So I took a look at this again today and I think I was right above, but for the wrong reason.
I looked into bit shifting a bit more and realized I was calculating it wrong above (though still coming up with kinda the right answer). I think my logic needs to look at what possibilities should evaluate true. I'm going to do a bit of rambling just to get thoughts down into the thread. Feel free to pick any of it apart.
Earlier, AdrianD posted the expansion value chart:
Expansion Value All Expansions
0 Original0 Original
1 Kunark 1 Kunark
2 Velious 3 Velious
4 Luclin 7 Luclin
8 PoP 15 PoP
16 Ykesha 31 Ykesha
32 LDoN 63 LDoN
64 GoD 127 GoD
128 OoW 255 OoW
256 DoN 511 DoN
512 DoD 1023 DoD
1024 PoR 2047 PoR
2048 TSS 4095 TSS
4096 TBS 8191 TBS
8192 SoF 16383 SoF
16384 SoD 32767 SoD
32768 UF 65535 UF
65536 HoT 131071 HoT
131072 VoA 262143 VoA
262144 RoF 524287 RoF
524288 CoF 1048575 CoF
1048576 tDS 2097151 tDS
If we convert that to the bitmask values, we get (inclusively, it would be all bits after the initial 1 also being 1 instead of 0, but that wouldn't really change anything):
SoL - 00000100
PoP - 00001000
LoY - 00010000
LDoN - 00100000
GoD - 01000000
Now, if we look at bitshifted values of expansions from the AA table (results after the "1 << rank->expansion" calculation), we have:
SoL - 00001000
PoP - 00010000
LoY - 00100000
LDoN - 01000000
GoD - 10000000
So in the code now, isn't it comparing SoL (0100, or inclusively 0111) to the bitshifted AA expansion variable for SoL (1000)? If so, then wouldn't this always evaluate false, making the code correction posted earlier correct?
if(!(CastToClient()->GetPP().expansions & (1 << (rank->expansion - 1)))) {
Again, I'd kind of like a dev (or anyone who knows this code, C++, bitmasks, bitshifting, etc better than I do) to take a peek and let me know if I'm insane or not.