nteger / World / PVPSettings questions
hello i have my serve setup and running i have EoC working i like to make it pvp team 2 = Tallon/Vallon Zek Ruleset,
nteger / World / PVPSettings ( 2 ) Sets the PVP settings for the server,
1 = Rallos Zek RuleSet,
2 = Tallon/Vallon Zek Ruleset,
4 = Sullon Zek Ruleset,
6 = Discord Ruleset, anything above 6 is the Discord Ruleset without the no-drop restrictions removed. TODO: Edit IsAttackAllowed in Zone to accomodate for these rules.
but its not working i have been googling it but all i get is to go to nteger / World / PVPSettings
is there somewhere else like to set level and loot and to fix some other setting like level ranges for pvp and so on
i follow one link that hinted to rule_values if so can someone tell me what i'm looking for in the table
need some help
thank you