Originally Posted by Akkadius
Run the script command, answer the questions (Fill in usernames and passwords) then the installer literally takes care of the rest, its bloody simple.
I had to do a lot more than that, well, maybe not a lot more...
For example:
eqemu_config.json changes
"loginserver2" : {
"account" : "<super_secret_admin_account_name>",
"host" : "<ip_host_here>",
"password" : "<super_secret_admin_account_password>",
"port" : "5998"
"longname" : "<change_me>",
"shortname" : "<change_me_too>",
>$ mysql -u <db_admin_name> -p
MariaDB [db_admin_name]> use eqemu;
MariaDB [db_admin_name]> show tables;
MariaDB [db_admin_name]> SELECT * FROM loginserver_server_admin_registration;
MariaDB [db_admin_name]> DELETE FROM loginserver_server_admin_registration WHERE ServerAdminID = 1;
MariaDB [db_admin_name]> INSERT INTO loginserver_server_admin_registration (ServerAdminID, AccountName, AccountPassword, FirstName, LastName, Email, RegistrationDate, RegistrationIPAddr)
VALUES ('2', '<account_name_you_want>', sha('<password>'), '<first_name>', '<last_name>', '<email_addr>', '2018-05-10 08:29:00', '');
Then, I was able to get my server to work. I removed the default account because I didn't want a security hole in my EQEmu server, giving the default person admin access.
Without creating that admin account and then adding it to the eqemu_config.json, I was not able to get my server to show up on the client server list.