New GM command #tune
I implemented a rather extensive new GM command to help developers better 'tune' NPC/Client combat statistics for those hard to determine values AC/ATK and Avoidance/Accuracy.
Usage is simple.
You want to know how much ATK STAT to add to NPC_ATTACKER to have it's melee damage be mitigated on average by 20 percent on CLIENT_DEFENDER.
You target NPC in question with your GM (Which will be calculated as DEFENDER) and use...
#tune FindATK A 20
It will return to you the recommended new ATK stat to set on that NPC.
You can set the message information level to give more detailed information as well about the calculations used.
See the information below for more details.
-- Tune System Commands --"
-- Usage: Returning recommended combat statistical values based on a desired outcome.
-- Note: If targeted mob does not have a target (ie not engaged in combat, YOU will be considered the target.
-- Warning: The calculations done in this process are intense and can potentially cause zone crashes depending on parameters set, use with caution!
-- Below are OPTIONAL parameters.
-- Note: [interval] Determines how fast the stat being checked increases/decreases till it finds the best result. Default [ATK/AC 50][Acc/Avoid 10]
-- Note: [loop_max] Determines how many iterations are done to increases/decreases the stat till it finds the best result. Default [ATK/AC 100][Acc/Avoid 1000]
-- Note: [Stat Override] Will override that stat on mob being checkd with the specified value. Default=0
-- Note: [Info Level] How much statistical detail is displayed[0 - 3]. Default=0
-- Note: Results are only approximations usually accurate to +/- 2 intervals.
...### Category A ### Target = ATTACKER ### YOU or Target's Target = DEFENDER ###
...### Category B ### Target = DEFENDER ### YOU or Target's Target = ATTACKER ###
...#Returns recommended ATK adjustment +/- on ATTACKER that will result in an average mitigation pct on DEFENDER.
...tune FindATK [A/B] [pct mitigation] [interval][loop_max][AC Overwride][Info Level]
...#Returns recommended AC adjustment +/- on DEFENDER for an average mitigation pct from ATTACKER.
...tune FindAC [A/B] [pct mitigation] [interval][loop_max][ATK Overwride][Info Level]
...#Returns recommended Accuracy adjustment +/- on ATTACKER that will result in a hit chance pct on DEFENDER.
...tune FindAccuracy [A/B] [hit chance] [interval][loop_max][Avoidance Overwride][Info Level]
...#Returns recommended Avoidance adjustment +/- on DEFENDER for in a hit chance pct from ATTACKER.
...tune FindAvoidance [A/B] [pct mitigation] [interval][loop_max][Accuracy Overwride][Info Level]
If anyone has any questions or suggestions feel free. Messing with it in game is probably the best way to learn it.
GM Storm Haven