Have you opened the ports on the firewall on the netbook?
Post the contents of eqemu_config.xml. You probably need to edit these lines:-
<!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to. (read: You don't) -->
<!-- <address>some.server.com</address> -->
<!-- <localaddress></localaddress> -->
Let's pretend the netbook has an IP of, change it to
<!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to. (read: sometimes you should) -->
Note that I removed some of these:- <!- and -> (they are "comments"). Also, please ensure that your netbook has been set to always receive the same IP address from your router, otherwise the config is meaningless.
If you have something like "" or "localhost" in there (or they are just commented out), after you log in you will be redirected to the machine you are connecting from (since all machines are
Alternatively if there's just you playing, host it all on the desktop PC, unless you happen to be 32-boxing or something.