Npcs with SoW continue moving after being snared until dead. They do not stop moving at a lower % compared to not SoW'd.
This thread discussed a similar issue. I don't have this problem but, maybe there is a relation. (runspeed changes)
* my source has updates relating to issue in thread below
Curious to know if this issue is exclusive to me or if certain things aren't implemented and what I can do about it.
Old, old info...
Relevant part:
Movement speed debuffs ("snare" and the like) don't change the fact that a mob will continue fleeing. Mobs (are supposed to) gradually run slower and slower after they get below 20 percent. When they get to within a sliver of their life, they will be running at approx. 40 percent of their normal run speed. If the mob has SoW or another run speed buff, this can offset his running slowly from being wounded, and the flip side is a snare slows him down even more. So yes, that means that if there's a snarer in the group, by the time the mob hits about 10% health, his speed's gone down to 0 and he's just letting the group get free hits on him.