Norrath: At War
- Norrath: At War is a small project of mine that I am wanting to make public, this features the concept of armies, the Infernal and the Imperial, these armies are usually separate and against each other, however with the destruction of Norrath imminent these armies have banded together under the command of General Xan, Camtin leads the Imperial Army and his son, Vamth, leads the Infernal Army, you have the choice to join either army, but whichever army you choose is what you're stuck with, this will play in to future custom content as to what your decision will make you have to do.
- 6 Tiers of content are currently in the works, I have the idea of how I want to do these zones, but I have not out it to the test yet. Epics are acquired by reaching a specific level and having a certain amount of Alternate Advancement Points, more things will come in the future as I create them, the server is currently still in development, however I wanted to let people know of this up-and-coming project as to allow people who would like to help to do so.
- I am currently looking for 2-3 Developers and possibly a Guide or 2, if anyone is willing to help with this project, I am willing to give you a chance, as long as you have some Moderate to Advanced experience in MySQL, Perl, C++ and and a vast knowledge of the in-game Game Master commands. Thanks everyone! ~Klor the Warbringer~