn2 table",100,command_dbspawn2) ||
+		command_add("copychar","[character name] [new character] [new account id] - Create a copy of a character",100,command_copychar) ||
+		command_add("shutdown","- Shut this zone process down",150,command_shutdown) ||
+		command_add("delacct","[accountname] - Delete an account",150,command_delacct) ||
+		command_add("setpass","[accountname] [password] - Set local password for accountname",150,command_setpass) ||
+		command_add("setlsinfo","[email] [password] - Set login server email address and password (if supported by login server)",10,command_setlsinfo) ||
+		command_add("grid","[add/delete] [grid_num] [wandertype] [pausetype] - Create/delete a wandering grid",170,command_grid) ||
+		command_add("wp","[add/delete] [grid_num] [pause] [wp_num] [-h] - Add/delete a waypoint to/from a wandering grid",170,command_wp) ||
+		command_add("wpadd","[pause] [-h] - Add your current location as a waypoint to your NPC target's AI path",170,command_wpadd) ||
+		command_add("wpinfo","- Show waypoint info about your NPC target",170,command_wpinfo) ||
+		command_add("iplookup","[charname] - Look up IP address of charname",200,command_iplookup) ||
+		command_add("size","[size] - Change size of you or your target",50,command_size) ||
+		command_add("mana","- Fill your or your target's mana",50,command_mana) ||
+		command_add("flymode","[0/1/2] - Set your or your player target's flymode to off/on/levitate",50,command_flymode) ||
+		command_add("showskills","- Show the values of your or your player target's skills",50,command_showskills) ||
+		command_add("findspell","[searchstring] - Search for a spell",50,command_findspell) ||
+		command_add("spfind",NULL,0,command_findspell) ||
+		command_add("castspell","[spellid] - Cast a spell",50,command_castspell) ||
+		command_add("cast",NULL,0,command_castspell) ||
+		command_add("setlanguage","[language ID] [value] - Set your target's language skillnum to value",50,command_setlanguage) ||
+		command_add("setskill","[skillnum] [value] - Set your target's skill skillnum to value",50,command_setskill) ||
+		command_add("setskillall","[value] - Set all of your target's skills to value",50,command_setskillall) ||
+		command_add("setallskill",NULL,0,command_setskillall) ||
+		command_add("setallskills",NULL,0,command_setskillall) ||
+		command_add("race","[racenum] - Change your or your target's race.  Use racenum 0 to return to normal",50,command_race) ||
+		command_add("gender","[0/1/2] - Change your or your target's  gender to male/female/neuter",50,command_gender) ||
+		command_add("makepet","[level] [class] [race] [texture] - Make a pet",50,command_makepet) ||
+		command_add("level","[level] - Set your or your target's level",10,command_level) ||
+		command_add("spawn","[name] [race] [level] [material] [hp] [gender] [class] [priweapon] [secweapon] [merchantid] - Spawn an NPC",10,command_spawn) ||
+		command_add("texture","[texture] [helmtexture] - Change your or your target's appearance, use 255 to show equipment",10,command_texture) ||
+		command_add("npctypespawn","[npctypeid] [factionid] - Spawn an NPC from the db",10,command_npctypespawn) ||
+		command_add("dbspawn",NULL,0,command_npctypespawn) ||
+		command_add("heal","- Completely heal your target",10,command_heal) ||
+		command_add("appearance","[type] [value] - Send an appearance packet for you or your target",150,command_appearance) ||
+		command_add("charbackup","[list/restore] - Query or restore character backups",150,command_charbackup) ||
+		command_add("nukeitem","[itemid] - Remove itemid from your player target's inventory",150,command_nukeitem) ||
+		command_add("peekinv","[worn/cursor/inv/bank/trade/trib/all] - Print out contents of your player target's inventory",100,command_peekinv) ||
+		command_add("findnpctype","[search criteria] - Search database NPC types",100,command_findnpctype) ||
+		command_add("findzone","[search criteria] - Search database zones",100,command_findzone) ||
+		command_add("fz",NULL,100,command_findzone) ||
+		command_add("viewnpctype","[npctype id] - Show info about an npctype",100,command_viewnpctype) ||
+		command_add("reloadstatic","- Reload Static Zone Data",150,command_reloadstatic) ||
+		command_add("reloadquest"," - Clear quest cache (any argument causes it to also stop all timers)",150,command_reloadqst) ||
+		command_add("reloadqst",NULL,0,command_reloadqst) ||
+		command_add("reloadpl",NULL,0,command_reloadqst) ||
+		command_add("reloadworld",NULL,0,command_reloadworld) ||
+		command_add("reloadlevelmods",NULL,0,command_reloadlevelmods) ||
+		command_add("rq",NULL,0,command_reloadqst) ||
+		command_add("reloadzonepoints","- Reload zone points from database",150,command_reloadzps) ||
+		command_add("reloadzps",NULL,0,command_reloadzps) ||
+		command_add("zoneshutdown","[shortname] - Shut down a zone server",150,command_zoneshutdown) ||
+		command_add("zonebootup","[ZoneServerID] [shortname] - Make a zone server boot a specific zone",150,command_zonebootup) ||
+		command_add("kick","[charname] - Disconnect charname",150,command_kick) ||
+		command_add("attack","[targetname] - Make your NPC target attack targetname",150,command_attack) ||
+		command_add("lock","- Lock the worldserver",150,command_lock) ||
+		command_add("unlock","- Unlock the worldserver",150,command_unlock) ||
+		command_add("motd","[new motd] - Set message of the day",150,command_motd) ||
+		command_add("listpetition","- List petitions",50,command_listpetition) ||
+		command_add("equipitem","[slotid(0-21)] - Equip the item on your cursor into the specified slot",50,command_equipitem) ||
+		command_add("zonelock","[list/lock/unlock] - Set/query lock flag for zoneservers",100,command_zonelock) ||
+		command_add("corpse","- Manipulate corpses, use with no arguments for help",50,command_corpse) ||
+		command_add("fixmob","[race|gender|texture|helm|face|hair|haircolor|beard|beardcolor|heritage|tattoo|detail] [next|prev] - Manipulate appearance of your target",80,command_fixmob) ||
+		command_add("gmspeed","[on/off] - Turn GM speed hack on/off for you or your player target",100,command_gmspeed) ||
+		command_add("title","[text] [1 = create title table row] - Set your or your player target's title",50,command_title) ||
+		command_add("titlesuffix","[text] [1 = create title table row] - Set your or your player target's title suffix",50,command_titlesuffix) ||
+		command_add("spellinfo","[spellid] - Get detailed info about a spell",10,command_spellinfo) ||
+		command_add("lastname","[new lastname] - Set your or your player target's lastname",50,command_lastname) ||
+		command_add("memspell","[slotid] [spellid] - Memorize spellid in the specified slot",50,command_memspell) ||
+		command_add("save","- Force your player or player corpse target to be saved to the database",50,command_save) ||
+		command_add("showstats","- Show details about you or your target",50,command_showstats) ||
+		command_add("mystats","- Show details about you or your pet",50,command_mystats) ||
+		command_add("myskills","- Show details about your current skill levels",0,command_myskills) ||
+		command_add("depop","- Depop your NPC target",50,command_depop) ||
+		command_add("depopzone","- Depop the zone",100,command_depopzone) ||
+		command_add("repop","[delay] - Repop the zone with optional delay",100,command_repop) ||
+		command_add("spawnstatus","- Show respawn timer status",100,command_spawnstatus) ||
+		command_add("nukebuffs","- Strip all buffs on you or your target",50,command_nukebuffs) ||
+		command_add("freeze","- Freeze your target",80,command_freeze) ||
+		command_add("unfreeze","- Unfreeze your target",80,command_unfreeze) ||
+		command_add("pvp","[on/off] - Set your or your player target's PVP status",100,command_pvp) ||
+		command_add("setxp","[value] - Set your or your player target's experience",100,command_setxp) ||
+		command_add("setpvppoints","[value] - Set your or your player target's PVP points",100,command_setpvppoints) ||
+		command_add("setexp",NULL,0,command_setxp) ||
+		command_add("setaaxp","[value] - Set your or your player target's AA experience",100,command_setaaxp) ||
+		command_add("setaaexp",NULL,0,command_setaaxp) ||
+		command_add("setaapts","[value] - Set your or your player target's available AA points",100,command_setaapts) ||
+		command_add("setaapoints",NULL,0,command_setaapts) ||
+		command_add("setcrystals","[value] - Set your or your player target's available radiant or ebon crystals",100,command_setcrystals) ||
+		command_add("name","[newname] - Rename your player target",150,command_name) ||
+		command_add("tempname","[newname] - Temporarily renames your target. Leave name blank to restore the original name.",100,command_tempname) ||
+		command_add("npcspecialattk","[flagchar] [perm] - Set NPC special attack flags.  Flags are E(nrage) F(lurry) R(ampage) S(ummon).",80,command_npcspecialattk) ||
+		command_add("npcspecialattack",NULL,0,command_npcspecialattk) ||
+		command_add("npcspecialatk",NULL,0,command_npcspecialattk) ||
+		command_add("kill","- Kill your target",100,command_kill) ||
+		command_add("haste","[percentage] - Set your haste percentage",100,command_haste) ||
+		command_add("damage","[amount] - Damage your target",100,command_damage) ||
+		command_add("zonespawn","- Not implemented",250,command_zonespawn) ||
+		command_add("npcspawn","[create/add/update/remove/delete] - Manipulate spawn DB",170,command_npcspawn) ||
+		command_add("spawnfix","- Find targeted NPC in database based on its X/Y/heading and update the database to make it spawn at your current location/heading.",170,command_spawnfix) ||
+		command_add("npcedit","[column] [value] - Mega NPC editing command",100,command_npcedit) ||
+		command_add("qglobal","[on/off/view] - Toggles qglobal functionality on an NPC",100,command_qglobal) ||
+		command_add("loc","- Print out your or your target's current location and heading",0,command_loc) ||
+		command_add("goto","[x] [y] [z] - Teleport to the provided coordinates or to your target",10,command_goto) ||
+#ifdef BUGTRACK
+		command_add("bugtrack","[bug description] - Report a bug",0,command_bug) ||
+		command_add("plugin","(sub) [args] - execute a plugin",PERL_PRIVS,command_embperl_plugin) ||
+		command_add("peval","(expression) - execute some perl",PERL_PRIVS,command_embperl_eval) ||
+		command_add("iteminfo","- Get information about the item on your cursor",10,command_iteminfo) ||
+		command_add("uptime","[zone server id] - Get uptime of worldserver, or zone server if argument provided",10,command_uptime) ||
+		command_add("flag","[status] [acctname] - Refresh your admin status, or set an account's admin status if arguments provided",0,command_flag) ||
+		command_add("guild","- Guild manipulation commands.  Use argument help for more info.",10,command_guild) ||
+		command_add("guilds",NULL,0,command_guild) ||
+		command_add("zonestatus","- Show connected zoneservers, synonymous with /servers",150,command_zonestatus) ||
+		command_add("manaburn","- Use AA Wizard class skill manaburn on target",10,command_manaburn) ||
+		command_add("viewmessage","[id] - View messages in your tell queue",100,command_viewmessage) ||
+		command_add("viewmessages",NULL,0,command_viewmessage) ||
+		command_add("doanim","[animnum] [type] - Send an EmoteAnim for you or your target",50,command_doanim) ||
+		command_add("randomfeatures","- Temporarily randomizes the Facial Features of your target",80,command_randomfeatures) ||
+		command_add("rf",NULL,80,command_randomfeatures) ||
+		command_add("face","- Change the face of your target",80,command_face) ||
+		command_add("helm","- Change the helm of your target",80,command_helm) ||
+		command_add("hair","- Change the hair style of your target",80,command_hair) ||
+		command_add("haircolor","- Change the hair color of your target",80,command_haircolor) ||
+		command_add("beard","- Change the beard of your target",80,command_beard) ||
+		command_add("beardcolor","- Change the beard color of your target",80,command_beardcolor) ||
+		command_add("heritage","- Change the heritage of your target (Drakkin Only)",80,command_heritage) ||
+		command_add("tattoo","- Change the tattoo of your target (Drakkin Only)",80,command_tattoo) ||
+		command_add("details","- Change the details of your target (Drakkin Only)",80,command_details) ||
+		command_add("scribespells","[max level] [min level] - Scribe all spells for you or your player target that are usable by them, up to level specified. (may freeze client for a few seconds)",150,command_scribespells) ||
+		command_add("unscribespells","- Clear out your or your player target's spell book.",180,command_unscribespells) ||
+		command_add("scribespell", "[spellid] - Scribe specified spell in your target's spell book.", 180, command_scribespell) ||
+		command_add("unscribespell", "[spellid] - Unscribe specified spell from your target's spell book.", 180, command_unscribespell) ||
+		command_add("interrupt","[message id] [color] - Interrupt your casting.  Arguments are optional.",50,command_interrupt) ||
+		command_add("d1","[type] [spell] [damage] - Send an OP_Action packet with the specified values",200,command_d1) ||
+		command_add("summonitem","[itemid] [charges] - Summon an item onto your cursor.  Charges are optional.",200,command_summonitem) ||
+		command_add("si",NULL,200,command_summonitem) ||
+		command_add("giveitem","[itemid] [charges] - Summon an item onto your target's cursor.  Charges are optional.",200,command_giveitem) ||
+		command_add("gi",NULL,200,command_giveitem) ||
+		command_add("givemoney","[pp] [gp] [sp] [cp] - Gives specified amount of money to the target player.",200,command_givemoney) ||
+		command_add("itemsearch","[search criteria] - Search for an item",10,command_itemsearch) ||
+		command_add("search",NULL,10,command_itemsearch) ||
+		command_add("stun","[duration] - Stuns you or your target for duration",100,command_stun) ||
+		command_add("finditem",NULL,10,command_itemsearch) ||
+		command_add("fi",NULL,10,command_itemsearch) ||
+		command_add("packetprofile","- Dump packet profile for target or self.",250,command_packetprofile) || 
+		command_add("profiledump","- Dump profiling info to logs",250,command_profiledump) || 
+		command_add("profilereset","- Reset profiling info",250,command_profilereset) || 
+		command_add("opcode","- opcode management",250,command_opcode) || 
+		command_add("logs","[status|normal|error|debug|quest|all] - Subscribe to a log type",250,command_logs) ||
+		command_add("nologs","[status|normal|error|debug|quest|all] - Unsubscribe to a log type",250,command_nologs) ||
+		command_add("datarate","[rate] - Query/set datarate",100,command_datarate) ||
+		command_add("ban","[name] - Ban by character name",150,command_ban) ||
+		command_add("suspend","[name][days] - Suspend by character name and for specificed number of days",150,command_suspend) ||
+		command_add("ipban","[IP address] - Ban IP by character name",200,command_ipban) ||
+		command_add("oocmute","[1/0] - Mutes OOC chat",200,command_oocmute) ||
+		command_add("revoke","[charname] [1/0] - Makes charname unable to talk on OOC",200,command_revoke) ||
+		command_add("checklos","- Check for line of sight to your target",50,command_checklos) ||
+		command_add("los",NULL,0,command_checklos) ||
+		command_add("setadventurepoints","- Set your or your player target's available adventure points",150,command_set_adventure_points) ||
+		command_add("npcsay","[message] - Make your NPC target say a message.",150,command_npcsay) ||
+		command_add("npcshout","[message] - Make your NPC target shout a message.",150,command_npcshout) ||
+		command_add("timers","- Display persistent timers for target",200,command_timers) ||
+		command_add("hp","- Refresh your HP bar from the server.",0,command_hp) ||
+		command_add("pf","- ",0,command_pf) ||
+		command_add("logsql","- enable SQL logging",200,command_logsql) ||
+		command_add("bestz","- Ask map for a good Z coord for your x,y coords.",0,command_bestz) ||
+		command_add("ginfo","- get group info on target.",20,command_ginfo) ||
+		command_add("fear","- view and edit fear grids and hints",200,command_fear) ||
+		command_add("path","- view and edit pathing",200,command_path) ||
+		command_add("flags","- displays the flags of you or your target",0,command_flags) ||
+		command_add("flagedit","- Edit zone flags on your target",100,command_flagedit) ||
+		command_add("mlog","- Manage log settings",250,command_mlog) ||
+		command_add("aggro","(range) [-v] - Display aggro information for all mobs 'range' distance from your target. -v is verbose faction info.",80,command_aggro) ||
+		command_add("hatelist"," - Display hate list for target.", 80,command_hatelist) ||
+		command_add("aggrozone","[aggro] - Aggro every mob in the zone with X aggro. Default is 0. Not recommend if you're not invulnerable.",100,command_aggrozone) ||
+		command_add("npcemote","[message] - Make your NPC target emote a message.",150,command_npcemote) ||
+		command_add("serverrules","- Read this server's rules",0,command_serverrules) ||
+		command_add("acceptrules","[acceptrules] - Accept the EQEmu Agreement",0,command_acceptrules) ||
+		command_add("rules","(subcommand) - Manage server rules", 250, command_rules) ||
+		command_add("task","(subcommand) - Task system commands", 150, command_task) ||
+		command_add("reloadtitles","- Reload player titles from the database", 150, command_reloadtitles) ||
+		command_add("guildcreate","[guildname] - Creates an approval setup for guild name specified",0,command_guildcreate) ||
+		command_add("guildapprove","[guildapproveid] - Approve a guild with specified ID (guild creator receives the id)",0,command_guildapprove) ||
+		command_add("guildlist","[guildapproveid] - Lists character names who have approved the guild specified by the approve id",0,command_guildlist) ||
+		command_add("altactivate", "[argument] - activates alternate advancement abilities, use altactivate help for more information", 0, command_altactivate) ||
+		command_add("refundaa", "- Refunds your target's AA points, will disconnect them in the process as well.", 100, command_refundaa) ||
+#ifdef BOTS
+		command_add("bot","- Type \"#bot help\" to the see the list of available commands for bots.", 0, command_bot) ||
+		command_add("traindisc","[level] - Trains all the disciplines usable by the target, up to level specified. (may freeze client for a few seconds)",150,command_traindisc) ||
+		command_add("setgraveyard","[zone name] - Creates a graveyard for the specified zone based on your target's LOC.", 200, command_setgraveyard) ||
+		command_add("deletegraveyard","[zone name] - Deletes the graveyard for the specified zone.", 200, command_deletegraveyard) ||
+		command_add("getplayerburriedcorpsecount","- Get the target's total number of burried player corpses.", 100, command_getplayerburriedcorpsecount) ||
+		command_add("summonburriedplayercorpse","- Summons the target's oldest burried corpse, if any exist.", 100, command_summonburriedplayercorpse) ||
+		command_add("refreshgroup","- Refreshes Group.", 0, command_refreshgroup) ||
+		command_add("advnpcspawn","[maketype|makegroup|addgroupentry|addgroupspawn][removegroupspawn|movespawn|editgroupbox|cleargroupbox]",150,command_advnpcspawn) ||
+		command_add("advnpc","analog for advnpcspawn [maketype|makegroup|addgroupentry|addgroupspawn][removegroupspawn|movespawn|editgroupbox|cleargroupbox]",150,command_advnpcspawn) ||
+		command_add("modifynpcstat","- Modifys a NPC's stats",150,command_modifynpcstat) ||
+		command_add("undyeme","- Remove dye from all of your armor slots",0,command_undyeme) ||
+		command_add("instance","- Modify Instances",200,command_instance) ||
+		command_add("setstartzone","[zoneid] - Set target's starting zone.  Set to zero to allow the player to use /setstartcity",80,command_setstartzone) || 
+		command_add("netstats","- Gets the network stats for a stream.",200,command_netstats) ||
+		command_add("object","List|Add|Edit|Move|Rotate|Copy|Save|Undo|Delete - Manipulate static and tradeskill objects within the zone",100,command_object) ||
+		command_add("raidloot","LEADER|GROUPLEADER|SELECTED|ALL - Sets your raid loot settings if you have permission to do so.",0,command_raidloot) ||
+		command_add("globalview","Lists all qglobals in cache if you were to do a quest with this target.",80,command_globalview) ||
+		command_add("emoteview","Lists all NPC Emotes",80,command_emoteview) ||
+		command_add("reloademote","Reloads NPC Emotes",80,command_reloademote) ||
+		command_add("emotesearch","Searches NPC Emotes",80,command_emotesearch) ||
+		command_add("distance","- Reports the distance between you and your target.", 80, command_distance) ||
+		command_add("cvs","- Summary of client versions currently online.", 200, command_cvs) ||
+		command_add("maxskills","Maxes skills for you.", 200, command_max_all_skills) ||
+		command_add("showbonusstats","[item|spell|all] Shows bonus stats for target from items or spells. Shows both by default.",50, command_showbonusstats) ||
+		command_add("reloadallrules","Executes a reload of all rules.",80, command_reloadallrules) ||
+		command_add("reloadrulesworld","Executes a reload of all rules in world specifically.",80, command_reloadworldrules) ||
+		command_add("camerashake", "Shakes the camera on everyone's screen globally.", 80, command_camerashake) ||
+        command_add("disarmtrap", "Analog for ldon disarm trap for the newer clients since we still don't have it working.", 0, command_disarmtrap) ||
+        command_add("sensetrap", "Analog for ldon sense trap for the newer clients since we still don't have it working.", 0, command_sensetrap) ||
+        command_add("picklock", "Analog for ldon pick lock for the newer clients since we still don't have it working.", 0, command_picklock) ||
+		command_add("mysql", "Mysql CLI, see 'help' for options.", 250, command_mysql) ||
+		command_add("xtargets", "Show your targets Extended Targets and optionally set how many xtargets they can have.", 250, command_xtargets) ||
+		command_add("printquestitems","Returns available quest items for multiquesting currently on the target npc.",200,command_printquestitems) ||
+		command_add("clearquestitems","Clears quest items for multiquesting currently on the target npc.",200,command_clearquestitems) ||
+		command_add("zopp", "Troubleshooting command - Sends a fake item packet to you. No server reference is created.", 250, command_zopp) ||
+		command_add("augmentitem", "Force augments an item. Must have the augment item window open.", 250, command_augmentitem)
+		)
+	{
+		command_deinit();
+		return -1;
+	}
+	map<string, CommandRecord *>::iterator cur,end;
+	cur = commandlist.begin();
+	end = commandlist.end();
+	map<string,uint8> command_settings;
+	map<string,uint8>::iterator itr;
+	database.GetCommandSettings(command_settings);
+	for(; cur != end; cur++) {
+		if ((itr=command_settings.find(cur->first))!=command_settings.end())
+		{
+			cur->second->access = itr->second;
+#if EQDEBUG >=5
+			LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Debug, "command_init(): - Command '%s' set to access level %d." , cur->first.c_str(), itr->second);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if(cur->second->access == 0)
+				LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Status, "command_init(): Warning: Command '%s' defaulting to access level 0!" , cur->first.c_str());
+		}
+	}
+	command_dispatch = command_realdispatch;
+	return commandcount;
\ No newline at end of file
Index: zone/command.h
--- zone/command.h	(revision 2481)
+++ zone/command.h	(working copy)
@@ -20,29 +20,14 @@
 #ifndef COMMAND_H
 #define COMMAND_H
-#include "../common/seperator.h"
-#include "../common/EQStream.h"
-#include "client.h"
+class Client;
+class Seperator;
 #define	COMMAND_CHAR	'#'
 #define CMDALIASES	5
 typedef void (*CmdFuncPtr)(Client *,const Seperator *);
-// this is a command list item
-/*struct cl_struct
-  char *command[CMDALIASES];			// the command(s)
-  char *desc;					// description of command
-  CmdFuncPtr function;				// the function to call
-  int access;					// the required 'status' level
-  struct cl_struct *next;			// linked list
-extern struct cl_struct *commandlist;		// the head of the list
 typedef struct {
 	const char *command[CMDALIASES];			// the command(s)
 	int access;
@@ -63,289 +48,5 @@
 int command_add_perl(const char *command_string, const char *desc, int access);
 void command_clear_perl();
-void command_resetaa(Client* c,const Seperator *sep);
-void command_bind(Client* c,const Seperator *sep);
-void command_sendop(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_optest(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setstat(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_incstat(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_help(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_version(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_eitem(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setfaction(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_serversidename(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_testspawnkill(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_testspawn(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_wc(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_numauths(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setanim(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_connectworldserver(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_serverinfo(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_crashtest(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_getvariable(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_chat(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_showpetspell(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_ipc(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_npcloot(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_log(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_gm(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_summon(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zone(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zone_instance(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_peqzone(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_showbuffs(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_movechar(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_viewpetition(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_petitioninfo(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_delpetition(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_listnpcs(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_date(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_timezone(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_synctod(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_invul(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_hideme(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_emote(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_fov(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_manastat(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_npcstats(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zclip(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_npccast(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zstats(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_permaclass(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_permarace(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_permagender(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_weather(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zheader(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zsky(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zcolor(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_spon(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_spoff(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_itemtest(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_gassign(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setitemstatus(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_ai(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_worldshutdown(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_sendzonespawns(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zsave(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_dbspawn2(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_copychar(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_shutdown(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_delacct(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setpass(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setlsinfo(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_grid(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_wp(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_iplookup(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_size(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_mana(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_flymode(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_showskills(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_findspell(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_castspell(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setlanguage(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setskill(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setskillall(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_race(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_gender(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_makepet(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_level(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_spawn(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_texture(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_npctypespawn(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_heal(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_appearance(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_charbackup(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_nukeitem(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_peekinv(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_findnpctype(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_findzone(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_viewnpctype(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_reloadqst(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_reloadworld(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_reloadzps(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zoneshutdown(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zonebootup(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_kick(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_attack(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_lock(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_unlock(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_motd(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_listpetition(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_equipitem(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zonelock(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_corpse(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_fixmob(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_gmspeed(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_title(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_titlesuffix(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_spellinfo(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_lastname(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_memspell(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_save(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_showstats(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_mystats(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_myskills(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_depop(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_depopzone(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_repop(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_spawnstatus(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_nukebuffs(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zuwcoords(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zunderworld(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zsafecoords(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_freeze(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_unfreeze(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_pvp(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setxp(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setpvppoints(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_name(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_tempname(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_npcspecialattk(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_kill(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_haste(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_damage(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zonespawn(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_npcspawn(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_spawnfix(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_loc(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_goto(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-#ifdef BUGTRACK
-void command_bug(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_iteminfo(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_uptime(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_flag(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_time(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_guild(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-bool helper_guild_edit(Client *c, uint32 dbid, uint32 eqid, uint8 rank, const char* what, const char* value);
-void command_zonestatus(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_manaburn(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_viewmessage(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_doanim(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_randomfeatures(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_face(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_helm(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_hair(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_haircolor(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_beard(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_beardcolor(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_tattoo(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_heritage(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_details(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_scribespells(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_unscribespells(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_wpinfo(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_wpadd(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_interrupt(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_d1(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_summonitem(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_giveitem(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_givemoney(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_itemsearch(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_datarate(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setaaxp(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setaapts(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setcrystals(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_stun(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_ban(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_suspend(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_ipban(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_oocmute(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_revoke(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_checklos(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_set_adventure_points(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_npcsay(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_npcshout(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_npcemote(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_npcedit(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_timers(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_undye(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_undyeme(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_hp(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_ginfo(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_logs(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_nologs(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_logsql(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_qglobal(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_fear(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_path(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_ginfo(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_opcode(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_aggro(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_hatelist(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_aggrozone(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_reloadstatic(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_flags(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_flagedit(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_mlog(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_serverrules(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_acceptrules(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_guildcreate(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_guildapprove(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_guildlist(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_rules(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_task(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_reloadtitles(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_altactivate(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_refundaa(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_traindisc(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_deletegraveyard(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setgraveyard(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_getplayerburriedcorpsecount(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_summonburriedplayercorpse(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_unscribespell(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_scribespell(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_refreshgroup(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_advnpcspawn(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_modifynpcstat(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_instance(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_setstartzone(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_netstats(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_object(Client* c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_raidloot(Client* c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_globalview(Client* c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_emoteview(Client* c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_reloademote(Client* c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_emotesearch(Client* c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_distance(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_cvs(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_max_all_skills(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_showbonusstats(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_reloadallrules(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_reloadworldrules(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_reloadlevelmods(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_camerashake(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_disarmtrap(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_sensetrap(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_picklock(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_qtest(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_mysql(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_xtargets(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_printquestitems(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_clearquestitems(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_zopp(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_augmentitem(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-#ifdef EMBPERL
-void command_embperl_plugin(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_embperl_eval(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_reloadpl(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_profiledump(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_profilereset(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-void command_packetprofile(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
-#ifdef BOTS
-#include "bot.h"
-void command_bot(Client*c, const Seperator *sep);
Drajor regards you indifferently -- what would you like your tombstone to say?
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