I just want to thank everyone who has contributed their time to make EQemu a reality. Over the last couple of weeks I've been able to look over some of the code, some of the data and finally to bring up a server to continue the learning process.
What constantly strikes me is how much effort certain individuals and the community at large have put into this. It's truly 'for the love of the game'.
Thank you everyone who has contributed in any way to make this happen and keep it alive.
Using the setup Guide located
here, my server is 'armed and operational'.
I've downloaded the PEQ database on 3/17, according to the setup guide I should go to "...\EQ\Source\utils\sql\git" and run the required and if desired the optional updates.
Just so I understand, the peq data is a 'base' dataset and any install must run each of the required updates? Or only the updates that have a later date than date of your DB install?
The optional updates are 'alternate' rules updates?
Example, "2014_03_04_RootRule.sql" is an optional update which seems to give root a chance to break each tick. Does this mean the 'base' dataset does not have a chance to break per tick, or a different percentage?
The svn (..\EQ\Source\utils\sql\svn) xxxx_<updateName>.sql files are a larger collection. Are these already applied to recent to the 2014_03-17* version of the database or does a new server admin/dev have to go through these and decide individually what to load on their server?
There seems to be many more optional updates in the 'svn' directory vs the 'git'. None of these optional updates are applied to the 'base' peq install?
Thank you in advance for any answers/advise you care to offer.