There are multiple rules for more flexibility.
World:MaxClientsPerIP - Maximum number of clients allowed to connect per IP address if account status is < AddMaxClientsStatus. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:ExemptMaxClientsStatus - Exempt accounts from the MaxClientsPerIP and AddMaxClientsStatus rules:if their status is >= this value. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:AddMaxClientsPerIP - Maximum number of clients allowed to connect per IP address if account status is < ExemptMaxClientsStatus. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:AddMaxClientsStatus - Accounts with status >= this rule will be allowed to use the amount of accounts defined in the AddMaxClientsPerIP. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:AccountSessionLimit - Max number of characters allowed on at once from a single account (-1 is disabled)
World:ExemptAccountLimitStatus - Min status required to be exempt from multi-session per account limiting (-1 is disabled)
Basically, AddMaxClientsPerIP is for if you want to increase the max clients that some of your accounts have, but still not give them unlimited access. So, you can set MaxClientsPerIP to 2 and then AddMaxClientsPerIP to 4 and normal accounts would only be able to connect with 2 from a single IP, but any accounts with status higher than what AddMaxClientsStatus is set to will be able to use 4 at once.
I use this for my contributors and it works nice. Basically, normal players can play 3 per household, but if people contribute 20$, I will flag 4 of their accounts as status 2, which bumps them up to being able to have 4 per IP.