My problem is that, although I know I verified in the beginning, now it's saying "unverified account" when I go to enter my phone number for the new SMS activation feature. I even went to check my loginserver page or even post in the forum but it's saying the same thing!
The account with this trouble is Lightwalker and the e-mail registered on it is
Please contact me at
lightwalker7@hotmail.com, though, because my e-mail died due to inactivity and I can't create a new account with the same name because Microsoft discontinued the entire @live.com domain from service.
Can you please check the IP logs of when I registered and match it with my current IP address to prove I'm the original creator of this eqemulator.org account then change my e-mail to
lightwalker7@hotmail.com and verify me? I'm sorry to bother you guys. I tell everyone they should play this game because EQ was one of the best MMORPGs of all time and still is thanks to you guys.
I want to use this SMS feature but it's doing the opposite of securing my account so far... I'm afraid if I accidentally download a keystroke watcher I'll be stuck sharing the enchanter with Kim Jong Il's son and Dennis Rodman or something...