It's only going to load in a zone that references it in ZoneNick_chr.txt, unless you add it to your GlobalLoad.
By default, 660 is available in:
* Zone # 704 - The Library (thulelibrary), Imported
* Zone # 706 - Erudin Burning (fallen), Imported
* Zone # 708 - Sanctum Somnium (somnium), Imported
* Zone # 709 - Al'Kabor's Nightmare (alkabormare), Imported
* Zone # 713 - Miragul's Phylactery (phylactery), Imported
* Zone # 733 - Sepulcher of Order (sepulcher), Imported
* Zone # 734 - Sepulcher East (eastsepulcher), Imported
* Zone # 735 - Sepulcher West (westsepulcher), Imported
* Zone # 755 - East Wastes: Zeixshi-Kar's Awakening (eastwastesshard), Imported
Looks like it has a model for Neuter gender only, and has 3 texture options.