This one works with current server builds. The previous one was from a long time ago and did not work. I've changed the size scaling to use an existing plugin and removed all debug messages. Rats will now assist as originally intended (I'd never gotten that far before). Comments added so you can more easily see what is going on.
my %instance = ();
sub AI_YellForHelp
# signal will be used as a fixed-length, delimited string
# [key below]
# 911 = HALP
# 0 = delimeter
# 0-2 = "gender" variation of rat in distress
# 0 = delimeter
# *** = number of rat in distress (end of name)
my $npc_num = substr($npc->GetName(), -3);
my $signal = scalar 911 . scalar 0
. scalar $instance{$npc_num} . scalar 0
. scalar $npc_num;
# tell every rat which variant is requesting help
quest::signalwith(189453, $signal);
sub AI_Assist
my $tar = shift;
# rat to assist
$rat = $entity_list->GetMob("a_cave_rat$tar");
# troubled rat's enemies
my @enemies = $rat->GetHateList();
# copied (slightly altered) most of this from the following post
foreach $entry (@enemies)
my $ent = $entry->GetEnt();
my $dmg = $entry->GetDamage();
my $amt = $entry->GetHate();
next if (!$ent);
if($npc->CheckAggro($ent)) {
$npc->SetHate($ent, $tot, $dmg);
else {
$npc->AddToHateList($ent, $tot, $dmg, 0, 0, 0);
# ========================
# ===== START EVENTS =====
# ========================
# delete instance data
my $npc_num = substr($npc->GetName(),-3);
# randomly assign a "gender" variation
# 0 = female
# 1 = male
# 2 = adolescent
my $variant = int(rand(3));
my $npc_num = substr($npc->GetName(),-3);
# store variant info
$instance{$npc_num} = $variant;
# randomly resize to 75% - 125% of original
my $SizeVariation = sub {
$_[0]->GetSize() * ( .01 * plugin::RandomRange($_[1], $_[2]) )
$npc->ChangeSize( $SizeVariation->($npc, 75, 125) );
# set initial health trigger
# flavor, because why not?
$client->Message(7, "You have a strange feeling this might not end well...");
# 25% chance to request assistance @ 50% health
if ($hpevent == 50 && int rand 101 > 24)
quest::emote("lets out a squeak so piercing your hair stands on end!");
# NOTE: $npc in here is ALWAYS the rat recieving the signal
my $strSignal = scalar $signal;
# signal sanity check
if (length $strSignal == 9 && substr($strSignal, 0, 3) == 911)
# other rat (in distress)
my $otherType = int(substr($strSignal, 4, 1));
my $otherNumber = substr($strSignal, 6, 3);
# this rat (potential add)
my $myNumber = substr($npc->GetName(),-3);
my $myType = $instance{$myNumber};
# we are engaged and unable to assist
if ($npc->IsEngaged()) { return; }
# TO DO: implement a range/LOS check here #
# we got a request for help from variant 0 (female)
if ($otherType == 0 && $myType == 1)
# 75% chance for a male to assist
if (int rand 101 > 74) { AI_Assist($otherNumber); }
# we got a request for help from variant 1 (male)
elsif ($otherType == 1 && $myType == 1)
# 50% chance to for a male to assist
if (int rand 101 > 49) { AI_Assist($otherNumber); }
# we got a request for help from variant 2 (adolescent)
elsif ($otherType == 2)
if ($myType == 0)
# 100% chance for a female to assist
elsif ($myType == 2)
# 25% chance for an adolescent to assist
if (int rand 101 > 74) { AI_Assist($otherNumber); }
# ======================
# ===== END EVENTS =====
# ======================
# END OF FILE -- ZONE: tutorialb (415) -- ID: 189453 -- a_cave_rat