I got me Emu up and running, very nice work all, runs nice and with the Addons its good to see a few things and explore a few zones I had not been to before.
I did have a couple of questions.
Firstly, it seems that some zones, are not up and available, Dawnshroud Peaks comes to mind, as does Vex Thal.
Is there anyway to get these zones up and running?
My other question is about lag. Not graphical lag, it runs very smoothly.
This is the old time out kinda lag I used to get.
If I am using a song based spell that is instant, such as the monk epic, it would stop me using any other keys, such as Flying Kick, Mend, AutoAttack, I would get the message 'You cannot use this command at this time' the same as you would get if you were casting a long cast time spell and were trying any of these.
Are there any settings I can fiddle with to correct this issue?
I am running a 1.8gig Athlon XP, 330meg ram, NVdia TNT2 Ultra 32meg, on a WinXP Operating system.
The Emu once again, runs very smoothly, even whilst this time out lag is occuring (i even get disconnected a few times) Considering I am running this on my own machine, it seems a bit odd.
Any help would be appreciated.
For the way I have the Emu set up I have it set up EXACTLY as it says to do it in this guide, if it says it in this guide then that is how I have it.