This script will freeze players upon their first spawn, allowing them to read the information about the server to find the word to allow them to go forward, you can change this however you like to fit your server, I just thought it was nice to make people read the introductory information so that they know what to do.
EDIT: This goes in the templates folder in, or if you have a new revision, the global folder in
if(!defined $qglobals{FirstSpawn})
quest::setglobal("FirstSpawn", 1, 5, "F");
$client->Message(14, "The Nameless whispers to you, 'You must read all of this to unfreeze yourself, because the word to unfreeze yourself is hidden. We have a max level of 70, we are a completely custom server, custom files may be located on the site as well as possible guides or other helpful things. If you have gotten this far type #read to progress to the command to unfreeze.");
if(!defined $qglobals{Finished})
if(!defined $qglobals{Read})
$client->Message(14, "The Nameless whispers to you, 'You may now be unfrozen by typing #finished.");
quest::setglobal("Read", 1, 5, "F");
elsif(defined $qglobals{Read})
$client->Message(14, "The Nameless whispers to you, 'I hope you enjoy your stay!");
quest::setglobal("Finished", 1, 5, "F");