What you could do alternatively is put the base effects on the spell itself and make it a short term buff.
Guardian's Circle gives a persistent effect of <insert 5-digit spell ID)
What I did was changed that whole line of the spell to just simply provide what the persistent effect did to the base spell to negate the persistent effect altogether since that is the function that isn't implemented.
Another example:
Champion's Aura (ID: 8468 on my server)
Line1: 351: Spawn Interactive 1,0,0
Champion's Aura Effect (ID: 8569 on my server)
Line11: 200: Proc Chance 2,0,0
Line12: 1: AC 300,0,0
What I did was remove the line1 altogether from Champion's Aura, and replaced it with the info from Champion's Aura Effect so as to complete negate the "Spawn Interactive" bit of the spell, and have the aura itself simply provide a groupv2 buff with minimal duration.
So now Champion's Aura looks like this:
Champion's Aura (846
Line11: 200 Proc Chance 2,0,0
Line12: 1 AC: 300,0,0
You will also need to change the target type to either group v1 or group v2 depending on how you want the spell set up. In my case I made them short-term V2 buffs which, by default, go to the short-buff box.
TL;DR - Make the spell give the effects instead of spawning an interactive pet that doesn't exist, or a persistent effect that does not work appropriately yet.
Post Script: You will run into "Persistent Effect" and "Spawn Interactive" both of which you can handle this way.